A Ready Supply of Brownshirts

Decent people are baffled by atrocities. They want to believe that regular folks don’t engage in horrible acts of mass violence. That attitude was pronounced in the years following the Holocaust: we in the West have a superiority complex, and we just couldn’t imagine that ordinary Europeans took enthusiastic part in Hitler’s Final Solution. His Brownshirts and the SS had to be filled with ranks of crazed, godless, evil fuckers, not average European citizens. Civilized people wouldn’t do such things.

It’s terrifying to realize that civilization is a thin veneer, that decency and humanity can so easily be stripped away by politicians playing on ordinary people’s fears and insecurities. All it takes is a set of leaders giving people permission to unleash their inner demons on easy scapegoats. They blame an indentifiable minority for the country’s ills: Jews, blacks, liberals. They whip up the hate. They work the crowd into a frenzy. And then, suddenly, ordinary people become a howling mob. Ordinary, civilized folks find themselves willing to do the unthinkable, because they’ve been given permission. It’s normal. It’s okay. It’s patriotic:

It’s no wonder that the slightest incitement from Sarah Palin or John McCain will turn one of their rallies into a lynch mob. Just talk to the folks who attend.

My camera was rolling for literally seconds before people happily said to me, on camera, that Barack Obama is a terrorist. If I hadn’t spent most of my time at the event inside, waiting for the candidates to show up, I could have gotten dozens of these people on tape.


I’ve been doing blog video for a while, and presidential rallies a lot longer. And this is the most strange, ignorant, uninformed, angry, up-to-no-good, and gullible group of people I’ve ever seen at a political rally.


These people have been told for years that their lives are threatened by scary brown Islamofascists. They’ve been told that their problems are caused by the minorities taking over America. Then, when a man with a Kenyan father and a white mother runs for office, they’re told he’s a closet Muslim with a militant black pastor who befriends terrorists – and the easy conclusion is jumped to. They’re terrified and primed to strike out. All they need is permission.

It seems McCain and Palin are more than willing to give them that permission for the sake of winning an election.

Of all the evil McCain’s responsible for, this is the worst.

A Ready Supply of Brownshirts

What Does McCain Have in Common with a Dying Salmon?

He flips and flops and flails around in utter desperation. The latest example: it took him less than 24 hours to flip-flop on his homeowner bailout “plan.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) made an overnight change in the homeowner bailout he proposed at Tuesday’s presidential debate, making it more generous to financial institutions and more costly for taxpayers.

McCain’s staff says it was always meant that way.

When McCain sprung his surprise idea at the start of the debate in Nashville, his campaign posted details online of his American Homeownership Resurgence Plan, which would direct the government to buy up bad home mortgages, allowing strapped people to keep their property.

The document posted and e-mailed by the McCain campaign on Tuesday night says at the end of its first full paragraph: “Lenders in these cases must recognize the loss that they’ve already suffered.”

So the government would buy the mortgages at a discounted rate, reflecting the declining value of the mortgage paper.

But when McCain reissued the document on Wednesday, that sentence was missing, to the dismay of many conservatives.

That would mean the U.S. would pay face value for the troubled documents, which was the main reason Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) gave for opposing the plan.

A McCain campaign official explained the change: “That language was mistakenly included in the initial draft and it’s been corrected. It doesn’t reflect the intentions of the initiative, which necessitated the correction and the removal of the sentence. A simple mistake.”

What am I sitting on right now? That’s right: my ass. Admit you flip-flopped when your greedy banker friends came a-whining. Admit you plan to shaft American taxpayers. Might as well say it outright, because by saying that you mistakenly included language in a draft that would’ve forced shady lenders to pay for the poison they’ve pushed, you’ve basically just told us you plan to let them get off scott-free while the American taxpayers foot the bill.

That’s John McCain for you. Populist rhetoric spewing out one side of his mouth while he sucks Wall Street’s dick with the other.

What Does McCain Have in Common with a Dying Salmon?

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

The burning question o’ the day: how many times can a single presidential candidate lie in a 90-minute debate? The answer: many.

