"Holy. Fucking. Shit.": An Attempt to Discuss the Actual Issue

I’ve written two posts this week about the topic of sexual harassment at conferences: Holy. Fucking. Shit. and Update/ Clarification/ Correction on “Holy. Fucking. Shit.” Both posts were about a report that was made to D.J. Grothe/JREF at TAM, about incidents in which a male attendee of TAM was (a) persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and (b) was carrying a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod in a crowd at ankle height, which created a strong suspicion on the part of some observers that he was surreptitiously taking photos up women’s skirts.

Both posts were focused on two points:

a) in the conversations about sexual harassment, there is a tremendous amount of goalpost-moving when it comes to the question of reporting — such that, no matter how formally or through what official channels the reports are made, it is never seen as good enough;

b (and more relevantly): D.J. Grothe’s claim that there had never, to his knowledge, been a report filed of sexual harassment at TAM, and that there have been zero reports of harassment at the TAMs they’ve put on while he’s been at JREF, is clearly false.

And both posts have had their comment threads completely derailed by extensive and minute examinations of whether monopod guy really was taking upskirt photos, and whether it was reasonable for people to suspect that he was taking upskirt photos, and what possible other reasons someone might have for carrying a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod in a crowd at ankle height, and whether or not these discussions have unfairly ruined Monopod Guy’s reputation, and other similar questions which have clearly become the focus of the community’s conversation about this.

For a larger context for these derailments, I propose looking at two posts:
Why “Yes, But” Is the Wrong Response to Misogyny on this blog,
The further hyper-skepticism stalling our conversation at Lousy Canuck.

So I am hereby creating a post that is specifically dedicated to discussing the actual points raised by the original post and its subsequent correction. Those points, again:

a) in the conversations about sexual harassment, there is a tremendous amount of goalpost-moving when it comes to the question of reporting — such that, no matter how formally or through what official channels the reports are made, it is never seen as good enough;

b (and more relevantly): D.J. Grothe’s claim that there had never, to his knowledge, been a report filed of sexual harassment at TAM, and that there have been zero reports of harassment at the TAMs they’ve put on while he’s been at JREF, is clearly false.

A couple of ground rules: Continue reading “"Holy. Fucking. Shit.": An Attempt to Discuss the Actual Issue”

"Holy. Fucking. Shit.": An Attempt to Discuss the Actual Issue

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life

I’ve had days in my life before when I didn’t have to get up and go to my day job. Obviously. I’ve even had weekdays when I didn’t have to get up and go to my day job. Several of them in a row, even.

Today is different.

Today is the first day of my adult working life when I don’t have to go to a day job today… or tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month. Or next year.

Today is the first day of my adult working life when I can spend the day writing… and can schedule my writing time knowing that I can spend tomorrow writing as well. And the next day. And next month. And next year.

Today is the first day of my adult working life when I can structure my entire day, and my entire week, around my writing. Obviously writing isn’t the only demand on my time — I have my marriage, my friendships, my family, my own need for down time. But like many people, work is the skeleton around which the rest of my time gets built. Today is the day that I get to start building that skeleton myself.

I am so happy, I can barely speak.

I’m finding that — apart from the obvious happiness — my main emotion today is curiosity. What is my life going to look like, now that I don’t have a day job to structure it around? Will I go to bed at midnight and get up to start writing at 8 am? Will I stay up writing until four in the morning, and sleep until noon? How will I schedule my long term projects, such as books, around my day-to-day projects like blogging? Will I mostly work at home, or at cafes, or what? Will I finally get to take weekends off? How will I structure a full day of computer time around the fact that Comet is obsessed with chewing my charger cord? Will I ever get out of my bathrobe?

I am dying to find out. It’s weird to feel curious about something that is essentially under my own control — but that’s what it is. A very happy and excited curiosity.

Last Gasp logo
Tinged with a touch of bittersweet. I worked at Last Gasp for almost ten years, and I have a real attachment to the place. It has an incredible history — one of the first publishers of underground comix, one of the first places to publish Robert Crumb, publishers of the legendary “Zap” and “Weirdo” comix, key player in the burgeoning lowbrow art movement. Plus, just generally, they’ve been hanging in there for decades, helping to keep alternative/small press/ micro-press/ freak-ass book culture alive. I feel proud and honored to have been part of it for so long. They’ve also been incredibly supportive of me and my writing/ speaking career… including being WAAAAY more flexible than any normal workplace would have been about my frequent absences to fly around the country inciting godlessness. And the people there are an awesome bunch of smart, funny, talented, good-hearted, independent-minded, book-obsessed weirdos. I feel privileged to have worked with them. I am genuinely going to miss the place.

