Elon James White: Your Fear is Valid (Twitter Thread)

Yet another Twitter thread I want to bring to all of you. There’s been a lot of this “don’t be afraid! Be brave! We need to fight this!” and “turn that fear into determination” bullshit going around, lately…

Fucker, I’m a straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied man and I’m fucking terrified.

But I’ll let Elon James White take it from here…

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Are we about to elect Donald Trump as our next president?

No. This… this cannot be happening.

Why is this happening? How can this be happening?

Why are we letting it happen?

I don’t want this. Why does this have to happen?

Please please please let it just be a scare. I can’t do this. And I’m fucking white. I’m a fucking white man. But my friends?

People I love?

For them.

This can’t happen. It has to be stopped.