Fact-checking a 90-minute debate featuring John McCain is a little daunting — most of what he has to say strays from the truth.

But looking over my notes and the transcript, a few whoppers jumped out at me.

* McCain said he “left my campaign and suspended it to go back to Washington” to work on the bailout. In reality, there was never an actual suspension.

* McCain said he wants it to be “very clear” to voters: “I am not in favor of tax cuts for the wealthy.” Seriously, he said that.

* McCain said, “[O]il drilling offshore now is vital so that we can bridge the gap.” But this leads the voter to think coastal drilling will offer short-term benefits. It won’t. Even the Bush administration and McCain’s policy aides concede that we’re about a decade away from new coastal drilling having any kind of effect on the marketplace.

* McCain said that Obama “wants to announce that he’s going to attack Pakistan.” As Obama explained very effectively last night, that’s not even close to true.

* McCain said that Obama “has voted 94 times to either increase your taxes or against tax cuts.” First, that’s still wrong. Second, if we use
McCain’s standards and look at his own record, McCain has voted
477 times to either increase taxes or against tax cuts. The last time I checked, 477 is greater than 94.

No wonder he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Few people in the United States could keep up with him in the outright lie department.

She also matches his talent for whipping the crowd up into a lynch mob. How bad is it? Bad enough even Faux News has been forced to take note:

Fox News’ political reporter Carl Cameron is on the trail with John McCain. Reporting from a live McCain rally this evening, he said:

You’ll hear the booing behind me. In recent days, when Barack Obama’s name has been mentioned, it has gone from boos and hissing to actual chants and calls of traitor, criminal, and even terrorist.

The McCain campaign says they don’t condone it, they don’t want to see it happen, but it’s happening more and more every day.

That would be because they do condone it and it’s exactly what they want to see. There’s no other explanation:

Way back in February, Karl Rove heard a growing number of Republicans blasting “Barack Hussein Obama,” and warned his fellow Republicans to drop the line. Rove argued it would only perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted, which in turn would hurt the party.

That same week, at an event in Ohio, McCain was introduced by some conservative loud-mouth named Bill Cunningham, who blasted “Barack Hussein Obama.” McCain, who was not on stage during Cunningham’s harangue, later expressed said he wanted to “disassociate” himself from the remarks. McCain added that he would take responsibility to ensure that similar comments are not repeated at future campaign events.

That was February. This is October.

For the second time in three days, the speaker at a McCain campaign rally used Barack Obama’s middle name “Hussein” in a demeaning fashion to ignite the crowd.

Speaking in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Bill Platt, the GOP chair of Lehigh County, twice referred to “Barack Hussein Obama” minutes before John McCain and Sarah Palin were set to take the stage.

On Monday, a local Florida sheriff preceded Palin’s speech by declaring: “On Nov. 4, let’s leave Barack Hussein Obama wondering what happened.”

To be fair, a campaign aide later conceded that this was “inappropriate rhetoric.” But the trend nevertheless seems to point in one direction: whipping the angry, far-right Republican base into a frenzy. That includes the increasing frequency of “Hussein” references, but it also includes looking the other way while campaign supporters exclaim “treason!,” “terrorist!,” and “kill him!” during official rallies.

Steve Benen and Josh Marshall both agree: this kind of thing doesn’t happen with such consistency unless the campaign is tacitly (or actively) encouraging it.

The New York Times called them out on it in a blistering editorial:

It is a sorry fact of American political life that campaigns get ugly, often in their final weeks. But Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin have been running one of the most appalling campaigns we can remember.

They have gone far beyond the usual fare of quotes taken out of context and distortions of an opponent’s record — into the dark territory of race-baiting and xenophobia. Senator Barack Obama has taken some cheap shots at Mr. McCain, but there is no comparison.

