If it smells like Funk, it must be astrology

Yeah, I made a Black Eyed Peas reference and a non-ad-hominem attack in the title. Whatcha gonna do about it? I’ll be cross-posting everything below the fold at his site and will add the link here momentarily. I’ve cross-posted it here, though it’s apparently still in moderation due to the copious amount of links. Update: Jamie has pulled it out of the spam queue, right here. He edited it down to a link back here. Color me underwhelmed.

As I’m cross-posting, I plan on adding images and other kitsch to my post here to break up the wall-of-text effect, after the fact. I’ll save my most sarcastic commentary for their captions, naturally.

Brace yourselves. This is gonna be another long one.
Continue reading “If it smells like Funk, it must be astrology”

If it smells like Funk, it must be astrology

Maddow on yet another gay anti-gay activist

Been gone for a while. Very large work project. Very much one failure after another. Know what perks me up a bit after a bad week like this one? Why, a little bit of schadenfreude, of course!

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I for one am shocked, SHOCKED, to discover that yet another prominent anti-gay activist is gay. It’s hardly news at this point that the people most prone to witch-hunting sexual outgroups, are people in those outgroups who develop self-loathing when certain elements (their religion, their parents, their political party) convince them that their proclivities are abnormal.

As Maddow points out, though, this anti-gay activist’s newsworthiness has nothing to do with his homosexuality — there’s nothing wrong with that intrinsically. It’s his hypocrisy and his Uncle Tom status. It’s like Ann Coulter fighting against women having the vote despite being, ostensibly, a woman (though she’s disguised her gender enough with her ambiguous adam’s apple that it’s possible she’s not!).

Maddow on yet another gay anti-gay activist

“Girls brains are much stupider than mens are…”

“… so they should always listen to us coz WE’RE SMART!”

WikiwikiWHAT!? Break it down!

I was a pedantic dick to @dELYSEius on Twitter today, teasing her over her choice of words in a tweet immediately after she said she was going to find out the sex of her baby today (and not her baby’s GENDER, which she’ll rightly wait 10-20 years to allow it to form itself). Anyway, in the course of the conversation I promised to post this video as atonement for my lack of hilarity. So here it is.

It’s kinda catchy, actually. And I dance just like him!

“Girls brains are much stupider than mens are…”

Feminism, skepticism and boobies

What, being hawt whilst also brainy? Can't have that!

I was honestly expecting a big ol’ shitstorm over this post, wherein I defended the Boobie Wednesday Twitter campaign despite, I thought, the obvious feminist objections against showing breasts (whether male or female) to raise awareness about cancer. I believed people would crawl out of the woodwork to shout me down over considering acceptable the objectification of women, the “sexification” of breast cancer, and that I was going to be accused of merely wanting to save “my playthings” rather than people’s lives. You see, because I’m a guy — a heteronormative guy, at that — and boobies are therefore obviously far more important to me than the brains situated a foot and a half above them.

I was surprised that no such outrage happened. And I have to suspect that it’s because it merely wasn’t widely read enough, considering the sudden and strange attack on Skepchick over at Greg Laden’s blog.

Continue reading “Feminism, skepticism and boobies”

Feminism, skepticism and boobies

Wishful thinking

I’ve gotten a reasonably thoughtful and articulate response to my recent blog post about morality — and I’m not merely calling this response articulate as a prelude to ripping the piece to shreds, as we see so often in the blogosphere. Granted, I think the majority of the post is wrong, resting as it does on chapter-and-verse of an unverifiable collection of stories that were put together in 325CE, but that doesn’t mean it’s not internally consistent and well-spoken. Believe me, it’s a welcome change from our usual semi-literate evangelical blog-stalker.

