Inauguration by Edwin Kagin


We had seen sights, but this mocked our imaginations

We had used words, but this defied our metaphors

We had once been, our heritage proclaimed,

“One Nation Indivisible,” and “Out of Many, One”

Until smallness of soul began to smother dreams.

Then, suddenly, sorely profaned, and wounded, soon to die

Our nation did an unimagined thing

We rolled away the stone

We shook the heels of history upon retreating wrongs

We watched as hope, long dormant, bloomed

And, through eyes blurred with tears,

We went outside and raised the flag.

Edwin Kagin

January 20, 2009


  1. says

    Very well said – and I thought the tears were all used up on Tuesday but your words brought them back again. It is such a momentous moment in American history. This is patriotism – to have a nation to be proud of.

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