Stay classy, Bryan

Bryan Fischer is a well-known evangelical leader and Director of Issues Analysis of the American Family Association who also has a radio show. He has the usual reactionary beliefs of his group, such as that men should rule over women in households and that the recent rise in the number of households in which women are the primary breadwinners was a bad thing.

But he outdid himself when made the following comment about the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay members.

“We might as well rename this organization,” Fischer said on his radio show. “BSA no longer stands for the Boy Scouts of America. It now stands for the Boy Sodomizers of America.”

I don’t expect much from people like Fischer. But I do know evangelical people and though I have not specifically asked them about this, I cannot imagine that they would not be repulsed by such a disgusting comment. It reveals a gutter mentality and really boggles the mind to think that someone could stoop so low.

But hard as it is to believe, such views must be congenial to sufficient numbers of people since he retains his position of prominence in evangelical circles.


  1. Loqi says

    Pissing off Bryan Fischer should be worth a merit badge. I’d certainly be proud of myself if I got under his skin enough for him to single me out and try to demonize me.

  2. slc1 says

    We might as well rename this organization,” Fischer said on his radio show. “BSA no longer stands for the Boy Scouts of America. It now stands for the Boy Sodomizers of America.

    Seems to me to be a more accurate description of the Raping Children Church.

  3. MNb says

    “hard as it is to believe”
    No, as a cynical Dutchman I don’t find this hard to believe at all. To please dead Jesus everything is allowed.

  4. says

    To understand the wingnuttiest wingnuts, I usually assume the wingnut is incapable of grasping the concept that other people might not be exactly the same as them.

    I’m not going to use the odious and tired insinuation that he’s closeted, but I do wonder if he’s just judging homosexuals on behavior he would exhibit if he was given access to minors of the gender he finds attractive.

  5. Acolyte of Sagan says

    He sounds to me like an evangelical ‘shock jock’, saying exactly what his audience want to hear in order to keep those holy dollars rolling in.

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