But I am also overcome with joy.

I busted my ass to get here. I’ve worked hard and have made real sacrifices, for many years, to get to a place where I could support myself with writing. But I also recognize that I’ve been seriously fucking lucky. Lots of writers and other artists bust their ass for years, and don’t get where I’ve gotten. I’ve had a lot of lucky breaks. And I’ve had a lot of support: from friends, from family, from colleagues, tons and tons and tons from Ingrid…

…and, obviously, from readers. Anyone who donated to a pledge drive; anyone who linked to my writing in their own blog; anyone who Tweeted or Facebooked or Reddited or emailed my writing; anyone who commented on my blog in a non-douchey way; anyone who bought my book; anyone who supported my blog and my writing in ways I haven’t listed here — I am more grateful than I can say. I will do everything I can to make y’all proud.

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance: Final Blaze of Glory!

The SSA Week blogathon for the Secular Student Alliance is finally over! We raised a total of $91,249.00. Not quite the $100,000 we were shooting for — but pretty darned close, and totally freaking awesome.

So to say Thanks to everyone who supported this effort — whether you donated money, publicized the blogathon through Facebook and Twitter and Reddit and so on, or just cheered us on as we blogged our hearts out — here is one last round of kitten photos, in which each of the kittens say “Thank You.” We’ve got Talisker in super close-up, a boneless Houdini bent double with her paws looking enormous, and Comet sprawled on her back, waving her paws in the air like she just doesn’t care. And as a special bonus… I have another kitten video!

Talisker super close-up

Houdini bent double

Comet sprawled on back

And now, here’s the special bonus: Comet and Houdini tussling!

Make note of Houdini’s disturbing chattering at the 0:26 mark.

Again: Huge thanks to everyone who supported the Secular Student Alliance in the SSA Week Blogathon, or who has ever supported them. They are an awesome organization, and our movement is significantly stronger and has a much brighter future because of them. The blogathon is over, but you can still help them out. Thanks again!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance: Final Blaze of Glory!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

The SSA Week fundraising marathon for the Secular Student Alliance is almost over. And since my last update, we’ve raised another $2,000! We’ve now raised over $90,000. We’re actually reasonably close to our goal of raising $100,000! We can do this, people!

So, as promised, here are two more kitten photos.

Comet getting a belly rub

Talisker and Houdini posing on the sofa

For every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

I’ve posted some quotes talking about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome, and why they deserve your support. If you have a story or a comment about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome — post it in the comments, and I’ll post it in the blog!

And remember: Jeff Hawkins and Janet Strauss have a $250,000 matching offer in place for the SSA, so any contribution you make will automatically be doubled. If you have $50,000 give that. If you have $50, give that. If you have $5, give that. If you don’t have any money, but you’re on Facebook or Twitter, help spread the word. (Twitter hashtag: #SSAWeek .) The goal is to raise $100,000 by the end of SSA Week. Do it for the kittens!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

Update/ Clarification/ Correction on "Holy. Fucking. Shit."

I have an update/ clarification/ correction to make on my recent Holy. Fucking. Shit. post. One of the twp people who made the report to JREF on the situation being discussed, Lee, has made a comment (and then some follow-up comments) clarifying what exactly happened in this situation, and what exactly was reported.

Quick note: Lee comments under the name Lee deLay, but prefers to be addressed simply as “Lee.” Also, while Lee is the “traumatized woman” mentioned in the original post, Lee is trans/ genderfluid, and uses they/them pronouns, despite presenting as female most of the time. When addressing Lee directly or speaking about them, please respect these wishes. (Side note: Readers might be interested in this post from the archives on the use of the singular “they.”)

Here is what Lee said in their comment:

So I finally am catching up on everything that is going on and felt that I needed to speak up here as well as on the facebook page. I am the “traumatized woman” (though I am trans* genderfluid and use they/them pronouns, despite presenting as female most of the time) that is mentioned in the original post. I personally am the one who saw the camera and reported it to South Point security, I am one of the two people who filed formal, written and verbal complaints of the behavior (and other incidents) to the JREF and DJ at TAM last year.

