Nice muscle?!

Oh, you crazy Japanese. Here’s easily the weirdest video game I’ve ever seen, and I own Katamari Damacy. And they say the Wii’s just for kids!

Nice muscle?!

3 thoughts on “Nice muscle?!

  1. 1

    My wife and I were really laughing at this one too. (We both really enjoy Katamari Damacy btw.)  So many bizarre games never make it to market outside of Japan. I recall one from several years ago in which you played a mosquito flying around a house trying to extract blood from the residents.

  2. 2

    It’s both good and bad that stuff like this never makes it to this continent.  It sure would challenge gender roles, though I’m betting it would engender (heh) the rage of every religious homophobe.  The last thing we need is a homophobic version of Jack Thompson crusading against the evil homoerotic indoctrination of video games.

    I suppose I should throw this into my newly created gender category.

  3. 3

    You know, that brings to mind the rather unusual ideas that Japanese culture seems to have regarding gender roles. Japan seems to be very much a male-dominated society, and the majority of Japanese women accept it as the norm. Then I see visual kei bands like Malice Mizer and Nightmare (their early stuff) or individual artists like Hizaki. Men assuming female personas isn’t seen the same way in Japan as it is here in North America. However, I don’t recall seeing female artists assuming male roles.

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