There really isn’t. They’ve decided that instead of offering useful policies, a clean break with the failed philosophies of the last eight years, and a new way forward, they’re better off inciting Americans to hate. These tactics are similar to what they’d employ on the world stage: join us or die. Take McCain’s
best buddy Lieberman’s concerns about an Obama presidency:

In an interview with the right-wing magazine Newsmax yesterday, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) called Sen. Barack Obama’s worldview “naive.” Asked if Obama had “the right stuff to bomb Iran if it came to that level,” Lieberman replied, “I worry about that“:

ASHLEY MARTELLA: Alirght, Iran has sworn to exterminate Israel as well as attack the United States. Does Barack Obama have the right stuff to bomb Iran if it came to that level?

SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN: Well, I worry about that. I worry that Sen. Obama’s world view is naive. Sen. McCain has been around awhile. He’s learned some things. I’ve traveled the world with him a lot. He’s, he will be the kind of president who our allies will trust, but who our enemies will fear. And in a dangerous world, al Qaeda, Iran, Iran trying to get a nuclear weapons, we want a president who our enemies will fear. I don’t believe that Sen. Obama will be that kind of president. I believe he’s naive to think that people like Ahmadinejad and Tehran Iran will somehow become America’s friend just by…

MARTELLA: Talking to them unilaterally.

LIEBERMAN: Talking to them in a warm embrace and a cup of tea. It’s not going to work that way. Sen. McCain knows there’s evil as well good in the world and he’ll confront evil
directly in order to protect our security and that of our allies.

Lieberman, you see, believes it’s better to bomb a country into submission. He believes fear is better than goodwill for accomplishing America’s goals. The problem with this philosophy, other than the obvious moral bankruptcy, is that we cannot drop enough bombs to make foreign powers submit. We cannot bring to bear enough fear to make them do our bidding without negotiation. Lieberman seems to believe all you need is fear and force, forgetting that people subjected to too much fear and force have a nasty habit of rising up and attempting to destroy the source of their fear and pain.

Whereas sitting down for a warm embrace and a nice cup of tea, with the understanding that nice only lasts as long as progress is made, and with the understanding that everybody can come to an accord, is a lot more effective.

But Lieberman and the McCain campaign only understand fear and force. And they’re unwilling to unleash both on the world and on Americans in order to get their way.

We need to disabuse them of the notion they can get away with it.

Happy Hour Discurso

George Bush Has Done the Impossible

My stepmother describes herself as a Rush Limbaugh conservative. She was as far right as I am far left when I moved up to Seattle. The few times we discussed politics, we’d end up joyfully insulting each other, safe in the knowledge that neither would ever come to share the other’s views. So we just had fun teasing each other about them.

So I was a bit surprised when, this year, she announced she’d be voting for Obama. A bit? Try shocked. Heart-attack shocked. But then, once the astonishment wore off, I realized that while she’s deeply conservative, she’s not a stupid woman. She looked at the choices, and she listened to sanity. Obama is the sane person’s choice. She’s a dyed-in-the-wool Obamacan.

Nothing too surprising, when you get right down to it, I thought. A lot of Republicans are swinging Obama’s way. The difference between a ‘Can and a ‘Con is that the ‘Cans realize when they’re being conned and aren’t afraid to vote the other ticket when that ticket’s got the better candidate.

But it turns out that this was just the beginning. When I got home, I discovered that my stepmother, my Rush Limbaugh conservative stepmother, has become a flaming liberal.

Well, not quite. But you sure as shit can’t tell the difference between us these days.

We spent the weekend bashing Sarah Palin, denigrating John McCain, blasting the Republicons over their innumerable failed policies, making fun of George Bush, and enthusing over Obama and Biden. Even when her conservative roots came to the surface, she merely sounded a moderate tone. She’s been pushed as far left as I have, which in her case, sticks her just slightly right of center, with brief forays over the line into left-wing territory.

My dad is wondering where his wife went.

I never thought I’d see the day when I was bookmarking progressive blogs for my stepmother’s reading pleasure. I never thought we’d be sitting out on the porch discussing policy and agreeing with each other. This is how far in the shitter the Republicon brand is: no thinking person can comfortably vote Republicon, can sign on to those world views, can accept the endless parade of outrageous stupidity that the Republicons put on and call “politics.”

