Mary’s Monday Metazoan: It’s escaped from his head!

It’s called a Black-Waved Flannel, but none of us are fooled. We know where that came from.

It’s probably finished consuming its brain meal and is looking for a new host.


  1. Snarki, child of Loki says

    “It’s probably finished consuming its brain meal and is looking for a new host.”

    I expect it to flip over and die of malnutrition very quickly. Not much to eat, and highly toxic also, too. Sad!

  2. blf says

    I expect it to flip over and die of malnutrition very quickly. Not much to eat, and highly toxic also, too.

    Or explode from its meal of vastly inflated ego and pomposity.

  3. blf says

    A baby tribble.

    From the link in the OP, not-so-much:

    The Black-waved looks cute and cuddly […] but hidden beneath its plush exterior is an armament of sharp stinging spines that are considered to give one of the most intense stings of any North American caterpillar! This is one species that we definitely do not recommend being too careless around […]

    Like the the braineaten one, it’s toxic.

  4. wzrd1 says

    Kay: Imagine a giant caterpillar, with unlimited strength, a massive inferiority complex, and a real short temper, is tear-assing around Manhattan Island in a brand-new Donald suit. That sound like fun?

  5. Rich Woods says

    Awwwwww, lookie here. A baby tribble.

    Two baby tribbles…four baby tribbles…

    Quick! Take off and nuke it from orbit!

  6. Gregory Greenwood says

    To be fair, maybe it isn’t Trump’s hair that is the malefactor here. Maybe it has finally decided to up sticks and get a divorce from the Donald, because even if you look like a dead rodent, you can still have standards, and there is only so much fear mongering bigotry any self respecting hairpiece can be party to…