Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub schedule

The schedule for Copenhagen Skeptics in the Pub has been organized for the rest of the year.

The talks take place at Café Nutid at 19:00. All talks will be in Danish. The links take you to a facebook event for the talk – it is not necessary to sign up and it is free to participate.

12. september: Sidsel Kjems: Hvad ved du om folkekirkens økonomi?

10. oktober: Niels Marthinsen: Musik og naturvidenskab

14. november: Andreas Hoff og Kim Bartholdy: 100 myter om sundhed

12. december: Nanna Rolving: Status på HPV-vaccinen

We are busy trying to create the schedule for the first half of 2017, and always welcome suggestions to subjects and speakers relating to science and skepticism. Talks can be in Danish or English.