Needless to say, I’m delighted by this development. It was an incredible experience, being able to talk politics with a woman I’ve always loved and respected, and to share her views. There are still points where we disagree – I see a much larger role for the government than she does when it comes to social programs, for instance – but the disagreements are more like quibbles. Inconsequential. The broad points of agreement are far more profound.

If it could happen to her, it can happen to just about anyone. And so here’s what I’m hoping: I hope she’s a sign of what’s to come. I know there are thoughtful, intelligent, reasoning people still in the Republican party. I’d love to see them rise up en-masse after this election (in which they’ll have voted for Obama, natch) and take back the party from the gang of losers, liars, thieves, religious freaks, and dumbfucks who hijacked it awhile back. I’d love to watch these angry conservatives clean house. I’d like to see a slew of moderate Republican candidates suddenly have a shot at being elected, even if their politics don’t pander to the rabid religious right base. I’d be happy if, in 2012, a renewed Republican party is fielding a presidential candidate who gives us Dems an acutal run for our money.

America needs this. We need a Republican party we can respect. There’s a creative tension that arises between folks who almost but don’t quite agree. A strong, healthy and wise Republican party can provide an effective balance to a strong, healthy Democratic party, and keep both thriving. As much as I love the Dems, I know that if we end up the only party of sane people, it won’t be a good thing. One party rule never is.

My stepmother gives me that hope. If enough people like her emerge and take over the Republican ranks, we’ll have a functioning democracy again. We’ll have a chance at actual bipartisanship. The poisonous, toxic, neoconservative elements can be driven out so that the adults can get some work done and help this country recover from a devastating eight years.

I don’t want political enemies. I want political opponents, men and women I can respect as I work to defeat them in elections. I want the ideas from both sides to be great again. I want the politics of personality to give way to the politics of policy. Once McCain is defeated, once the detritus of these last eight years is cleared away, I think I just might get it, too.

Funny to think that I’ll have George Bush to thank for doing the impossible should it come to pass. After all, it’s his tremendous failures that have caused many Rush Limbaugh conservatives to transform into Obamacans.

He’s given me that one consolation prize: I can now talk politics seriously with my stepmother. She is, completely and without a single exception, the smartest, most insightful woman I know, including her political acumen and her taste in SNL skits.

Not only this, but my dear old dad all but admitted to me that he’s pulling the lever for a Democrat this year, for the first time.

Awesome. Thanks, Georgie!

George Bush Has Done the Impossible

I Come Bearing Cats

One of the things I looked forward to most going home was seeing my siblings again. My parents have three delightful cats. So, of course, I had to whip out the camera and catch them in moments of catastrophic cute.

The biggest shock was seeing Jimmy, who’s become the Famous Shrinking Cat. When I left Arizona in 2007, Jimmy was not just Garfield’s color, but roughly his size. He looked like he’d swallowed a big round watermelon. My wicked stepmother had told me Jimmy had lost weight due to the new kitten keeping him busy, but she hadn’t let on that Jimmy’s about 1/3 the cat he used to be. That lean, mean playing machine you see in the photo above batting at Spook bears little resemblance to the enormous sleeping machine of yore.

I even saw him running through the house. Jimmy. Running. And leaping. And acting like he’d lost five years. Note to people with obese felines: try the Hyperactive Kitten Diet, and watch the pounds just melt away!

Max and I are old buds. When she was a little girl, I allowed her to spend a night in the Forbidden Room with me, and she’s adored me ever since. This time, the Forbidden Room was filled with model airplanes, so she and I sacked out on the couch. She seemed to think that having the sheets from the Forbidden Room was sinful pleasure enough.

Me baby brudder is growing up, but he’s still a wee little thing, and seriously is the cutest kitten I’ve ever seen in my life. Even Misha never attained this pinnacle of unadulterated adorable. He fetches mice, but instead of bringing them back and dropping them at your feet, he takes an extra moment to hide them in your shoes. He makes a great game out of getting scared. And he likes to climb my knees at night as if they’re Everest. He woke me up Sunday morning by licking my eyebrows. I almost sneaked him into my luggage. He makes me wish Misha were more amenable to the idea of having a sibling, but she’s already made her views on that crystal clear.

