Round up of reactions to the same-sex marriage verdict

Madison Johnson says that no Republican presidential candidate has praised the decision. No surprise there.

Lauren Markoe looks at the response of religious leaders and organization.

Peter Montgomery looks more specifically at what the religious right is saying and it is largely in apocalyptic terms, “a spiritual 9/11”.

Tierney Sneed says that some opponents are outlining what they plan to do. They say that the Supreme Court does not have the last word and that they will try and nullify the effects of the ruling in various ways such as getting the states to ignore the ruling. Good luck with that.

Evan Hurst is really enjoying the tears of same-sex marriage opponents.

Meanwhile, The Thinking Housewife is very upset that “nine exalted nincompoops” have ruled to approve same-sex marriage, setting the country on the path to a “previously unimaginable chaos”.

The negative reaction to the verdict by some and their highly upset statements reminds me of this old clip from A Bit of Fry and Laurie.


  1. Trebuchet says

    Tierney Sneed says that some opponents are outlining what they plan to do. They say that the Supreme Court does not have the last word and that they will try and nullify the effects of the ruling in various ways such as getting the states to ignore the ruling. Good luck with that.

    I wish I shared your confidence. The same folks in the same states have been pretty successful getting around legal abortion.

  2. says

    Meanwhile, The Thinking Housewife is very upset that “nine exalted nincompoops” have ruled to approve same-sex marriage, setting the country on the path to a “previously unimaginable chaos”.

    What a nincompoop: 5 out of 9 exalted nincompoops ruled. Not 9.
    Math!! How does it WORK!111?!!

  3. Chiroptera says

    Tierney Sneed says that some opponents are outlining what they plan to do. They say that the Supreme Court does not have the last word and that they will try and nullify the effects of the ruling in various ways such as getting the states to ignore the ruling. Good luck with that.

    I agree: good luck with that. Racists couldn’t even keep their states from designating Martin Luther King Day as a state holiday. Gay marriage is supported by a majority of the population now, and a well publicized campaign to keep the tourist dollars out will have a really big effect

  4. anat says

    Of the Republican candidates quoted, I think Jeb Bush comes across as the least negative.

  5. culuriel says

    I made the mistake of perusing The “Thinking” Housewife some more, and followed the link on divorce. Turns out, Pope Francis declared that abused spouses may leave a marriages, which freaked out some other linked blogger. This other blogger noted that his wife grouses about him all the time, but doesn’t leave because she’s “strong”. As if it’s “strength” that keeps someone in an abusive relationship, and not intimidation, force, and control by the abuser. RW Christianity just seems to be a movement based on people who want to cry persecution at any disappointment ever, while never acknowledging that other people have real problems.

  6. howardhershey says

    What are these nullification plans that the opponents of gay marriage propose? Do they plan to declare all civil marriage laws to instead be “civil union laws” and only state-certified ministers can perform “religious marriages”? That last part won’t pass constitutional muster (especially in states with RFRA laws allowing shopkeepers to discriminate against gay weddings; all would prevent state-certification of ministers based on their religious beliefs). Perhaps they plan on requiring a three-day waiting period, that those that perform marriage be approved by the local Baptist Church, and that weddings only be performed in a Baptist Church, plus anal probes and ultrasounds? But they would also have to do that for heterosexual weddings too. Perhaps having a group of good Christians ready to wear robes and burn crosses when and where gay partners live or burn churches where gay weddings are held? Public stoning? The only thing that they can do is continue to refuse to add ‘sexual orientation’ as a class and hope that employers will fire (or kick out of their apartment) anyone with temerity to be “married while gay” or just plain “gay”.

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