More power! MORE POWER!!

The LHC is now the most powerful particle accelerator in human history. It has spun up to 1.18TeV per beam, for collisions at 2.36TeV. This is far short of its design capacity of 7TeV, but it’s on its way. Thus far no time travelling birds have come out of the time stream to drop baguettes into any cooling ducts to short out the universe-destroying machine, so obviously this experiment can’t possibly find the Higgs-Boson.

During the holiday break, they’re going to put some emergency protocols through their paces:

Meanwhile, engineers will test the “beam dump” mechanism used if a beam can no longer be properly controlled by the superconducting magnets lining the LHC.

In such a situation, each beam would be steered away from its circular path into a 600-metre-long tunnel, where it would crash into a massive 7-metre-long block of composite graphite lined with stainless steel and concrete. Each dump is designed to absorb 7 TeV – the energy per beam when the LHC is running at full tilt. Should a beam go astray it could smash into and melt the delicate electronics that surround the beam pipe.

Much as I’d love to see what kind of damage a FRICKIN LASER BEAM could wreak, this IS, after all, the most complicated single device we humans have ever created, so I’d rather not end up delaying Science! for another year just because I wanted to see some pretty fireworks. I guess I’ll just settle for watching some Mythbusters instead.

More power! MORE POWER!!

The Day After Evolution Day

Being caught up in my own travails yesterday, I neglected to post as I had intended even the shortest of linking posts pointing you to other blogospheroidic luminaries on the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. It’s okay though, Greg Laden picked up the slack and linked a ton of stuff. I know most of my readers also read him, so it’s all good.

I’ll throw in a few extra links now, though. Here’s children explaining evolution, a feat we’d never managed to get our favorite now-banned troll to do.

A rare first-edition of Origin of Species was found on a bathroom bookshelf, because it makes for nice light toilet reading. Thankfully it wasn’t a fundie’s bathroom, so none of the pages were… repurposed.

And finally, Darwin goes digital — his life’s works are now online. Origin of Species has been online for quite some time as well, in case you haven’t read it. Not that you need to, to develop a good understanding of evolution — it’s just oftentimes surprising how close to the mark Darwin was, even without the benefit of knowledge of genetics or the fossil record.

The Day After Evolution Day

Ladies and gentlemen: crocoduck.

In case you haven’t heard, one of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron’s lines of argumentation involves holding up a photoshopped monster (whose origin is very likely the Something Awful, Worth 1000, or Fark photoshop contests), and saying “evolution says this should exist as a transitional form, and it doesn’t, therefore God, QED.” They usually just troll the image boards to find their silly “transitions”, like the bull frog. Bonus points for finding “transitions” between two branches that are nowhere near one another and saying that it must look like some weird hybrid of both present-day forms, rather than a basal form unique unto itself from which both branches stem.
Continue reading “Ladies and gentlemen: crocoduck.”

Ladies and gentlemen: crocoduck.

RCimT: This Week, Without Gods

This is long overdue, but this week’s Cool Atheist of the Week is awarded posthumously to George Carlin, who veiled his insight into humanity under the guise of being a comedian — as in Shakespeare’s plays, the Fool is the one freest to speak to the King without fear of retribution.

You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he’s a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn’t fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.

For years I asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog, Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a simple baseball bat.

So I’ve been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate. Half the time I get what I want, half the time I don’t. Same as God, 50-50. Same as the four-leaf clover and the horseshoe, the wishing well and the rabbit’s foot, same as the Mojo Man, same as the Voodoo Lady who tells you your fortune by squeezing the goat’s testicles, it’s all the same: 50-50. So just pick your superstition, sit back, make a wish, and enjoy yourself.

Continue reading “RCimT: This Week, Without Gods”

RCimT: This Week, Without Gods

Forced morality

Fundamentalist Christians oftentimes attempt to legislate sexuality — from laws that state marriage is “between one man and one woman”, to laws against women getting abortions even in cases where the mother was raped, or where the baby has no chance of surviving and poses a health risk to the mother. They oftentimes attempt to legislate that their specific religion be established — demanding that they display religious iconography on public or government property without regard for the other religions that are being excluded in the process. They cry and moan that their children are not allowed to pull out their bibles in science class in an attempt to disrupt said class when the teachings run contrary to established religious dogma. They secure laws that allow insurance companies to pay out for their faith-healing nonsense. They get their churches exempt from taxation, then preach politics from the pulpit, sometimes even campaigning on specific issues using church collections.