What I actually reported and saw with the camera was a man, who I had issues earlier in the event with regards to personal space intrusions, with a camera pointing up on a telescoping rod at his ankle in a crowd of people many of whom were wearing skirts. I have a problem with this but I asked a friend, also a TAM attendee, if she had the same problem with it that I did and since she did we went to call security for the hotel. They came, it took some explanation and convincing but they went and talked to him. Last I saw of the camera after that he still had it so they must have just asked him to keep it above the waist.

I wouldn’t have reported to the JREF if he hadn’t continued to harass us despite us asking him to leave us alone multiple times and having other people ask him to leave us alone since he wouldn’t listen. Nothing was ever communicated to me on what happened or would happen though apparently my friend was able to get some response (which I just learned earlier today) though it wasn’t particularly satisfactory the fact that they are working to get a better policy is promising.

I don’t think DJ has handled this well no, BUT I also don’t like some of the comments that are being made that we are lying etc. When you ask someone to leave you alone, you listen. If you don’t that’s harassment. I /never/ said I say him taking pictures with the camera actively – only that it made me uncomfortable because there are a not a lot of reasons I can see to have a camera pointed up at your ankle in a crowd. I don’t care if he has a camera on a stick – just keep it above the waist.

On another note – it’s not just “non-penis bearing people” who are women. Some women have penises. Some men have vaginas. How about people who are wearing skirts? Genders a bit more complicated than that.

As for the naming names thing, my intention was never to ruin anyone. As such no, I don’t name names. Do I think something should be done? Yes. Did I want Buzzo’s name to be attached to it? Not particularly. I recognize that we are raised in a culture that says this BS is acceptable and so people will do things like this. It’s not okay and should be dealt with privately. But, as he has come out and publicly said it was him – yes that is who I complained about. Don’t ask me who filed with me, it is her choice if she wants to publicly state she filed with me.

Lee then followed up with this comment:

First – Please call me Lee, I am not used to people using my full name anymore, I only provide it because many know me as that still. Also, I use they/them pronouns not she/her. Thanks.

As to if I told DJ, yes I did on the last day of TAM when we filed a written report.

As to the question of if buzzo was actually taking pictures – I don’t know and frankly don’t care. My report was that he had a camera, facing up, at his ankle on a pole. It made me uncomfortable because the only reason I could think of for that to happen is taking upskirt photos. Do I know he was? No, how could I? I actively avoided him (for all the good that did me) I wasn’t exactly going to get near enough to see and frankly I didn’t want him to have a chance to take the pics if he was going to. I acted to call security because myself and others were uncomfortable with the behavior. Why is that a problem? Given the security people spoke with him and though weren’t entirely helpful didn’t tell us “well, since we don’t have proof he was taking pictures it’s legit” why are you asking me for physical proof? Is my discomfort and not feeling safe in an environment where I should be safe not important?

Lee has also made other comments in this discussion, here, here, here, here, here, and here. These comments are relevant to the discussion, but they largely repeat the information quoted above, so for the sake of brevity, I won’t quote all of them here.

So to summarize: The report made to JREF was not, “a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts.” The report made was, “a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts.”

The original Facebook post and comment on this matter led me to believe that it was the former, but it was not — it was the latter.

None of this alters the point of my original post. Which is that:

a: in the conversations about sexual harassment, there is a tremendous amount of goalpost-moving when it comes to the question of reporting — such that, no matter how formally or through what official channels the reports are made, it is never seen as good enough;

b (and more relevantly): D.J. Grothe’s claim that there had never, to his knowledge, been a report filed of sexual harassment at TAM, and that there have been zero reports of harassment at the TAMs they’ve put on while he’s been at JREF, is clearly false.

The point of my post is not altered. But the truth matters to me, and it’s important to me to have the facts straight — especially in matters as important and controversial as this one. So I’m posting this update/ clarification/ correction. Please make note of it in future discussions of this topic. Thank you.

UPDATE: Comments on this post have been largely derailed away from the original points. Anyone wishing to discuss the actual points made in this post may do so in this new dedicated thread: “Holy. Fucking. Shit.”: An Attempt to Discuss the Actual Issue. Any attempts to derail the conversation in that new thread will result in being banned. Thank you.

Update/ Clarification/ Correction on "Holy. Fucking. Shit."

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

The SSA Week fundraising marathon for the Secular Student Alliance is almost over. Right now, Jen McCreight — the original originator of this whole Blogathon thing — is blogathoning like hotcakes over at BlagHag. Natalie Reed is at it as well, at Sincerely, Natalie Reed, and Sarah Moglia at RantaSarahRex is livestreaming.

