The Republican party might as well call itself Likud

The Israel lobby has exerted such a powerful influence on politicians in the US and the media, especially among Republicans, that this piece of news, which should be shocking, has not created much fuss.

Republicans by a ratio of more than 2-to-1 say the U.S. should support Israel even when its stances diverge with American interests, a new Bloomberg Politics poll finds. Democrats, by roughly the same ratio, say the opposite is true and that the U.S. must pursue its own interests over Israel’s.

Further illustrating how sharply partisan the debate has become, Republicans say they feel more sympathetic to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu than to their own president, 67 percent to 16 percent, while Democrats are more sympathetic to President Barack Obama than to Israel’s prime minister, 76 percent to 9 percent.

Got that? They think that the US should support Israel even when its own interests are harmed by such support.

We already knew that the Republican party in Congress viewed Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as their leader. But the huge margin in his favor by ordinary Republicans should come as a shock.

So basically we now have two parties in the US, the Democrats and Likud.


  1. says

    I really hope their current strategy backfires. The republicans have opened the door to get hammered on defense and national security issues -- they’re clearly not concerned with US interests at all.

    I enjoyed the Iranian reaction recently: “we do not negotiate with political factions within other nations.” Boom.

  2. says

    I don’t know if you’ve read the piece about it at the Intercept, but they chalk it up largely to evangelicalism.

    Of course, Republicans don’t have the most basic knowledge of or concern about what our interests are as people, anyway, so they’d be hard pressed even to discern what’s contrary to them. Pretty much every policy they promote is contrary to our interests.

  3. moarscienceplz says

    That poll is really something. Dumbya Bush has a 46% favorable/46% unfavorable rating across the spectrum. How he can get a favorable rating from anyone not named Bush or Cheney is incomprehensible to me. But there’s good news too. The Reblican Party is 38% favorable/53% unfavorable, while the Democratic Party is 48% favorable/44% unfavorable. If the Dems could stop brown-nosing rich bankers and Wall Streeters they could do a lot better, I’d bet.

  4. doublereed says

    @3 moarscienceplz

    If it makes you feel better, they lost a lot wall street money after Dodd-Frank pissed them off.

  5. filethirteen says

    So basically we now have two parties in the US, the Democrats and Likud.

    Isn’t it misleading to classify this along party lines? The quote says that 1/3 of Democrats are pro-Israel and 1/3 of Republicans aren’t, a significant fraction in both cases.

  6. busterggi says

    I’d welcome our new Hebrew overlords but they’ve been in control of US policy since before I was born & I turned 60 last year.

  7. says

    Further to my point above:

    Isabelle Kumar: “Just one more question on this issue and it’s via social media, from Morten A. Andersen. He asks, “Do you believe that the US would ever strike a deal that would be dangerous to Israel in the first place?”

    Noam Chomsky: “The United States is carrying out constant actions which are dangerous to Israel, very seriously. Namely supporting Israeli policy. For the last 40 years the greatest threat to Israel has been its own policies. If you look back 40 years, say to 1970, Israel was one of the most respected and admired countries in the world. There were lots of favorable attitudes to it. Now, it’s one of the most disliked and feared countries in the world. In the early 70s Israel made a decision. They had a choice and they made a decision to prefer expansion to security and that carries with it dangerous consequences. Consequences which were obvious at the time – I wrote about them and other people did – if you prefer expansion to security it is going to lead to internal degeneration, anger, opposition, isolation and possibly ultimate destruction. And by supporting those policies, the United States is contributing to the threats that Israel faces.”

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