Skepticon gets the front page

Headline news in Springfield, Missouri! There are atheists in our midst!

It’s actually a reasonable and fairly accurate article, and there are only a small number of comments yet, but so far, those are fairly calm and rational, too.


  1. Al Dente says

    There’s someone in the comments section whose definition of Marxist is “college student who doesn’t go to church.”

  2. Menyambal says

    The local TV news is leading with a story about a carjacking at an elementary school. I only mention because I have subbed there many a time. I have been getting first-hand info from a friend – the news is not completely accurate. (Not that that is news to anyone.)

  3. says

    I’m curious: If someone were interested in organizing something along the lines of Skepticon — a free freethought/skeptic conference — how might it be done? Funding sources, finding venues, etc.

  4. blf says

    definition of Marxist is “college student who doesn’t go to church.”

    So after, say, graduating, what is the former student? Besides “un-American”, that is…