And since my last update, we’ve raised another $11,000! We’ve now raised over $88,000. We’re actually reasonably close to our goal of raising $100,000! We can do this, people!

So, as promised, here are eleven more kitten photos. And because this fundraiser is a community effort of love and support, and because reaching our goal is going to take lots of people pulling together — to donate money, or to spread the word via Facebook and Twitter and so on — all eleven photos are of kittens snuggling!

For every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

Here’s your starter pic. More below the jump.

All three kitten snuggling
Continue reading “Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!”

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

The SSA Week fundraising marathon has raised another $2,000! We’ve now raised over $77,000. So, as promised, here are two more kitten photos. Both of Talisker and Houdini snuggling.

Houdini and Taisker snuggling

TOES! Kitten toes! (incoherent gibbering)

For every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

I’ve posted some quotes talking about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome, and why they deserve your support. If you have a story or a comment about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome — post it in the comments, and I’ll post it in the blog!

And remember: Jeff Hawkins and Janet Strauss have a $250,000 matching offer in place for the SSA, so any contribution you make will automatically be doubled. If you have $50,000 give that. If you have $50, give that. If you have $5, give that. If you don’t have any money, but you’re on Facebook or Twitter, help spread the word. (Twitter hashtag: #SSAWeek .) The goal is to raise $100,000 by the end of SSA Week. Do it for the kittens!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

UPDATE: There is an update/ clarification/ correction on this post. It is summarized at the end of this post, and explained in fuller detail here.

I haven’t been getting as involved in the recent “sexual harassment at atheist/ skeptical conferences” discussions as I would like to. This is my last week at my day job, and my time has been both much more limited and much more frazzling even than usual. Thus far, all I’ve said on the topic has been (a) this post, on what is and is not an appropriate community response to widespread second-hand reports about harassment; and (b) this post, on the sexual harassment policy/ code of conduct adopted by a recent polyamory conference, as an example of how an anti-harassment policy can be consistent with a sex-positive environment.

But I just saw this — and limited time or not, I had to speak.

Two women approach me and another conferee. They are pale and trembling. A man with a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod has been attempting to surreptitiously take photos up their skirts. Yes, he was attending TAM. They had taken concerns to conference organizers and got little satisfaction. Hotel security confiscated the camera. I later learned the individual was well-known and had been complained about in previous years, and yet there he was again.

And then this comment on the post from which the above is excerpted:

Though I was less traumatized and more seriously angry I am one of the people to report the upskirt photo thing along with multiple other incidents by the same person the last day at tam last year. We spoke to dj about it during the event, he said we would hear back on what was going to be done and never did. We followed up on it for a number of months and nothing happened so we gave up. Its part of what has very much frustrated me about tam and other such events is that even when we reported harassment we only got lip service on something actually being done. I know dj is busy and I don’t expect him to be the one to take care of things but I do expect there to be some response from the jref more than vacuous head patting.

And then this, from this latter commenter on the same post, in response to a question about whether she reported this incident in TAM’s anonymous post-event survey:

I reported it publicly to the JREF. In paper and in person to the head of security and even spoke to DJ at the event. The other person who I reported the multiple situations that occured with and I have both been trying since last TAM to find out what was going to happen with it and haven’t heard anything back. It’s been nearly a year now and they haven’t responded to us in over 6 months that I know of.

(Via Almost Diamonds.)

There is so much I could say. After I scream and curse and throw things at the wall, that is. There is so much I could say, so much I want to say. But my time and energy are limited… so for now, I’m just going to say two things.

First: In the conversations about sexual harassment at atheist/ skeptical conferences, I have noticed a tremendous amount of goalpost-moving when it comes to the question of reporting. “If you wanted something done about this harassment, why didn’t you tell anyone?” “Actually — I told someone on the JREF staff.” “Well, why didn’t you tell D.J. Grothe about it?” “Actually — I did tell D.J. about it.” “Well, why didn’t you report it in writing?” “Actually — I did report it in writing.” “Well, why didn’t you tell hotel security?” “Actually — I did tell hotel security.” “Well, why didn’t you send a written report in triplicate, to the police, to hotel security, and to D.J. Grothe, using registered mail so there could be a documented paper trail?”

Okay, that last one was sarcastic. I wish I could say the rest of it was.

