
  1. Ogvorbis says

    Meyers, Meiers, Miers, Myers, Maiers, Mayers, My3ers, Maiyers, Maiyrs, Mey’ers. Did I miss any?

  2. lesliegriffiths says

    Sorry PZ, but when Ray Comfort starts agreeing with you, you know you’re wrong…

  3. says

    Oh, and this quote from his new book all about atheists.

    “The staunch atheist has the zeal of a religious fanatic. He is fundamentalist in his belief that there is no God – and, armed with basic Richard Dawkins phrases, he is ready for a fight. He is unreasonable, angry, and bitter at God, and will color his speech with blasphemy of His name, despite the fact that he professes that God doesn’t exist. The atheist is someone who pretends that there is no God.”

  4. says

    I really must find a way to become famous, so I can increase the number of ways my last name has been mangled. The most common is leaving out the second e. It really seems to confuse people.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    Ray Comfort is a humble man. And he has a lot to be humble about.
    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
    In their minds, any subversive* is probably Jewish, so Myers becomes Meyers.

    I am using the word the new Pope’s military friends in Argentina had for people with non-conformist ideas. You know, people who should be exterminated.

  6. birgerjohansson says

    “Pseudoscience of evolution”. Wow!

    I don’t like algebra, that socialist pseudo-science used to hurt innocent children.
    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
    “will color his speech with blasphemy of His name”
    -But I have never been less than courteous to Odin!

  7. blf says

    [Banana Man’s] new book all about atheistshis misunderstanding of figments of someone else’ imagination.


  8. says

    I dream of a debate between Ray Comfort and Hamza Tzortzis on the topic: “Islam or Christianity – which makes more sense”.

  9. Ogvorbis says

    “Islam or Christianity – which makes more sense”.

    The answer: The square root of -1

  10. René says

    Ogvorbis, #3

    I’ve never seen ‘Mejeer’, looks very strange to me.

    Also, seeing my own Mijers and Meijers appear in #2, I realised that the font used in the comments is not usable for the Dutch language: in Dutch the digraph ij is considered one single letter, so the ‘tops’ of i and j should have the same design. (BTW, they do have the same design when entering a comment in the ‘message’ box. Weird.)

  11. Ariaflame, BSc, BF, PhD says

    Hey, Bananaman was a fun series. Or at least the comic and the UK children’s tv animated series was.

  12. thumper1990 says


    I dream of a debate between Ray Comfort and Hamza Tzortzis on the topic: “Islam or Christianity – which makes more sense”.

    … My goal in life is now to see such a thing.

    Hopefully they will come to an amicable arangement and agree that the answer is “42”.

  13. Ogvorbis says


    Not sure where the spelling came from. Mejeer was the last name of a woman I knew in college. Pronounced Myer. Not by the professors and doctors (or anyone else trying to pronounce the name from a piece of paper — those were all over the place).

  14. Ogvorbis says

    Hopefully they will come to an amicable arangement and agree that the answer is “42″.

    But 42 is a rational number. Perhaps “the square root of -42” for an answer? (Nice and irrational.)

  15. Crip Dyke, MQ, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Asking which is more or less rational between 2 religions is like asking which is which is more or less rational between i and i^5.

    A little math humor for the crowd.

  16. chad says

    “Comments that fail to acknowledge God or Jesus with “caps” will not be posted” confirms everything we know about Comfort.

  17. Duckbilled Platypus says

    I note that for all the love in the world he has for you, he didn’t link to your blog post.

  18. robro says

    Ogvorbis — ‘Perhaps “the square root of -42″ for an answer? (Nice and irrational.)’ Isn’t the square root -42 even more than irrational. I think negative square roots are imaginary.

  19. Ogvorbis says

    Any chance we could convince Ray Comfort and Hamza Tzortzis to divide themselves by zero?

  20. UnknownEric: A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama? says

    Someone should book Ray Comfort, a custom Mario Kart replica convention, and B1 and B2 into the same hall and call it “Bananarama.”

  21. blf says

    Any chance we could convince Ray Comfort and Hamza Tzortzis to divide themselves by zero?

    You want a infinite number of the buggers?!

  22. Rey Fox says

    [Banana Man’s] new book

    I’m suddenly struck by the unfairness of having to wait months and months for PZ’s book while Comfort can fart one out every few months or so.

  23. René says


    De weledelzeergeleerde PZ Mijers?

    Dan zou ik toch gaan voor

    ,,De weledelzeergeleerde PeeZet Meeërs. Wegens e-vertelsel.”

    Sorry folks, can’t resist.

  24. Lars says

    But I guess he doesn’t love me enough to spell my name correctly

    Both Bing and Google autocorrect the search string “pz meyers” to “pz myers”. I wonder if Ray “Banana Man” Comfort is aware of that. Without the autocorrection, his misspelling your name would have inconvenienced even the most undiscurious of his readers, should they get it into their heads to search for your blog.

