
  1. sirbedevere says

    That’s roughly the analogy I’ve been using to Global Warming deniers for years. No one would ignore this kind of medical advice if it came from their doctor yet they exhibit the same kind of behavior with respect to climate change. Humans are weird creatures.

  2. says

    There was another good meme making the rounds recently. For those with visual impairments, or those who don’t want to click the link:

    It’s an image of the Titanic going down, with half the ship underwater and half the ship sticking up in the air. The caption says, “LOL, ‘science’ says the ship is sinking. My end is up 200ft.”

  3. Gunter Hatherer says

    The solution to climate change: More power than ever to the same old “progressive” politicians and more money for their pals, right?

    Same as the solution to all crises. Gun violence, campus rape, terrorism, childhood obesity, et cetera.

    So many very real problems, one convenient solution.

  4. davidrichardson says

    This reminds me of the one he did about creationism a few years ago. The patient has TB and the doctor asks him if he wants to be treated with the old antibiotic that used to work, before TB bacteria evolved so that it didn’t work any more, or the new antibiotic that’s designed to kill the new, evolved bacteria. The patient, of course, goes with the effective antibiotic and the doctor thinks, “Ah, a Sunday creationist.”

  5. Paulino says

    Watts up with that strip?

    (sorry for the typo, English is not my first language)

  6. Nick Gotts says

    The solution to climate change: More power than ever to the same old “progressive” politicians and more money for their pals, right? – Gunter Hatherer

    No, you impenetrably stupid fuckwit. The solution is to radically and rapidly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. If you have a “free market” way of doing this, by all means tell the world. None of your fuckwit pals have yet done so, which is why they spend their time lying, sneering and denying the science, like you.

  7. says

    The solution to climate change: More power than ever to the same old “progressive” politicians and more money for their pals, right?

    Same as the solution to all crises. Gun violence, campus rape, terrorism, childhood obesity, et cetera.

    So many very real problems, one convenient solution.

    There is no solution to the problem of climate change. It’s already upon us. The only thing we can do now is slow it down somewhat while we completely redesign and retrofit all of our infrastructure (ALL of it!) in preparation for the coming changes. Let us know if you figure out a way to do that without involving governments.

    Gun violence is a real problem and there are simple solutions: basically treat guns the way we treat cars. Mandate liability insurance, comprehensive training, and licensing dependent on passing skill tests. Let us know if you figure out a way to do that without involving the government.

    Campus rape is a real problem and actually the solution lies more in changing cultural attitudes regarding consent and sex than it does changing laws. The government has already done a lot in this area, which is helping, but cultural changes really are the crux of the solution.

    Childhood obesity will soon be solved if we don’t do anything about climate change. Child starvation will rapidly replace it. Which problem would you prefer dealing with, government involvement or no?

    Does being a callous monstrous asshole who condemns future generations to untold misery and poverty feel good to you, or are you just in denial? Those are your only two options here.

  8. unclefrogy says

    the thing that some people do not seem to understand is that reality of earth does not have a vested interest to any particular outcome. That we exist is a fact of importance only to us the universe simply does not care.
    Some people think that because they are on a winning streak when they are playing craps that it is their skill that is the reason for it.
    uncle frogy

  9. Goodbye Enemy Janine says

    You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

    (I do not think I am the only one who thought that.)

  10. Alverant says

    So, Gunther, what is YOUR solution to these problems? Do you think the conservative politicians are going to provide any viable solutions? If you do, which ones because all we’ve heard is denial and victim blaming.

  11. says

    So many very real problems, one convenient solution.

    And one giant strawman. Thanks for providing that; it saves us the trouble of offering our own actual opinions and mucking things up with all that needless complexity and nuance. ‘Preciate it.

  12. caseloweraz says

    GH: The solution to climate change: More power than ever to the same old “progressive” politicians and more money for their pals, right?

    Same as the solution to all crises. Gun violence, campus rape, terrorism, childhood obesity, et cetera.

    So many very real problems, one convenient solution.

    Says the man who evidently prefers “conservative” politicians and more money for their pals. That would be a solution to climate change and some of the other problems, however. Business as usual will almost certainly return us, in mere centuries, to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle you probably prefer. Shortly after that many of our technological tools will disappear. No guns, no campuses, no childhood obesity. Terrorism and rape, however, will still be with us.

  13. David Marjanović says

    The solution to climate change: More power than ever to the same old “progressive” politicians and more money for their pals, right?

    How exactly does it benefit a politician if you buy a solar panel (from a private company of your choice, duh) and put it on your own roof to make (some of) the electricity you yourself are going to use?

  14. says

    How exactly does it benefit a politician if you buy a solar panel (from a private company of your choice, duh) and put it on your own roof to make (some of) the electricity you yourself are going to use?

    Yeah, this one is the one I really love. We know damn well that their sides “experts” are paid shit loads of money, in “think tanks” to make crap up, for the industries that don’t want things changing, since they refuse to spend dime one on investing in any of the technology that we need to make the situation better (especially if it might mean opening a plant in the US, instead of Zimbabwe, or some place, or hiring more workers), but, somehow, by this very logic, all the other bloody people out there are making billions off of slandering the “good name” of the energy industry, and other people, which.. explains, I guess, why all of those supposed “rich” people are doing shit like giving away their patents (Tesla), or otherwise throwing away profits, assuming they are making any at all, and have such “huge” bank accounts that, unlike the Koch Brothers, all the money is “invisible”. Its the Emperor’s New Money, after all, so it makes sense that the people that own the places that pay the shills, in the think tanks “look like” billionaires, while, of course, all those vast majority of scientists on the other side of the issue are all barely paying their bills, and mortgages, while filling tankers full of “invisible”, only “seemingly” non-existent money, right? lol

    I mean, seriously, this seems to actually be the argument – that the people against the current industries are just in it to “trade places” with the rich idiots currently in charge of everything…

    Reminds me of something in Penn Jillete’s second book (yeah, I am reading the things, figured, I didn’t have anything else handy, so lets see how much of a total idiot this guy is. Well, he seems to be selectively idiotic, kind of like someone religious. Where he has a bad idea, he can’t grasp why it contradicts half the other shit he wrote.), in which he talks about his Celebrity Apprentice time, and describes Trump as someone that doesn’t give shit about where or not he is a total idiot, or whether his opinion of other people is right or wrong, but is so terrified of other people’s opinions that he would rant and obsess over some random BS from some really obscure blog, three years earlier, which has a few hundred followers, and said something bad about him in it.

    I think that sort of vapid paranoia may be a core feature of some of these people. Everyone is out to get them, and they are terribly worried about the outcome, should they actually succeed, but, at the same time, they have no fraking clue why anyone out there doesn’t love them all to death, and think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Therefor, any action taken to curtail their idiocies is not because “they” did anything to deserve it, its because everyone else is being irrational, and the only possible reason for that is envy – we all, somehow, want to be them, and take what they want. The whole “AGW” is smoke screen for this, somehow, along with everything else we regulate, or argue against, or want to change.

    It makes sort of sick sense, if true.