You have until midnight.

You’ll have until midnight tonight to see his evil plan unfurl for free.

Starring Nathan Fillion (Mal from Firefly / Serernity) as Captain Hammer, and Neil Patrick Harris (DOOGIE!) as Dr. Horrible, Joss Whedon’s Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, a Super-Hero Musical in three fifteen-minute acts, will officially be taken offline tonight.  All three acts are available for free right now, and if you’re anything like me, once you see the first five minutes of it, you will be champing at the bit to see Act 3 and pray that that miserable bastard Captain Hammer gets his pretty face besmushed.

After tonight, when the acts are taken down, the only way you’ll be able to see it is illegally, or on DVD.  I plan on buying it myself, as soon as I get a little spare coin.  The extras are bound to be awesome.

You have until midnight.

2 thoughts on “You have until midnight.

  1. Me

    Perhaps it’s just because I was drunk, but this was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

    On a side note, I’m glad Doogie is gay cause it explains the fact that he has a pretty decent singing voice. Or I’m drunker then I thought and it just sounds that way.

    Oh yeah, the redhead is hot. But again, did I mention I’m drunk.

  2. 2

    “Oh yeah, she’s giving it up, she’s giving it up hard, because she’s with Captain Hammer, and these — ” *punch punch* ” — aren’t the hammer.”

    “The hammer is my penis.”

    It was just as funny sober. And she was just as hot sober. Trust me.

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