
I am way the hell behind on my blog carnival updates. Sorry about that! Here’s a bunch of good blog carnivals that I think you’ll enjoy.

First, there’s a new blog carnival on the block that I’m very excited about: the Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy, hosted by Uncool. It’s basically a carnival of sex-positive feminist blogging. Which makes me really happy: I like the regular Carnival of Feminists, too, but it does get filled up with a lot of anti- porn, anti- sex- work, etc. posts, and I don’t like the idea that that’s how feminism is being represented in the blogosphere. I like that there’s a carnival of feminist blogging that represents my own form of feminism.

My pieces in this carnival: On Punishment, and the Lack Thereof, and Sexual Perspective, or, How Can You Eat That? from the Blowfish Blog. If you want to participate in the next one, check out the call for submissions.

Other nifty blog carnivals:

Humanist Symposium #17. This is my favorite blog carnival of all. It’s the “atheist blogging that’s positive about atheism instead of being critical about religion” carnival, and it’s always a good time.

Carnival of the Godless #88.

Carnival of the Liberals #61.

And Carnival of Feminists #56.

I think that’s everything. If you’re a blog carnival that I usually link to and I somehow missed you, please let me know. Ta!


One thought on “Carnivals!

  1. 1

    In commenting on another blog, I remembered Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president in 1870. Woodhull fought for equal rights sexual liberty, called free love.
    The attacks on her at the time remind me of the attacks on Hillary Clinton today, even though Clinton is far less radical. Here is an interview with one of her biographers, Barbara Goldsmith. It is in the last third of the video.

    There is more at a site on her.

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