Karen Handel: Komen defunding Planned Parenthood was a premeditated attack

… by Planned Parenthood.

That’s right, we’re now in full-on Bizarro World. Also, something something shakedown. Blah blah.

Does this strike anyone else as projection? I mean seriously, what exactly did Planned Parenthood do to “premeditatively attack” Komen? This is like saying Greedo shot first!
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Karen Handel: Komen defunding Planned Parenthood was a premeditated attack

Things that cannot screen for breast cancer, and things that can

"Things that cannot screen for breast cancer: pink water bottles, pink phone cases, pink t-shirts, pink spatulas. Things that can: DOCTORS AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD"

Via Lian Amaris who is also on Twitter and is evidently my kinda person.

For more context, visit Greg’s. The TL;DR: Susan G. Komen For The Cure caved recently to anti-choice activists and has stopped giving money to Planned Parenthood who, you know, actually does screening for breast cancer. As well as pap smear screenings for cervical cancer. And abortions for patients who need to undergo chemotherapy for their cancer.

I’m putting this one in religion, because there are no pro-life arguments that do not originate in some religious person somewhere.

Things that cannot screen for breast cancer, and things that can