Who’s sick?

Hard to concentrate, honestly, these past two days, while I’ve been hacking up a lung — horrible little cold I’ve got going on here. I’ve had about enough concentration to do barely enough to do what needed doing as far as keeping work functional (easier now with fewer network-related responsibilities, granted, though my newer responsibilities have their own share of challenges). I made clam chowder, via the excellent Cooking for Engineers website, and ate it all save for a bowl yesterday and today. Didn’t do terribly much else though — stayed home and whined on Facebook / Twitter, mostly.

I did, however, just watch the new Doctor Who special, Waters of Mars. It’s absolutely heartbreaking, and terrifying, at the same time. Suffice it to say, a Time Lord “victorious” is something horribly, horribly wrong — like an ascension to godhood. I won’t spoil it, if you haven’t seen it. While the sci-fi itself was a smidge predictable, the story it told was quintessential Doctor, and much better than any of the other David Tennant specials. I look forward to the 2009 Christmas special The End of Time, especially given the revelation in the teaser as to who “knocks four times”. And yeah, if you didn’t already guess, you’ll kick yourself.

I ought to head back to bed. Maybe a shower and a shave first… if I feel slightly human come tomorrow, I’ve got a full day at work of catching-up on the hands-on stuff I can’t do remotely.

Who’s sick?