And, really, what more do I need? Just my little girl, snoring like a bulldog in the bed behind me. Yes, snoring. Something about the humidity up here, I think, because she never snored in Arizona. We’ve had a good time lazing around together as I catch up on the gargantuan amount of sleep I missed. Now that she’s managed to get her scent back all over my stuff, sticking it to those other three who had the termity to believe they could establish ownership, she’s a happy cat indeed.

And, with so many cats in my life, I’m a happy human. Awwww….

I Come Bearing Cats

"That One"

This very well could be McCain’s “macaca” moment, the dismissive, snippy little put-down that gets picked up and endlessly repeated until everyone in the nation knows just what a mean, nasty old bastard you are:

You’d think that a man running for the presidency could control himself just for a few hours. He’s already gotten a beat-down in the press for treating Obama with contempt before. He can’t afford another drubbing, but that’s just what he’ll get. No one but those howling mobs at his campaign events has any patience with his bullshit anymore.

How this man faces a mirror every morning is beyond me.

"That One"

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

The new McCain/Palin tactic: incite to riot:

Yesterday, we heard McCain/Palin supporters call Obama a “terrorist,” use racial slurs, and exclaim that Obama should be “killed.” Today, the hate continues.

In the latest instance of inflammatory outbursts at McCain-Palin rallies, a crowd member screamed “treason!” during an event on Tuesday after Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of criticizing U.S. troops.

“[Obama] said, too, that our troops in Afghanistan are ‘air raiding villages and killing civilians,'” Palin said, mischaracterizing a 2007 remark by Obama. “I hope Americans know that is not what our brave men and women in uniform are doing in Afghanistan. The U.S. military is fighting terrorism and protecting us and protecting our freedom.”

Shortly afterward, a male member of the crowd in Jacksonville, Florida, yelled “treason!” loudly enough to be picked up by television microphones.

Now, part of this really is Palin’s fault. She’s blatantly lying to her supporters, leading them to think Obama really is condemning U.S. troops in Afghanistan. The charge was debunked 15 months ago when Republicans first used it, and it hasn’t improved with age. If Palin is capable of shame — an unlikely scenario, to be sure — now would be a good time for it.

That said, McCain/Palin have reached a point where they have to decide whether whipping right-wing activists into a frenzy, based solely on lies, is the responsible way to seek national office. The Republican candidates are not literally calling for violence against their political rivals, but they’re nevertheless standing by, saying nothing, while their supporters are shouting words like “kill,” “terrorist,” and “treason” at their rallies.

If you can’t beat ’em, assault ’em, eh? They’ve decided that, as they’re slipping in the polls, the best thing they can do is to unleash hatred and racism. Maybe they even believe they can control it. But when you whip the crowd up to a frenzy, that crowd is going to quickly spiral out of your control. Here’s a foretaste:

Worse, Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric‘s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”

There was a time in our society, not too many weeks ago, when it would have been unthinkable to shout “terrorist,” “treason,” and “kill him!” at a political rally and have the candidate respond with a smirk and more attacks. A time when calling a black man an “uppity negro” and telling him to “sit down, boy” would have been considered beyond outrageous. That was before McCain/Palin and their band of Rovian lackeys came through winking and nudging and letting the racists and violent “patriots” know it’s really okay to let the worst of themselves go. That was before McCain/Palin implicitly endorsed the violence and thuggery and hate.

They’re willing to tear America apart along racial and class lines to win. They’re willing to unleash demons we’ve spent decades trying to banish. That’s not putting country first.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, this comes from the ticket that includes a lying governor who gives peppy speeches to secessionist parties:

As Jed’s video shows, earlier this year, Sarah Palin spoke at the convention of the Alaskan Independence Party, offering them cheery words and ad expressing her admiration and cheery words including: “Keep up the good work,” she told them. “And God bless you.” Her husband Todd was a member of the party for seven years. Sarah Palin addressed AIP conventions repeatedly during her time as mayor of Wasilla.

