Homemade caramel

I should be in bed right now, but I had forgotten that I absolutely need to make caramel tonight. This is my second crack at it, and as I had promised that I was going to have caramel rice krispie squares for a work potluck on Friday, I’m hoping I won’t have to do it again tomorrow but at least this way if I do have to, I still have that option.

I was inspired by this “recipe” — more like a set of guidelines. I tried making the simple syrup (1 cup water, 2 cups sugar, no stirring), over 7/10 heat (it says medium high) last time, used evaporated milk (unchilled) instead of cream, and used a saucepan. The results were, a gigantic mess. I seriously underestimated “a bit of sputtering” when it turned into a volcano on my stove, leaving sticky caramel goo all over the burner that I had to clean off before I could go to bed. Also, the resultant caramel was more like molasses — it was seriously overdone. And it turned grainy, probably from my using a fork to whisk the milk in. This time, I’m using 5.5/10 heat, a large pot, and putting the pot in the sink before I add the milk, and it won’t be the full cup of milk (now chilled, so it brings the sugar out of the browning temperature better with less) that it calls for. Plus, a plastic whisk will be on hand.

Hopefully it’ll turn out better this time. It’s already starting to smell caramel-y. I’d better go watch it, and I’ll report back when it’s done.

Homemade caramel

5 thoughts on “Homemade caramel

  1. 1

    Report: it looks, smells, and from what little bit I’ve tasted from the edge of the pot, tastes, awesome. I’m going to refridgerate it now. The real test will be tomorrow, if I can make the squares out of it. Hopefully microwaving it to re-melt it will not ruin it. Pictures tomorrow, maybe.

  2. 2

    I made some caramel sauce that started out in a similar way. The first time through did not turn out well past the “beginning to caramelize” state, so I tossed it and started over. Turned out perfect the next time.

    The sauce was for a “Caramelized Apple Cheesecake with Butterscotch Sauce” that I made around the holidays last year. I do bake a mean cheesecake.

  3. 3

    Homemade caramel is cool. Today I went and got pricing for the equipment I’ll need to make homemade beer, though. I think that is going to be a lot more enjoyable than candy. Well, maybe not for my wife…

  4. 4

    I have never tried to make cheesecake. I have every intention of doing so though. I really ought to be putting more in my Food category anyway. 😀

    Was looking into making homemade beer, but yeah, Jodi’s sorta wishing I hadn’t learned to like beer. She thinks it’s primarily responsible for beer bellies. Probably has a point, though I could imagine other liquor producing the same effect if drank in the same quantities…

  5. 5

    A bit too much vanilla, I’m afraid. I used the cheap artificial vanilla and underestimated its strength. It’s great otherwise, very viscous and a very nice color. Pics tonight when I get home to try to make the actual squares (I need chocolate chips).

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