Myers to enter church, then go bats

Reminder: I’m going to be in Austin this weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to be giving a lecture on bat evolution (in a church!) followed by the always awesome bat cruise. One and a half million bats will darken the twilight skies, while a mob of atheists cheer them on. How can you miss this?


  1. Nathair says

    How can you miss this?

    How quickly Rock Stars forget that most of us are constrained by distance and finance.

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    Reminder: I’m going to be in Austin this weekend.

    Austin, Minnesota, home of the world famous Spam Museum?

  3. donny5 says

    I don’t know about this PZ, those bats are illegally entering from Mexico. I mean, did anyone check their green cards?

    I’ve heard nothing but good things about Austin, that it is the antithesis of everything Texas. And now they have bats! Going to have to up this on my list of places to go.

  4. toro says

    While you’re in church, be sure to check for bats in the belfry. (And I don’t necessarily mean the congregation.)

  5. carlie says

    I’ve wondered about those cruises – seems like a high potential for getting guano on the head. Watching from the bridge is safer. :) It’s spectacular, though. The bat outing is a sight that has to be seen to be believed.

  6. Trebuchet says

    After seeing a large bat colony in an abandoned limestone quarry in Montana, and the colossal pile of poop on the ground below, I was wondering about the “guano” myself. (“Guano” in quotes because to me, it comes from birds. Just because bats fly doesn’t make it proper guano.)

    Sounds like an awesome event anyway.

  7. throwaway, gut-punched says

    One and a half million bats will darken the twilight skies, while a mob of atheists cheer them on.

    My migraine has me at a right proper delusional state, one where I thought of baseball bats being hurled into the air rather than the intended meaning, and witnessed in my head the cruelty and carnage of several hundred thousand misguided bats falling askew into the crowd.

  8. saganite says

    Austin? Will you also be meeting the Atheist Experience folks and maybe even record an episode with them or something? Just curious.

  9. robro says

    I can’t be there in person, PZ, but I’ll be there in spirit…in other words, not at all.

    Bats are very cool. Greatest thing about the bats—as soon as they come out, the mosquitos disappear.

  10. johnharshman says

    It’s clear that the headline is a cryptic crossword clue, but so far I can’t figure out the answer.

  11. tyroneslothrop says

    You should try to track down this Larry Busby fellow (has a site called Sleepless in Austin–yeah, it’s actually worse than that). I’m not linking to it. But there has been enough buzz about it today that you can read all about it.