We can only hope it’s the beginning of the end for Breitbart



Wingnuts are freakin’ hysterical. Guess what triggered this meltdown at Breitbart?

Twitter.com decided to take a little blue check mark off of Milo Yiannopoulos’s account. Really. That’s it. That’s the entire catastrophe that has convinced the blinkered writers at the far right wing gossip mill that War Has Been Declared and culturally authoritarian social justice warriors have taken over and are initiating a new era of authoritarian tyranny. Yiannopoulos received this nuclear mortar shell of a message.


We SJW’s are getting constantly accused of hypersensitivity and over-reaction and unjustified outrage by these wankers, yet this is how they react to the most trivial slights to their privilege.

Perhaps the most offensive side of this silly escapade is that the wingnuts created a hashtag, #jesuismilo, in support of the Breitbart twit. As in “Je suis Charlie Hebdo“, which was made in response to writers being fucking murdered.

Being murdered.

Getting a little blue check mark taken off your Twitter profile is just like getting murdered to these special little flowers.


  1. says

    It’s surprising Breitbart hasn’t had some sort of blowup by now. I can only imagine the egos that are floating around that place, all of them figuring they’re the true heir to the namesake.

    It’s also surprising someone hasn’t tried to launch a conservative Twitter doppleganger. They’d call it Rooster, or Crow, or some other bird name.

  2. illdoittomorrow says

    I read the hashtag as jesusmilo- implying that poor hard-done-by and oppressed Milo thought he was Jesus. In a way it makes a lot more sense that way.

    We SJW’s are getting constantly accused of hypersensitivity and over-reaction and unjustified outrage by these wankers, yet this is how they react to the most trivial slights to their privilege.

    That’s not privilege! That’s honour! That’s his birthright as a pale male!! As I’m sure he’d be happy to explain to anyone within earshot. Or out of it, for that matter.

  3. DBP says

    I actually like the idea of a conservative twitter. Could be hours and hours of “fun”, a la conservapedia.
    For a while, I toyed with the idea of opening an MRA merch website (tacky shirts and mugs etc) and secretly donating most of the profits to Planned Parenthood, but I’m too lazy for that much effort and probably don’t have the skills to manage it.

    With the conservative twitter thing, imagine a group of liberals being in charge of it. They could probably influence conservative politics quite a bit, gently push for more infighting and feature tweets that snipe at other conservatives. Also, the name couldn’t be as clever as Crow or Rooster, it would have to be Conservatweets or something equally tacky. Remember Reaganbook anyone?

  4. fmitchell says

    About the only effect of losing the check mark is that nobody can tell Milo’s real account from a parody any more.

    I’m not making this up.

    In other words, it’s less than a slap on the wrist.

  5. Athywren - This Thing Is Just A Thing says

    Wait, what? Having the little blue ticky mark doesn’t give you an exemption from the rules of twitter? Egads! This is an outrage!! My whole life has been a lie! Nothing is true! The world got flipped, turned upside down, and I’d like to take a minute – just sit right there – I’ll tell you how……. wait, no, my train of thought has obviously derailed quite badly… never mind.

  6. bargearse says

    Milo’s using his platform as Breitbart’s tech editor to wage a personal war with twitter? I’m sure someone from gamergate will get right onto this potential violation of journalistic ethics.

  7. tccc says

    It doesn’t make sense to me they would remove the verification check mark. But there is not really enough information to know why (I don’t visit breitbart).

    Unless for some reason they think it is not really him the check mark should remain. If he is violating the twitter ToS then just suspend his account according to their typical rules.

    But why he would no longer be ‘verified’ is not clear.

  8. says

    #JeSuisMilo @Nero You know what? Every feminist should admit one thing: They are crazy about you. And you are unattainable. That hurts them.

    This is about the only supporting Milo tweet I could copy here without running afoul of the filters. It’s also one of the longest, with full sentences. It also made me laugh, because really, all women are just crazy lusting after Milo, the man proud of being unable to think at all? I don’t think so.

  9. says

    Katz at We Hunted the Mammoth cleared up the verification thing (at least for me):

    Twitter says it verifies “highly sought users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business and other key interest areas,” so verification is to some degree an endorsement by Twitter that you’re a possibly interesting person.

  10. laurentweppe says

    Perhaps the most offensive side of this silly escapade is that the wingnuts created a hashtag, #jesuismilo, in support of the Breitbart twit. As in “Je suis Charlie Hebdo“, which was made in response to writers being fucking murdered.

    Ha bah, ça, je suis certainement pas Milo: que ce petit branleur inepte et imbu de sa personne aille se faire foutre.

  11. Lofty says

    So it’s a sign of a twitter twit becoming even less interesting? Good, I shall ignore him even harder.

  12. says


    Aside from … they too mah bloo merk! Assault! I think it means that some sort of filtering can’t be avoided by having this Mark of Validity. IOW, his freeze peach is censored because now it can’t get past the fingers some people have chosen to put in their TwitEars. I don’t know how that works, that’s just what i heard.

    (Also, you are awesome on FB. Makes my experience of the platform, and myself, a little better by seeing your posts.)

    And this:

    Do verified accounts have access to extra features?

