Fuck yeah!

Daily Show is always full of goodness, but John Oliver just absolutely BRINGS IT regarding the “industrial strength douchebags” putting together terror attacks in Mumbai. Skip to roughly 3:25 if you don’t care to hear about the Wal-Mart Consumerist Massacre of 2008.

“There have always been motherfuckers. There will always BE motherfuckers. But what we can’t do is let them control our motherfucking lives!” So bringeth John Oliver.

Oh, and Comedy Network? Get with the times and set it up so you can embed clips. Ultimately you drive traffic back to your site for minimal bandwidth costs. I’d have embedded from Comedy Central instead, considering they DO allow embedding, but they don’t allow Canucks on their servers, the ratfink bastards. You Comedy Network dudes are only getting a reprieve because I can at least connect to your servers.

Fuck yeah!

Wherein Paris Hilton did something that is not completely like a vapid whore.

John McCain gets owned by, of all people, Paris Hilton.

I just found a shred of respect for Skeletor, due to her being able to read a teleprompter, and accepting this gig. I did not think this would happen in a million years.

See Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad and more funny videos on FunnyOrDie.com

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Oh yeah. And I kicked a dog today, just for Bob.

Wherein Paris Hilton did something that is not completely like a vapid whore.