The Alaskan Independence Party, in case you don’t recall, stands for this:

The founder of the AIP was a man named Joe Vogler. Here’s what he had to say in a 1991 interview, only a few years before Palin attended its convention: “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government.”

He also said this: “And I won’t be buried under their damn flag. I’ll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.”

Vogler has also said: “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

McCain apologists will argue that Sarah Palin was not a member of this group. But Obama wasn’t a member of any Ayers anti-American group, either. And again, Palin repeatedly courted the AIP, and her husband was a member for years.

If you want to talk about hating America, Barak Obama’s not the one you should be looking at. Palin is.

And if you want to talk about associating with terrorists, let’s have a discussion about McCain’s close personal friends, shall we?

What with all the current media activity about Obama and his acquaintance, former weatherman Bill Ayers (coming coincidentally on the heels of the McCain campaign launching a full blown character attack) Media Matters wonders why nobody has yet discussed McCain’s relationship with his old pal, convicted felon G. Gordon Liddy.

On October 4, The New York Times published a 2,140-word front-page article about Sen. Barack Obama’s association with former Weather Underground member William Ayers — at least the 18th Times article this year mentioning that association. But the Times has yet to mention, let alone devote an entire article to, Sen. John McCain’s relationship with radio host and convicted Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy. Indeed, in its October 4 article, the Times quoted Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman denouncing Obama’s association with Ayers but did not note that Chapman has described Liddy as McCain’s “own Bill Ayers” and has written that “[i]f Obama needs to answer questions about Ayers, McCain has the same obligation regarding Liddy.” The Times, moreover, quoted McCain criticizing Obama for his association with Ayers without noting that Chapman has faulted McCain for what Chapman described as McCain’s “howling hypocrisy on the subject.”

As Media Matters for America has noted, Liddy served four and a half years in prison in connection with his conviction for his role in the Watergate break-in and the break-in at the office of the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers. Liddy has acknowledged preparing to kill someone during the Ellsberg break-in “if necessary”; plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a “gangland figure” to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap “leftist guerillas” at the 1972 Republican National Convention — a plan he outlined to the Nixon administration using terminology borrowed from the Nazis. (The murder, firebombing, and kidnapping plots were never carried out; the break-ins were.) During the 1990s, Liddy reportedly instructed his radio audience on multiple occasions on how to shoot Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents and also reportedly said he had named his shooting targets after Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Liddy has donated $5,000 to McCain’s campaigns since 1998, including $1,000 in February 2008. In addition, McCain has appeared on Liddy’s radio show during the presidential campaign, including as recently as May. An online video labeled “John McCain On The G. Gordon Liddy Show 11/8/07” includes a discussion between Liddy and McCain, whom Liddy described as an “old friend.” During the segment, McCain praised Liddy’
s “adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great,” said he was “proud” of Liddy, and said that “it’s always a pleasure for me to come on your program.

From where I’m sitting, it looks like McCain really shouldn’t be giving people a hard time over who they serve on boards with, considering he thinks a man as disgusting as Liddy is all that and a bag of potato chips. I wonder how swing voters, who aren’t rabid right enough to put on little blinders when it comes to terrorism on the right, are going to feel about this?

We should also probably ask, just for the hell of it, why so many Republicons enjoy associating with a terrible terrorist like Ayers:

Yesterday, in a rehash of the MSM acknowledged issues of the day, NPR did a short piece on Obama and Ayers. Fortunately for many, they made news.

First, Obama began working with Ayers and others (Republicans, Independents, and Democrats) at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Well, what is the Anneberg Challenge? Who is Annenberg? Well according to NPR,

The Obama campaign says he first met Ayers in 1995, when Obama became chair of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a $50 million fund that awarded grants to groups trying to implement new programs to improve inner city education in Chicago.

Walter Annenberg, a lifelong Republican and former ambassador who was appointed by Presidents Nixon and Reagan, funded an ambitious program to reform urban education in many cities in the mid 1990s. Ayers was an important member of the group that developed and wrote the grant proposal to the Annenberg Foundation.

Second, there were people of all political persuasions working on this effort with this “terrorist” Ayers and who saw him as acceptable and Obama was no closer than any of the others.

