
  1. René says

    @ teophontes: You know that Afrikaans typewriters used to have an ‘n character available with a single keystroke? In prehistoric extended ASCII it was also present as a single code point. (BTW, I’m a little lazy today, but usually I do my best NOT to use a ‘smart’ comma instead of a proper apostrophe.)

  2. Sili says

    I went to the new aquarium in Denmark the last day of my holdidays (before going to here a talk about the Human Genome Project). I think they had more people than fish there. And a kid knocked over my beer.

    The had a poor, single, solitary sepia that looked very pale – most of the time it tried to hide just at the edge of the aquarium. They had a crab in a glass jar in there with it, but I guess it wasn’t hungry yet.

    I did get a nice, colourful squid in the giftshop, though, so now I can show my colours at meetings.