Friday Cephalopod: These beasties have “flamboyant” right in their name!

The name “Flamboyant Cuttlefish” is perfect, and if you watch the video you’ll see even better why they deserve to strut.


Hmm, maybe I should retroactively get my kids’ names changed to “Flamboyant Myers”. Or at least their middle names. It’s got to have an effect.


  1. Trebuchet says

    The stripes rolling down its “back” are interesting. Perhaps they provide some camouflage by appearing stationary relative to the background while the critter is moving. Obviously intelligently designed! ;)

  2. b. - Order of Lagomorpha says

    Don’t you just want to pet it? That’s serious cute. That’s a squeal-like-a-little-kid-spotting-puppy cute. That’s cute enough to deserve a long, drawn-out “Kawaii-i-i-i-i-i!”. Dang. *sighs and meanders off to dream cuttlefish dreams*

  3. blf says

    Hmm, maybe I should retroactively get my kids’ names changed to “Flamboyant Myers”.

    They’re poisonous?