I’m off!


Updates will be intermittent; I’m about to head off to the airport, and then…Durango, Spain! It’s all very exciting, I’ll try to send you a postcard.

When I get back, I get a whole 5 hours in Minneapolis before I fly off to Denver for the weekend. Then I come home and go to Germany. So I think I might be a little distracted for a few weeks.

And then I’m done for a while. Next step will be to spend a bunch of time in the lab with some new summer students.


  1. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    Take care, PZ.
    Germany isn’t all that far…. although, I should really save the money for a car. Is there even a Horde gathering planned?

  2. magistramarla says

    And I thought that our trip through Europe going to four countries in four weeks was exhausting!
    The way that you are criss-crossing the Atlantic, the jet lag could be a killer.
    Good luck, have fun and I hope that your daughter’s wedding is wonderful.
    The only one of our five who isn’t married yet lives in Denver. They are thinking of a small wedding in his parents’ home in Denver, which is where the two of them were married. I can’t wait for them to finally set a date.

  3. Lofty says

    Off like a bucket of prawns in the sun….old Aussie saying…have fun yer old rogue.

  4. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    You left the Trophy Wife with the Evil Cat. Would have been an interesting homecoming, except you have family duties to take away the cat’s mind control before actually arriving at home.

  5. chigau (違う) says

    So, we haven’t had an, “I’m the the airport and the internet connection sucks.” post.
    What gives?

  6. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    What gives?

    Not the internet connection, I guess.

  7. says

    I’ve had no opportunity to complain! I’ve been trapped in a flying tin can for the last 8 hours.

    Now at Schiphol, my connection leaves in about an hour. The wifi is free, so I’ve got no complaints.

  8. What a Maroon, oblivious says

    The Basque country’s lovely. Be ready to have some of the best seafood ever.

    Agur, eta bidaia ona!

  9. blf says

    I’ve had no opportunity to complain! I’ve been trapped in a flying tin can for the last 8 hours.

    Sounds like at least 12 hours worth of pendingcaged-up complaints to be had there.

    Now at Schiphol, my connection leaves in about an hour.

    At (some aeropotty) and not complaining? Un-possible. That as ridiculous as thinking the iceberg’s pilot wasn’t swearing at the Titanic.

    The wifi is free, so I’ve got no complaints.

    But it’s European wifi. Full of dangerous photons. And NSArtons, GCHQuarks, and assorted other TLAticles.

  10. magistramarla says

    Rachael Maddow featured these pillows on her show. Hubby and I immediately thought of PZ.