Blogathon for SSA: America's Best Dance Crew, and the Great New American Art Form

I am of the opinion that hip-hop dancing is America’s great new art form.

I like the music fine, although it interests me somewhat less than it used to. (I liked it better when it was more political and less commercial.) But the dancing… the dancing is another story.

We started watching “America’s Best Dance Crew” almost by accident. We were staying overnight with some folk dance friends, and we watched an episode because our hostess was. But we got hooked immediately. We went very quickly from “America’s best what now?” to “We must never ever miss an episode of this show, no matter what happens.” Within a couple/ few episodes.

I love how it blends artistry and athleticism. I love how it is taking what is essentially a folk art form and, through time and attention and discipline and community, is transforming it into high art. I love that, no matter how high the art gets, or how wide-ranging its influences are, or how diverse its practitioners become, it never seems to lose touch with its urban street roots. I love how it blends serious-as-a-heart-attack discipline with playful, exuberant joy.

This is, in my opinion, the great new American art form. Like jazz, or abstract expressionism, or rock and roll. If you’re not paying attention, you’re missing out.

This post is part of my blogathon for the Secular Student Alliance. Donate today!

I’ve posted some quotes talking about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome, and why they deserve your support. If you have a story or a comment about why the Secular Student Alliance is so awesome — post it in the comments, and I’ll post it in the blog! Along with kitten photos, of course. Support the SSA!

Blogathon for SSA: America's Best Dance Crew, and the Great New American Art Form

2 thoughts on “Blogathon for SSA: America's Best Dance Crew, and the Great New American Art Form

  1. 1

    I’m with you on America’s Best Dance Crew — it’s great! I can’t remember which crew did a bit set to Duke Ellington but it was fabulous.

    And I like So You Think You Can Dance, too, except for Nigel’s dislike of same-sex pairs. At least, the contestants are real dancers, unlike that Dancing with the Stars show.

    Dance is a wonderful thing.

  2. 2

    Agreed, Greta. Have you seen the movie Planet B-Boy?

    It’s a 2007 documentary of the worldwide Battle of the Year, which is like an ultra-low-funded Olympics of b-boying. Really spectacular, and the interviews go a long way to making the competitors more human. It’s on Netflix Instant, if you’re a subscriber.

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