  25. iskenderoglu says

    Ray Comfort has his uses. If it weren’t for interweb commentary surrounding his banana demonstration, I’d still be peeling them from the stem end.

    Oh. The humanity.


  26. Azuma Hazuki says

    So, is this actual love, or is it the same “love” that compelled the Inquisitors to deconstruct men, women, and teenagers bit by bit over a period of weeks with red-hot torture instruments?

    You know, the same love his God supposedly has in infinite supply in store for anyone who doesn’t toe the line?

    Because if it is, keep it to yourself, Bananaman. Also light yourself on fire for the good of humanity.

  27. JimDiver says

    I would rather see a debate between Sam Singleton and Ray Comfort….

    That would be a gem!

  28. omnicrom says

    I think you already know the answer Azuma. Ray Comfort is one of many Christians you can know by their love of a less enlightened, less fair, less egalitarian world.

  29. moarscienceplz says

    @ #34

    Get your butt back to the cloister, brother Chris. I’ll bring you some more parchment sheets after I’ve finished scraping them.

  30. Louis says

    Iskenderoglu, #37,

    Yup it’s been a useful teaching point for my young son. When he wants a banana I offer him a “chimp open” or a “human open”. He’s keen on the chimp open at the moment.


  31. Louis says

    PZ Gnmjrz, OP,

    If misspelling your name means people don’t love you, then the entirety of Talk Origins, myself and John Wilkins included, hated you with a passion.

    Hanlon’s razor applies to Comfort: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    And boy howdy is that banana waving mook stoopid. I have more intellectually adept houseplants.


  32. NitricAcid says

    I personally would like to see a debate between Ray Comfort and a pack of rabid pit bulls. It wouldn’t last long, but he would actually realize when he was losing…..

    (No, I’m not really wishing for him to be torn apart by a pack of savage dogs. Honest.)

  33. stanton says

    Ray Comfort says he loves PZ Meyers, but then he quotes me, without comprehension.
    He also says I hate him. He’s wrong again.

    That is because Ray Comfort is a Lying Hypocrite For Jesus who uses his advertised Faith in Jesus as a license to lie and spread slander. All with the intent to make more money.

    I despise his ignorance. And man, that’s a lot to despise.

    Ray Comfort’s arrogance causes him to mistake “contempt” for “hatred.” It’s a vicious cycle, really, as his confusion of contempt and hatred feeds his ego and martyr complexion, thus, giving him no incentive to correct his confusion.

  34. stanton says

    I personally would like to see a debate between Ray Comfort and a pack of rabid pit bulls. It wouldn’t last long, but he would actually realize when he was losing…..

    What would the point of making a bunch of ill and hyper-maligned dogs vomit to death? If it’s to show how disgusting a pathetic example of a human Ray Comfort is, this would be a rather unpleasant example of “gilding the lily.”

  35. stevem says

    Any chance we could convince Ray Comfort and Hamza Tzortzis to divide themselves by zero?

    You want a infinite number of the buggers?!

    MathNerd here, dividing by zero is not “infinity” but simply “undefined”. Most appropriate for (Comfort)/0 and (Tzotzis)/0. So There! Nya nya.

  36. thumper1990 says

    @Louis #43

    Godammit Louis! My keyboard is in a near-constant state of moistness, thanks mainly to you!

    *tries unsuccessfully to glower while giggling*

  37. Ichthyic says

    What a passive-agressive demented fuckwit old ray-ray is. so glad he left NZ.

    I ever tell you I tried to contact the remnants of his organization here in NZ after he tried selling that “revised” Origins book with his idiotic “introduction”?

    I expected there would likely be a few hundred or so left here in NZ, proudly carrying Ray’s banana for him.

    Turns out… there are exactly 2. A sister and her brother that man a single website out of their house, and only had about half a dozen copies of that book, that they BOUGHT online.

    yes, that is the legacy of Ray Comfort here in NZ.

  38. Ogvorbis says

    yes, that is the legacy of Ray Comfort here in NZ.

    Do you want him back? Get the whole thing up and running backwards again?

  39. Ichthyic says

    I’m suddenly struck by the unfairness of having to wait months and months for PZ’s book while Comfort can fart one out every few months or so.


    one man has a full time teaching job at a university, spends hours writing intelligent posts online, spends hours doing actual research, travels abroad giving lectures and participating in social justice campaigns, and has a large family to help manage and support.

    one man has a website, and sells suckers DVDs to try and convince them he is a master of religion and knowledge, and occasionally travels to try and sell more crap. His lectures consist of nothing more than canned BS, recycled at every opportunity, and has not changed in 15 years.

