What was that outfit?

Bachmann.jpgI usually avoid commenting on the looks, clothing, and general appearance of politicians but I must say that I was startled to see photos this morning of Michele Bachmann’s outfit at yesterday’s debate. What with the gold buttons, Nehru jacket collar, and epaulets, she looked like she was auditioning to be the commander of the spaceship in the next film in the Star Trek series.

I am curious if people who are knowledgeable about such matters think it was a good choice for a presidential debate.


  1. P Smith says

    Star Trek? Nah.

    I was thinking Adam Ant: All image and no substance. It describes her perfectly.

    “I’m the dandy highwayman who you’re too scared to mention
    I spend my cash on looking flash and grabbing your attention
    Stand and deliver your money or your life
    Try and use a mirror no bullet or a knife

    I’m the dandy highwayman so sick of easy fashion
    The clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing”

    The rest of the lyrics can be found with the song on Youtube.


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