Atheists at the LGBT Pride Parade 2013 – Pictures! — UPDATED!

UPDATE: There are now pictures of me and Ingrid! They’re appended at the end of the post.

This was definitely the most fun I’ve ever had sitting around in the sun for hours waiting to walk down the street.

Last Sunday’s LGBT Pride Parade in San Francisco was the largest ever, by a considerable margin — estimated at about 1.5 million people. I’m not surprised — I’ve been to a lot pf Pride Parades in my time, and I’ve never been to one this ginormous. Clearly, the whole same-sex marriage thing had everyone who cared even remotely about LGBT rights and pride and stuff turning out to celebrate.

I was marching with the atheist contingent — and I would not have missed it for the world. Even with the whole “waiting for the entire San Francisco Bay Area queer and queer-supportive community to march down Market Street until it was our turn” thing. Here are some pictures of the fun. Hope to see you there next year!

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So happy to see Heina from Skepchick at the parade, sporting a “Happy Heathen” sign! And she looked mega-awesome. This picture does not do her justice. (There are better pictures of her in the Meetup page photo gallery, along with some other great shots.)

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David Byars, with his ever-popular “Leviticus Says… Crazy Shit” sign. Always a crowd-pleaser.

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Amanda, with her “Make Love Not Bibles” sign, sporting a T-shirt with a Godzilla-like dinosaur breathing rainbow-colored fire. Because, why not?

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“Gay and Good Without God.” Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Continue reading “Atheists at the LGBT Pride Parade 2013 – Pictures! — UPDATED!”

Atheists at the LGBT Pride Parade 2013 – Pictures! — UPDATED!

Working With CFI in the Future

Since I indicated my willingness to continue working with CFI in the future (context for those who don’t know what I’m talking about), some people have been asking me what exactly this means. Here are the details:

Yes, I will be speaking at the CFI Summit in Tacoma in October.
Yes, I am continuing with my column for Free Inquiry magazine.
Yes, I am back on the CFI Speakers’ Bureau.
And yes, Ingrid and I have resumed our subscription to Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

I have gone ahead and donated my honorarium from my recent talk at CFI headquarters in Amherst to the Secular Student Alliance. I said I would do that, so even though I’m now working with CFI again, I felt that I should honor that.

I think that covers everything. If there’s something I missed, let me know.

Working With CFI in the Future