…no one on the board or on the Annenberg Challenge staff remembers Obama being any closer to Ayers than to any other member of the board. The Annenberg board also included several civic, business and education leaders, many of them Republicans…

In fact one person close to the issue states:

“I don’t remember ever hearing anyone raise concerns or questions or concerns about [Ayers’] background,” says Anne Hallett, who has worked closely with Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge grant and with Obama on education and other community and legislative matters. “And that included everybody I was engaged with,” including prominent Republicans, and corporate and civic leaders in Chicago, Hallett adds.

Guess Ayers isn’t that awful, after all. On a scale of terrorists, he hits firmly in the “did incredibly stupid things in youth, is now a boring old establishment-type guy” range. But you’d never know it from the howling on the Ridiculous Right. The GOP, not to be left out when McCain/Palin started whipping up the rabid masses, have decided that Obama is “a terrorist’s best friend:”

I’ve been writing about political campaigns for more than a quarter-century now, and it really takes a lot to surprise me, but I am absolutely stunned at the depths that the Republican Party is willing to sink to try in win this election, even as polls are beginning to suggest it may be a lost cause for John McCain and Sarah Palin. At 9:29 p.m., I received in an email the sleaziest political press release I’ve ever seen. It came from the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and it’s headlined: “PAGOP: OBAMA – A TERRORIST’S BEST FRIEND.”

Here’s the meat of it:

HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Robert A. Gleason, Jr. released the following statement regarding Barack Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers, a terrorist who helped found a group called the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground is a left-wing extremist group that was responsible for bombing both the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon in the 70’s. The group was also responsible for a pipe bomb that killed a San Francisco police officer in 1970.

“Barack Obama’s association with terrorist Bill Ayers is alarming and absolutely deserves to be questioned,” Gleason said. “We are electing someone to be our next Commander-in-Chief and I think it is more than fair to look into their background. The Obama Campaign admitted that Obama and Ayers were ‘certainly friendly’ and that says a lot about Barack Obama’s character. Ayers’ is a terrorist, and there is no denying that the group he founded attacked our country and killed innocent Americans.

“Obama claims that he didn’t know about Ayers background as a terrorist, but I find that hard to believe. Ayers past is well known and he has been quoted in numerous articles, including in The New York Times where he said that he thought he didn’t do enough and wishes that he would have set off more bombs. What does it say about the character of Barack Obama that he knowingly associates with terrorists? It tells me that Obama lacks the judgment and character to be our next Commander-in-Chief.”

First of all, and most importantly, there’s absolutely nothing in the body of the release that supports this wildly inflammatory and arguably libelous headline, that Obama is a “terrorist’s best friend.” Despite more than a year of Obama’s relationship with Ayers investigated by everyone from Fox News to the New York Times, no one has ever come up anything more than what the Obama campaign has said, that the two were acquaintances who traveled in the same circles in their Chicago, as advocates of school reform. That’s a best friend?

When the GOP wants to smear you, the fact that you once stood in a grocery store line two people down from someone who once wrote “Teh Goovermint Sux” on a bureaucrat’s car in the DC suburbs using shoe polish qualifies you as a “terrorist’s best friend” – as long as you’re a Democrat. If you’re a Republicon, you can associate with whomever you’d like, up to and including bin Laden. You can sleep with secessionists, carry anti-regulation water for con artist bankers and cozy up to whatever right-wing extremists you’d like.

If this country doesn’t disabuse them of that notion ASAP, we’re going to have a horrific situation on our hands. The Republicon party no longer has any respect for America or concern for her well-being. It’s time they’re pushed aside and isolated just as thoroughly as we would isolate candidates from the neo-
Nazi movement or any other group whose values and goals stand in direct opposition to the values and goals of this nation. Those who would incite violence and racial strife for their political gain have no place on the national stage.

Happy Hour Discurso

Reality Bites Corsi on the Ass

You may remember Jerome Corsi, although if you do, you most likely wish you could forget.