    It’s easier to repackage shit than gold, especially when that’s all you do for a living.

  40. Ichthyic says

    Do you want him back? Get the whole thing up and running backwards again?

    sure, send him on back. We’d just laugh at him again, and he’d be the same non-entity he was before he left.

    probably be good for the world. I think we can handle it.

  41. Ichthyic says

    …somehow, I picture Ray clutching his desk for dear life as you try to rip him away to send him back here though.

    He’d just end up on the dole here, and he knows it.

  42. Ichthyic says

    just so long as you don’t send him COD, we’re cool.

    shipping from the states to here is expensive!

  43. Akira MacKenzie says

    Well, I hate him. I hate every last Bible-humping, god-believing one of them regardless of denomination, age, gender, or race. I hate them because they are wrong–dead fucking demonstrably wrong—and they revel in that factual incorrectness while spreading it like a cancer across human thought without any consequence for their lies. They’re a millstone around our civilization’s neck, at best,retarding our progress or, at worst, dragging us down into barbarism and primitive savagery.

    Fuck Ray Comfort. Fuck all Christians. Fuck all theists.

  44. gillyc says

    He also says I hate him. He’s wrong again. I despise his ignorance.

    That sounds a bit like when some xians say that they love gay people, they just hate their ‘gayness’, like it’s something separate.

    Comfort’s ignorance is probably almost as big a part of his identity as sexual orientation is for most people. After all, he’s loved his ignorance, nutured it, gloried in it…. it’s clearly very important to him. He wouldn’t be the same person without it.

    (not totally serious here, in case that’s not clear)

  45. Louis says

    Thumper1990, #50,

    I have a similar issue. I seem to get yoghurt in my keyboard quite a lot. I’ve been to PC World quite frequently recently and they have commented at the number of “yoghurty keyboards” sir has been bringing in.

    I really should stop my young toddler son from eating his pudding at the computer…

    …why? What did you think I meant.


  46. says

    But Atheist DOES just mean a lack of belief in the supernatural, gods in particular. You do need to use other words to describe a person’s world view as being an atheist does not imply any particular world view.

    And what is wrong with a word having a particular meaning? What is wrong with having to add some more words like humanist or empirical, or realist, or idealist to describe a person’s world view?

    There ARE places in the world where being an atheist is the default, being an atheist is no more interesting than “not being a stamp collector”, and people still have varying world views that require more words to describe.

    What word would you like to describe a person that is non-religious, but doesn’t subscribe to your particular community of atheists?

  47. Ichthyic says

    sorry, I’m simply too old to consider redefining the usage of “man” to not have as a meaning: “to staff”.

    apologies if that offends.

  48. says

    sorry, I’m simply too old to consider redefining the usage of “man” to not have as a meaning: “to staff”.

    apologies if that offends.

    It offends me as an old person.

  49. robster says

    Ray, trying to feel comfortable believing nonsense trotted ou “The atheist is someone who pretends that there is no God”. Hang on Ray, you deluded believers are the ones playing “Let’s pretend”, there’s no evidence for a or your god, there’s plenty that it doesn’t exist.That’s why atheists are correct and you’re simply a fool.

  50. says


    sorry, I’m simply too old to consider redefining the usage of “man” to not have as a meaning: “to staff”.

    *Snort* I’m considerably older than you are, and I don’t have trouble changing a word choice.

  51. says

    @ René #31

    Hehehe. XD


    Is there an ij with double acute anywhere?

    I looked everywhere, but there does not seem to be anything that can render ij correctly (for us, that is) in html characters or in Latex (not that I know much about Latex), so I see no way we can turn teh Ebil Oberlawd into teh Ebil Kaaskop.

  52. se habla espol says

    The HTML entity &‍#306; gives IJ and &#307‍; gives ij. I couldn’t find any with accents, either in the HTML reference or the Unicode reference.
    What you actually see depends, obviously, on your available character set(s). In my browser, they each seem to be rendered as a single selectable unit without the ability to select the I separate from the J.
    One might also note WordPress corrupts the &‍amp;#306; entity into straight IJ: the &‍amp; is parsed correctly as an ampersand, but is then used corruptly as the entity prefix for the #306;. I had to use a zwj entity in my display form to prevent that. The zero-width joiner can, of course, be placed nearly anywhere between the ampersand and the semicolon to prevent the WordPress corruption.

  53. thumper1990 says


    Dammit Louis!

    *fetches paper towells*

    “yoghurty keyboards”! *chortle*

  54. pacal says

    I just hate it when people like Ray Comfort say they “love” their “enemies”. It reeks of passive aggressive resentment. And of course it isn’t “love” that is indicated by their continual flood of lies and distortions about their “enemies”.