    Yes, verified account holders have access to the following extra features:

    Verified account holders have access to filters in the Notifications page that let them display their Notifications via one of three options: All (default), Mentions and Verified.
    Visitors to verified account profile pages can select between two timeline options: No replies or All. No replies, which is the default setting, displays Tweets that are not direct @ replies to fans or followers. All displays every Tweet, including @ replies.
    Verified account holders have access to account analytics, including data and characteristics about Tweet engagement and followers.
    Verified account holders can elect to opt out of Group Direct Messages via the Security and Privacy settings page on Twitter.com.


    Because he harasses people.

  13. Dunc says

    It’s also surprising someone hasn’t tried to launch a conservative Twitter doppleganger.

    They have – it’s called “Twitchy”, and it was launched by Michelle Malkin in 2012.

  14. Alteredstory says

    Nothing ever dies on the internet. At most, they’ll roll a little further down the WND rabbit hole, and continue being used as a source by misguided fools/elected officials, just like both sites are today.

  15. komarov says

    This must be a stroke of luck for them, really. Usually the crowd of gamergaters and like-minded folks* have to look for a target for one of their imagined controversies. This time it was home-delivered. Better yet, they get to play the victim, which is of course only shameful when their enemies do it (although that doesn’t involve ‘playing’ the victim at all).

    It’s just a shame their cornucopia irae is still aimed at real people people. This would be the one time they could safely focus their anger on some twitter bot, but no, if you can’t be horrible to real people then what’s the point in being horrible at all?

    *Is there any collective term for these people? I mean gamergaters, MRAs, red-pillers and so forth, since there’s a lot of overlap. I’m looking for something you could potentially use in polite company** and ‘assholes’ is too generic anyway, if only slightly.

    **In an imagined world where these characters are actually suited for discussion in polite company.

  16. birgerjohansson says

    Caine, thank you, I have added the link to my favourites.

    “Is there any collective term for these people? 2
    I would once again suggest the code phrase “frigate birds” for them. They systematically induce vomiting.
    And they crap all over.

    We have them in Sweden too, but they have no following in any major political party except the Xenophobia Party (aka Sverigedemokraterna).
    Thank dog. Not for SD, but for their relative marginalization.

  17. Becca Stareyes says

    Caine @ 14,

    I read that as ” Feminists have to admit that [Conservatives/MRAs] are crazy about feminists. But they can’t have feminists. And that hurts them.” Which cracks me up.

  18. birgerjohansson says

    Maybe new definition -MRA = male redundant assholes?
    Multiple rampant aggro?
    Mustelid roaming aimlessly? No, on second thought, I should not compare them with badgers. Badgers are pretty cool.

  19. MJP says

    komarov @25

    Is there any collective term for these people? I mean gamergaters, MRAs, red-pillers and so forth, since there’s a lot of overlap.

    I call them the man klan.

  20. rrhain says

    Indeed, he’s a putz, but there is a basic customer service issue here: Explanation for the actions taken by Twitter.

    They are free to do whatever they want for whatever reason they want. It’s their service, we aren’t paying for it, and thus they are god. But Twitter is being just as much of a putz for not explaining what violations he did that made them revoke his verified status. Especially when they say that continued violations will result in him losing his account.

  21. says

    rrhain @ 31:

    But Twitter is being just as much of a putz for not explaining what violations he did that made them revoke his verified status. Especially when they say that continued violations will result in him losing his account.

    I’m pretty sure Twitter would have followed standard protocol and informed and explained the violations to Yiannopoulos, the account holder. Twitter isn’t obligated to explain all that to anyone else, if that was what you were getting at. I have no trouble believing that Yiannopoulos is withholding pertinent info from his fans, because shit stirring is fun, yeah? :eyeroll:

  22. rrhain says

    Caine @32: Well, I have had enough experience with large corporations to be unsure who exactly isn’t being forthcoming (and it’s probably both).

    The notice itself should directly state what the issue was and cite the evidence. The URL listed only goes to an FAQ about verified accounts. So assuming that the letter hasn’t been altered (and while I don’t trust Y, I don’t think the letter has been altered), there is no reason why there isn’t an explicit description as to what the problem is. The letter should have been something like this:

    The following tweets connected to your account are in violation of the Twitter Rules (https://www.twitter.com/rules)

    Tweet 1 (link, section)
    Tweet 2 (link, section)

    Tweet n (link, section)

    Due to these violations, the verified badge has been removed from your account.

    There’s no reason to be vague. I understand that this requires that the support rep who is managing the accounts has to do more work than simply click the button to remove the verified badge, but it is poor customer service to carry out actions upon a user’s account without explaining why.

    I have no sympathy for Y regarding the loss of his badge. But I also think Twitter should be better when working with its users. Of course, if Twitter were to actually be forthcoming with its reasons, that would then open them up to demands to explain why they don’t take action against all the other obnoxious people using their service. If they’re going to revoke Y’s badge, why don’t they take action against all the harassers who stalk women on their service?

    But that would require them living up to their Terms of Service, having actual customer service, and behaving like decent human beings.

    And that’ll never happen.

  23. zibble says

    This has nothing at all to do with the issue in this thread, but absolutely every mention of Milo Yiannopolous should mention that this shallow, narcissitic, attention-seeking POS has easily-found photo albums of himself wearing Iron Crosses and posing with books about Hitler under the pseudonym Milo Wagner. This man is an actual fucking Neo-Nazi and he makes me want to puke.