Happy 1 year anniversary, Escher Girls!

Escher Girls, the Tumblr blog devoted entirely to pointing out comics’ frequent anatomical impossibilities drawn in the name of making women look “sexy” (read: making them look like they have swivel waists and broken backs and are shaped like camels), celebrates its one-year anniversary. Go say Happy Birthday to Ami Angelwings on Twitter. She’s a fellow Canuck, don’tchaknow. Doing our country proud.

DC’s comic character Black Canary, in a very contorted battle stance, once featured on Escher Girls. Added because it happened to still be in my media library.

And don’t miss the Tumblr blog itself, where there’s sure to be birthday celebration boobs-and-butt drawings! (That girl at the link’s name is Liefelda.)

Happy 1 year anniversary, Escher Girls!