When secularists (which group includes both god-believers and the godless alike, don’t forget) manage to make some headway in creating laws that establish that certain outgroups, like women, blacks, or homosexuals, are every bit as human and every bit as deserving of the rights afforded to others, for instance where the civil institution of marriage is concerned, the sturm und drang from the fundies nearly drowns out any rational discourse. Extremely well-funded campaigns spring up to insert the newly passed civil equality laws as ballot initiatives, generally worded such that, rather than being presented as a repeal of a civil rights law, the question posed is “do you want to PROTECT MARRIAGE by not letting the filthy gays have them too?” And in the event that these initiatives are recognized for what they are, the fundies have another tactic — complaining that the people on the side of civil liberties are out to “force morality” on them.

Take, for instance, our favorite troll. Continue reading “Forced morality”

Forced morality

Zdenny has two modes: fail, and fail harder

Our favorite troll is back. And here I am feeding him yet again. He has posted on this thread, however it’s not only wholly incorrect, my reply is too bloody long to make a proper comment, so I deleted the original comment and publish it here in its entirety.

Darwinian evolution is a worldview that says that nature began itself and then designed itself. Theistic evolution is a worldview that says nature was created and then designed by mind.

Evolution itself does not disprove Christianity as Genesis 1 explains the the world was created through a process. It doesn’t say that God created everything in one day; rather, six days emphasizing this process. Ironically, the process is almost identical to current scientific theory.

More below the fold…
Continue reading “Zdenny has two modes: fail, and fail harder”

Zdenny has two modes: fail, and fail harder

Minions, best wishes are needed here

Not HERE here. Here. Stephanie’s under the knife, under general anesthetic. This worries me. Generally. Not that I don’t have “faith” in the science behind it, but stuff can happen that nobody foresees.

Not to take the morbid tack here, but whatever would we do without our fearless leader? Who would fill her shoes on the interwebs? So many idiots would go unanswered! We’d all have to give up our day jobs to redouble our efforts of patrolling the net, punching retardery repeatedly where Stephanie is able to crush the opposition with so much ease otherwise. She just makes it all seem so effortless that the rest of us would be hard pressed to fill her role. Seriously, it’s like having a level 80 tank on a ten-man level 20 raid.

(ahem… sorry.)

I’m sure she will be fine. Jodi was fine coming out of general anesthetic recently, though I was fretful enough to take a day off work to look after her. (That didn’t stop a server from crashing before we even got out of the hospital, and after she was discharged I had to head straight into work and sit her down in the server room while I reprogrammed said server with a hand-axe, but that’s another story.) I guess I’m writing this mostly to let Stephanie know she’s loved — not just on the blogosphere, but in real life, in meatspace, where people are honestly touched by and affected by her ideas, her stories, and her analysis.

I know she knows this. I guess I just feel the need to reiterate.

Minions, best wishes are needed here

RCimT: Unholy Sunday

Welcome to another end-of-weekend link roundup! Your Cool Atheist of the Week is the creator/producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, Joss Whedon.

The Onion: Is there a God?

Joss Whedon: No.

O: That’s it, end of story, no?

JW: Absolutely not. That’s a very important and necessary thing to learn.

In the writer/director commentary track to Episode 16 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 (The Body), Joss makes the following remarks concerning his characters’ responses to death and mourning in general: “…at this time a lot of people turn to, as Tim Minear would call him, The Sky Bully, but since I don’t believe in The Sky Bully, and don’t really have that to fall back on, I haven’t really found any lessons in death other than I wish it wouldn’t.”

Continue reading “RCimT: Unholy Sunday”

RCimT: Unholy Sunday

Here comes a new challenger

Some Sunday afternoon link love to another fresh new atheist blog by @Petursey, another atheist Twitterer lured by the siren call of being able to blog in more than 140 characters. He’s got a good chunk of content up already, including some beautiful pictures of his beautiful bitch. (If that don’t entice you to pay him a visit, I don’t know what will!)

I’ve already pre-warned him that certain trollish elements might show up as a result of this. He says the more the merrier, so feel free to go and try to convert him, as you folks are wont to do.

Here comes a new challenger

Some link love

One of the more prolific #atheism Twitterers, @vizhnet, has launched his own blog over at It is titled, cleverly enough, Vizhnet. He appears to be apologizing rather profusely for things being in a state of disarray, though it honestly looks better than 9/10ths of the WordPress blogs out there. Do pop over and see if he’s gotten things sorted out to his liking yet.

Update: Well that didn’t take long. Zdenny already went a-trolling. Vizhnet takes him apart, not that that’s terribly hard to do; it serves as a good demonstration of his rhetorical skills though.

Some link love