
  1. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    You made me watch the Incredibles clip again. Dear me, but I love that character:

  2. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says


    You don’t tug on Superman’s cape.
    You don’t spit into the wind.
    You don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    and you don’t mess around with feminism.

    Do doo do dute do doo doodoo do do.

  3. blf says

    Ok, so we can step on these capes as long as that doesn’t hug, I mean tug, a feminist.
    The social rules are really complicated…

    (The mildly deranged penguin points out these cape-wearers are probably better as sushi, not squishi.)