Greta Interviewed on “Freethinking Island” Podcast!

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I did an interview with the “Freethinking Island” podcast, a Freethinking forum for the unique Caribbean audience and indeed the world. David Ince, Joy Holloway and I talked about my new book, Coming Out Atheist: How to Do It, How to Help Each Other, and Why. We talked about what language to use when we come out as non-believers; having to do Atheism 101 education when we come out; setting aside time to have a serious conversation about your atheism versus coming out more casually; people who are happy that they came out atheist but regret the way they did it; having patience when we come out; how coming out as atheist will sometimes make believers feel stupid — even if we didn’t say that or anything like that; the role of atheist anger (and the misconceptions about atheist anger) when we come out; talking and/or arguing with believers about religion; and more.

I also found out David’s “coming out atheist” story — which it turns out I played a part in! That makes me so very happy — especially since he’s doing his own work in the atheist community with his blog and his podcast. I was very much influenced to come out and get involved in organized atheism by other atheists, and it makes me really happy to pass that influence on to others… who are then passing it on to still others. Enjoy!

(Note: There isn’t a specific link to just this one podcast episode. You have to scroll down through the list and select Episode 42: Coming Out Atheist. Caution: Reading this list may suck you into listening to every single one of these podcasts. Just the titles are very enticing.)

Greta Interviewed on “Freethinking Island” Podcast!

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