As Ashley F. Miller pointed out in her excellent piece, Aren’t you making it up? – Why women don’t report harassment: When a woman is harassed and speaks out about it… even when she does everything “right”? Even when she has witnesses who are willing to make public statements; even when a complaint about the harassment gets made when the incident is happening and not later; even when the complaint isn’t being made about a well-known speaker; even when the target of the harassment is a known and respected member of the community with a platform from which to speak? She will still (a) be blamed for not reporting in the exact proper channels, and (b) get called a liar. In fact, the fact that she didn’t report through the exact proper channels (or rather, her critic’s idea of the exact proper channels) will be used to impugn her credibility. “Well, if this really happened, why didn’t you tell anyone?” Repeat goalpost-moving script above.

Second, and much more importantly:

D.J. Grothe, president of JREF and organizer of TAM, was told about these incidents.

D.J. Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts.

And he nevertheless made this statement:

It should be said that there has never been a report filed of sexual harassment at TAM to my knowledge and there have been zero reports of harassment at the TAMs we’ve put on while I’ve been at JREF.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I can only think of four possible explanations for this. All of which are entirely unacceptable.

1: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts (UPDATE: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts) — but thinks this incident wasn’t “reported,” because he is defining “report” in the extremely narrow, weaselly, goalpost-moving way described above.

2: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts (UPDATE: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts) — but he didn’t think this qualified as sexual harassment.

3: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts (UPDATE: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts) — and lied about having been told this.

4: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts (UPDATE: Grothe was told that a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts) — but he didn’t remember it.

I don’t know what to even begin saying about this.

Maybe some of you can say it for me?

Or maybe you feel that you should say it to JREF?

UPDATE: There is an update/ clarification/ correction on this post. It is explained in fuller detail here. Summary: The report made to JREF was not, “a male attendee of TAM had been using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts.” The report made was, “a male attendee of TAM was persistently harassing women even after having been asked to leave them alone multiple times, and was strongly and reasonably suspected of using a camera on the end of a telescoping monopod to surreptitiously take photos up women’s skirts.”

The original Facebook post and comment on this matter led me to believe that it was the former, but it was not — it was the latter.

None of this alters the point of this post. Which is that:

a: in the conversations about sexual harassment, there is a tremendous amount of goalpost-moving when it comes to the question of reporting — such that, no matter how formally or through what official channels the reports are made, it is never seen as good enough;

b (and more relevantly): D.J. Grothe’s claim that there had never, to his knowledge, been a report filed of sexual harassment at TAM, and that there have been zero reports of harassment at the TAMs they’ve put on while he’s been at JREF, is clearly false.

The point of my post is not altered. But the truth matters to me, and it’s important to me to have the facts straight — especially in matters as important and controversial as this one. So I’m posting this update/ clarification/ correction, and have corrected the post accordingly. Please make note of it in future discussions of this topic. Thank you.

SECOND UPDATE: Comments on this post have been largely derailed away from the original points. Anyone wishing to discuss the actual points made in this post may do so in this new dedicated thread: “Holy. Fucking. Shit.”: An Attempt to Discuss the Actual Issue. Any attempts to derail the conversation in that new thread will result in being banned. Thank you.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

Unholy mackerel! Since I last checked earlier today, the SSA Week fundraising marathon has raised another $11,000! Not another $1,000 — another $11,000! We’ve now raised over $75,000! So, as promised, here are ELEVEN more kitten photos! Here’s the first picture. The rest below the jump.

All three kittens in sun room

And remember — for every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

Continue reading “Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!”

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

The SSA Week fundraising marathon has raised another $1,000 — and another $1,000 on top of that! We’ve now raised over $64,000. So, as promised, here are two more kitten photos! Both are of Talisker on my lap, when she was littler — one straight on, and one in profile.

Talisker on lap

Talisker on lap

She’s so fuzzy!

For every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

I’ve posted some quotes talking about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome, and why they deserve your support. If you have a story or a comment about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome — post it in the comments, and I’ll post it in the blog!

And remember: Jeff Hawkins and Janet Strauss have a $250,000 matching offer in place for the SSA, so any contribution you make will automatically be doubled. If you have $50,000 give that. If you have $50, give that. If you have $5, give that. If you don’t have any money, but you’re on Facebook or Twitter, help spread the word. (Twitter hashtag: #SSAWeek .) The goal is to raise $100,000 by the end of SSA Week. Do it for the kittens!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!