Systemic abuse

Human beings are fallible. They make mistakes. They are imperfect. Put solitary humans in positions where they are held to be paragons of virtue, where they are the arbiters of what is moral and what isn’t, and there will be systemic abuses. This hearkens back to the old saw, “power corrupts.” However, some folks who are elevated to positions of power are already corrupt — sometimes they believe they are fighting their own corruption by claiming a life of virtue, sometimes they aren’t even aware of how immoral their personal codes are.

That religious folks are held as having a higher standard of morality is galling. I recently got into a discussion with a coworker about a person I hardly knew at all, where that person’s moral compass was in question. My coworker defended this person with, “oh, but he’s very religious, he’d never do such a thing.” I couldn’t resist scoffing. Not after seeing headline after headline where religious people, held up as moral paragons, are in fact as shiftless and corrupt as any other human being.

In my Too Many Tabs list, there’s a bunch of links I have not yet mentioned in any previous RCimT wherein a religious figure does something grossly immoral. They wouldn’t have been as big of news if the person in question wasn’t in a position of religious power, either. If they had been ordinary citizens, it might still have been news, but the outrage wouldn’t have been nearly as amplified. I guess adding a charge of hypocrisy on top of whatever existing charges they’ve accumulated, just redoubles the gravity of their crimes.

Links below the fold.
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Systemic abuse

Best laid plans

I got diverted from my larger overarching work project yesterday, onto a different project with higher priority and far greater resource needs. Also, today, my boss is coming to visit for lunch, to discuss my role’s evolution in the company, and I hope to throw me a few bones considering how much work I’ve put in so soon after getting married. I’m angling for an iPhone. After seeing what Jodi’s is capable of, I’m actually quite bitter about how little oomph this Blackberry has when trying to perform otherwise simple tasks. That, and the phone has lost the ability to mousewheel-click accurately (the physical “click bladder” — not sure what its real name is — on the board is probably broken), and has lost the ability to detect when it’s in its holster. Also, yesterday, every time I answer a call it starts out in speakerphone mode for a second or so before reverting back to normal phone mode — just long enough to blow my eardrum when I put it to my head. All of this is hampering my ability to do anything useful with the blasted thing short of typing the occasional e-mail and cursing a blue streak when I can’t accurately hit send.

Anyway, I had been planning for the past week to finish off the rest of my atheism RCimT link fodder, but here we are, Tuesday, and I didn’t even post anything yesterday, much less a proper RCimT on Sunday. All my Too Many Tabs bars are bloated at the moment. I have a ton I’d love to talk about. At some point though, I’m going to have to cut my losses, realize the moment has passed and blog about the here-and-now again. I don’t know when that moment will be, but I suspect it’s soon.

Best laid plans