The OUT Campaign

I’d been mulling over whether or not to show solidarity with Richard Dawkins’ OUT Campaign by posting a red A, knowing that the last thing atheists are is organized — giving atheists a symbol (and a figurehead “leader” in Dawkins) implies a level of organization that most assuredly isn’t there. It might also make me a target for fundamentalist idiots who consider the mere fact that a person doesn’t believe in God, makes them inferior and worthy of death. (Or at the very least, worthy of being trolled or spammed.)

However, the public at large responds to symbols better than they do the shunning of symbols, plus there’s something deliciously and intentionally ironic about the choice of the Scarlet A as that symbol; and ultimately my posting it is little more than a way to show those of you who are afraid to admit you don’t believe in God that you’re not alone.

Besides, it’s a bit of free advertising. And that can’t hurt. Well, unless my hosting company starts complaining about bandwidth.

The OUT Campaign