He’s the right-wing smear artist who makes the National Enquirer look like a careful, sober journalistic organization. He spewed forth Unfit for Command, a collection of lies, smears, and bullshit aimed at assassinating John Kerry’s heroic Vietnam service. And he’s been trying to pull the same filthy stunts with collections of lies, smears and total bullshit about Obama.

His latest book, The Obama Nation (and if you don’t get the intentional pun in that title, read it again fast), is intended to feed the flames of racial and religious fear about Obama. A large part of that is in trying to paint him as some foreign devil come to destroy America. It contains paranoid ramblings such as this:

In the promotional literature for his book, Dr Corsi promised to reveal sinister links between Kenyan politicians and Mr Obama.

“Dr Corsi will also expose details of deep secret ties between US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency,” it said.

Now. If you’d just slandered an entire country, where Obama is enormously popular, would you be stupid enough to go parading around waving this toxic crap? Corsi is. And he’s learned that, while you can get away with outrageous shit in America as an American citizen, it’s a little tougher to pull off the same outrageous shit in Kenya as an American citizen:

A leading American neo-conservative author has been detained by immigration authorities in Kenya as he tried to launch a book smearing Barack Obama.

Jerome Corsi, of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth fame, was this morning being held after failing to reckon with Obamamania.

He had been planning to launch his book, entitled The Obama Nation Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, before travelling to one of Nairobi’s slums to donate money to the Senator’s half-brother George, who was found living in squalid conditions two months ago.


Immigration officials claim he had been detained because he did not have a work permit, however one of Dr Corsi’s assistants said he was “just answering some questions”.

I’m sure they’re not questions like, “Were you really stupid enough to think you’d be welcome here?” and “If you’re such an amazing researcher, why didn’t you research Kenya enough to learn that it could use its laws to make your life miserable?” and “You’ve made an assload of money off these ‘books’ of yours, so why were you only planning to give George $1000? We know that donation was a stunt, but did it really have to be such a cheap stunt?” But that’s probably the subtext.

— function pictureGalleryPopup(pubUrl,articleId) { var newWin = window.open(pubUrl+’template/2.0-0/element/pictureGalleryPopup.jsp?id=’+articleId+’&&offset=0&&sectionName=WorldAfrica’,’mywindow’,’menubar=0,resizable=0,width=1000,height=711′); }Let this be a lesson to smear artists everywhere: if you insult a country without the same scruples against political arrests as many of the Western democracies, you’d best not go on a book tour there. Just sayin’.

Reality Bites Corsi on the Ass

Yet Another Bailout

Well, Paulson’s Plunder didn’t stop the Wall Street free-fall. I know, I know, huge shock, right? It’s not like we could’ve predicted from other Bush power-and-money grabs just how well this wouldn’t go. From what I’m understanding, the bailout was like a band-aid – applied to a cancer.

Credit markets are still frozen. Businesses everywhere are feeling the vise. Things are gonna get worse before they get better. But the Bush Banker Boyz have a plan!

The Wednesday issue of The New York Times is full of alarming economic news, but nothing more so than the announcement that the Federal Reserve is putting together yet another radical plan to goose credit markets back into life.

In “Fed Considers Plan to Buy Companies’ Unsecured Debt,” New York Times reporters Edmund L. Andrews and Michael M. Grynbaum detail the latest Fed scheme to fix the economy. The Fed is now considering becoming a major player in the provision of short-term lending to American businesses, by directly entering into the market for “commercial paper.”

Commercial paper — big loans with very short repayment periods — has been in short supply lately. Everyone from California to General Electric has been running into problems raising the capital for daily operations. The decision by the Fed to even consider lending directly to businesses on such a huge scale is a dire sign of how bad Bernanke and company believe things currently are.

Check that: how bad they made them. Because, we must remember, if they’d headed this looming crisis off before it got through the pass, we wouldn’t be in desperate shape just now. And, as much as I believe the government will need to step in and take some drastic action to get the economy running again, I don’t think Paulson, Bernake et al have the slightest fucking clue what they’re doing. But they’re sure all about those bold “if it’s struggling, let’s buy it!” plans.

I wonder how many other things they’ll find to buy?

Yet Another Bailout