Disaster Porn

Phil Plait, as usual, calls it like it is — the upcoming movie 2012, which was built to capitalize on credulous folks’ sincere magical-thinking-based beliefs that a Mayan clock “rollover” is equivalent to the end of the world, is nothing more than disaster porn. Worse, it’s like a disaster porn movie from the 70s, in the same vein as The Towering Inferno, only with a ginormous budget.

So some enterprising individuals remixed the trailer footage we have available to us and built it to look exactly as it would if it were indeed from the 1970s.


Bloody genius.

Oh, and how do you figure this American take on a worldwide calamity will play itself out and still have a pseudo-hopeful ending? Why, with a space-ark, of course!

I admit I’ll probably watch this. I’ll be gritting my teeth through the whole thing, but the special effects look spectacular. Anyway, who doesn’t want to turn off their brains and watch a good porn movie now and then?

Disaster Porn

2 thoughts on “Disaster Porn

  1. 2

    Off the top of my head, I’d say a destructive and incurious President of the United States, incapable of rescuing people where plenty of warning was given that, say, a hurricane was about to destroy an entire coast?

    Oh. Or Cloverfield. You’re expecting something cool and you get some weird alien thing.

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