
RCimT: First Sunday of the decade!

It’s the first Sunday of the decade, and I have a slew of links for us heathens to ring in the new year.

In Santa Monica, a poor defenseless decorative gnome put up by the local Atheists United group was destroyed by vandals. As though Charlie the Gnome (named after Darwin!) was hurting anyone.

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RCimT: First Sunday of the decade!

DonExodus vs Discovery Institute, Round 2

The Discovery Institute has been caught in another lie, this time about what they believe to be a violation of the DMCA, which they used to censor DonExodus2’s Youtube channel. The lie, specifically, is regarding whether using someone else’s logo is a violation of the DMCA, which it definitely isn’t, on even prima facie reading of the act.

Lying fucks looking to censor disagreement. That’s all they are.

I don’t have a BIG blog, but I have a blog, and I’m more than happy to honor your request for re-posting, DonExodus.

DonExodus vs Discovery Institute, Round 2

Thunderf00t / Dawkins discussion

I’m having a bit of trouble embedding this (due to Youtube’s nasty &fmt=18 bug that’s been cropping up lately), so I’m going to have to link to this instead. Click here to see the discussion. I’ll try to embed it if it’s at all possible, but the clicky link works just as well.

Sadly, Thunderf00t was a one-man army in setting up this discussion and had precious little audio/video kit on hand to use, and he is obviously as yet unpracticed in discussion without a script, but the ideas discussed are fascinating and, in my opinion, ring very true. It certainly comes off as far more entertaining than Ray Comfort trying to brow-beat him with the “fine-tuning hypothesis” and a mangled version of Pascal’s Wager, but that’s probably because Dawkins respects Thunderf00t (which, given that he’s little better than a Youtube celebrity at the moment, is great). I can’t imagine doing much better were I dropped into a discussion with Dawkins.

Thunderf00t / Dawkins discussion

Happy 2010! Have some science!

It’s a new year, and there are a few interesting scientific news bits and posts with which to celebrate the decade’s rollover. What better way to start the year than to soak in some science!

Ginkgo Biloba has no effect at all in improving memory or mediating effects of dementia or mental decline due to age, sayeth rigorous tests performed by the NCCAM. I’ve only been told to take it a dozen times in the past dozen years, and while this does say that I should probably work on my swiss-cheese-like medium-term memory, at least I have something to tell those folks. That is, if I can remember the contents of the post.

Scientists have also discovered specific patterns in the brains of patients with generalized anxiety disorder. This is excellent news, both for testing and detecting, and for possibly treating the disorder.

Apparently prions, mere proteins devoid of life, are subject to natural selection and evolution. This doesn’t really surprise me, though it does impress me that scientists have proved as much — that pressures applied by the environment might lead to selecting certain prions over others, and that prions can cause proteins to fold like themselves (the entire basis for Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease), it’s kind of self-evident. Not that I would have come up with the idea myself of course — but it has the ring of truth. This is great news.

What isn’t great news, on the other hand — the UK libel laws are being used as cover for a drug company and their apparent attempt at retribution regarding some criticism being leveled against them by a Danish radiologist.

And finally, ERV discusses scientists having pigs’ retroviruses “optimized out”, so their cells can be used to treat diabetes. She being ERV, the post is titled PERVs and MANIMALS. If that doesn’t get you to click, I have no idea what will.

Hooray for science! And hooray for an arbitrarily selected division of the solar orbit!

Happy 2010! Have some science!