As an attempt to be civil I will sheathe the sarcasm, per a request for civility and dialog from @roofwoofer, the author of this response, on his month-old blog Faith, Reason & Good Sense. Many of these arguments were floating about in the back of my mind while I wrote the original post, but it’s rather difficult to bullet-proof your work against every possible line of argumentation without writing a novel-length post as a result, so I opted to stay on topic as much as possible instead of going on the wild tangents that would have been necessary to insulate against these charges. This will be lengthy, though. Fair warning.
Continue reading “Wishful thinking”

Wishful thinking

Gender and the labeling problem

As I’ve commented on DuWayne Brayton’s most recent blog entry, it would probably be pretty uncouth of me to call him “da man” for putting together such a wonderful examination of the pitfalls inherent in gender labeling. Nonetheless, I feel the need to point you to his post.

While the choices I have made in life have certainly influenced who and what I am, I did not choose to have characteristically ambiguous gender traits. I didn’t choose to have a general sexual preference for women. I didn’t choose to empathize the way I do, listen the way I do, brute my way through discomfort the way I do or take on most of the myriad traits, or labels that make DuWayne Brayton, DuWayne Brayton. I am the sum of my genetics, environment and to some degree the choices I have made.

So are every one of us. Every fucking one.

Go read Gender Binaries, Trinaries and the problem of labels…

Gender and the labeling problem

Could someone please explain the Catholic Church to me?

Another Roman Catholic higher-up has been caught in yet another sex scandal. This one has a bit of local flavor for me, being that Bishop Raymond Lahey hails from and runs a diocese in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. In the shadow of the settlement of one scandal, in fact, another has emerged, and it doesn’t look like this guy’s going to heaven any time soon, no matter how respected and God-fearing he was (notwithstanding heaven’s non-existence). There’s something I really can’t comprehend about this — why does anyone who thinks they have the right to cover up these crimes, have any authority at all over morality, civility, civic-mindedness, or of who is morally pure or impure enough to make it into some mythical paradise after death?

Continue reading “Could someone please explain the Catholic Church to me?”

Could someone please explain the Catholic Church to me?

The Prepuce

As it’s come up a number of times in the past, since the Abrahamic religions have a tendency toward going choppy-choppy with a sensitive piece of equipment for young boys when they’re young enough that they can’t argue against it, I figure it’s about time I post this video.

It’s produced by Doctors Opposing Circumcision, and they oppose the mutilation of children’s genitals regardless of what gender, faith, or regional cultural expectations are involved. If I were a doctor, I’d join in a heartbeat.

As it’s probably not safe for work, I’ve put it below the fold. Do educate yourselves, folks!
Continue reading “The Prepuce”

The Prepuce

“Pray away the gay” is NOT the way to play

Zdenny keeps forgetting he still owes me two 500-word essays before I’ll give him commenting rights back, and keeps commenting regardless. And yet, now and then, I’ll still give him a stage on this blog, proving what kind of harsh taskmaster I truly am.

He opines thus on one of my older posts:

“DuWayne, The APA in their report is suggesting indirectly that choosing faith over sexuality or as Christians say, dying to your desires in Christ and being resurrected to new life is the only way to overcome homosexuality.”

To which I reply, you have no idea what the APA is saying, and you have to stretch further than Stretch Armstrong to misinterpret them the way you do. Continue reading ““Pray away the gay” is NOT the way to play”

“Pray away the gay” is NOT the way to play

What is love? Baby don’t hurt me…

“I hope you’re just going to ignore that loser.”

“Nope, I plan on posting about it on my blog.”

Jodi let out a resigned, slightly disgusted sigh. I’m sorry dear, but I just can’t let stuff like this go.

Zdenny, Christian un-thinker and god-bot par excellence, decided that rather than continuing the argument he started here, he would instead post a reiteration of his initial arguments, with a few sentences from my rebuttal interspersed, over at his own blog. (I assume the male gender here because I’m not 100% sure, though the proselytizers have a strong tendency toward being the males in a Christian relationship. I could be wrong.) You really don’t even have to click the link, honestly, as its entire contents will be posted below with my reply. I provide it only to prove he actually said it, and this is unaltered from its original form.

Continue reading “What is love? Baby don’t hurt me…”

What is love? Baby don’t hurt me…