If the Creation Museum Zerg Rush accomplished nothing else…

… at least now we have a picture of PZ Myers bronco-busting on a triceratops.

Click to link back to Pharyngula.
Click to link back to Pharyngula.

While wearing a Crocoduck tie, no less. Where do I get one of those?

Update: Rational Behaviour (yes, I’m adding a U, deal with it 😉 ) posted some more pics culled from the #CreoZerg live tweeting. I especially love the last one shown — what would happen without God. Apparently everyone will start living in dingy apartments in New York and have nothing better to do but to install tons of deadbolts and carve nihilistic messages on their doors. Protip — lots of deadbolts will not stop someone from axing their way through your obviously wooden door.

If the Creation Museum Zerg Rush accomplished nothing else…

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