
That’s how many hours it’s taken me to get to Bucharest. But I’m here now! The sun is shining! I’m about ready to pass out! I’m hoping a shower will reawaken my will to consciousness.

This is the view from my 18th floor hotel room window:


I think I’m going to go for a walk in it.


  1. John Morales says

    Remember what they say: “when in Romania, do as the Romanians do”.

  2. Louis says


    Hope you enjoy it, PZ. Bucharest is gorgeous this time of year. Hell, most of Romania and the Balkan region is pretty gorgeous this time of year. It seems to me to be a pretty neglected/undervalued part of the world. I have no idea what your travel plans are, but it’s an awfully long way to go just for one conference. Are you sight seeing at all? Visiting around?


  3. Jackie, Ms. Paper if ya nasty says

    Good luck with the consciousness. Have a great time and take lots of pictures.

  4. blf says

    You are not in Bucharest, Romania, or Europe.
    Yer still in bed. In USAlienstan. Dreaming. (You can tell by all the tentacles. This is not a usual feature of Romanians.)
    The alarm failed to go off…

  5. kevinalexander says

    I’m about ready to pass out!

    I hope that when you make your schedule you thought to book a rest at the hotel.

  6. Louis says

    A walk, PZ?

    DO IT!!!!!!!

    Also try the tuica. You’ll thank me.

    A day or two later, but you will thank me.


  7. Richard Smith says

    I think I’m going to go for a walk in it.

    Just don’t get obsessive about walking around; you might develop a roam mania.

  8. shabadoo says

    Romania is a fascinating and strange and wonderful place. I’ve only been once, for about a month, but I can’t wait to go back. Have fun, PZ.

  9. David Marjanović says

    Looks a lot like Chemnitz in Germany… in eastern Germany of course.

  10. Lofty says

    A reminder to take the elevator to the ground floor before taking a walk in the view….