We looked at nothing, and saw everything.


Science did this. SCIENCE.

Hat tip The Good Atheist

We looked at nothing, and saw everything.

4 thoughts on “We looked at nothing, and saw everything.

  1. 1

    Comment from my own blog…

    This actually brought tears to my eyes. Especially the idea that the images we see in this video, started their journey to the Hubble telescope some nine billion years before some of the debris of our solar system coalesced into a fiery ball that would eventually become this planet of ours. Who needs imaginary magic, when we have this singularly remarkable universe around us and very likely a multiverse around that? Why would we play at simplistic dichotomies, for which there is simply no evidence, when we are a part – no matter how infinitesimal – of something so amazing?

    Thanks for posting this Jason, it really is awesome.

  2. 2

    It really is hard to put this into context, know that when the light was formed, the galaxies were closer. If the universe was only 500 million years old at the time, how large would it have been? Now that the light has reached is, it is 13 billion years old, but the galaxies are 47 billion years away.

    I don’t have the capacity to visualize this.

    Next time some promises you “empty sky,” take it.

  3. 3

    I honestly know how you both feel. This is what enraptures people that have no need for an extraterrestrial magic fairy. The mere fact that all of this exists, and that we are an infinitely tiny dust mote in an infinitely tiny galaxy in the great swirling whirlpool of galaxies that makes up our universe, is truly awe-inspiring. The hubris one has to have to look at these trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars in them and say that it was all created for our benefit is just… flabbergasting.

    Mike: relativity’s a huge bitch. I desperately want to understand it but even Einstein’s dumbed-down versions of it go clear over my head. (I mean, I can visualize sitting on a hot stove, but me, talking to a pretty woman? I usually just stammer and hem and haw nervously. Ask Jodi about our first date.)

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