Housekeeping! You Want Towel (Origami)?

The nice thing about NaNo being over is, I can spend almost an hour chasing after pictures of things I didn’t know existed until I searched for pictures of hotels and housekeeping. The only towel origami I’d ever experienced was back when my friend Devin folded up a penis to leave on the pillow of the ultra-religious roommate who’d just moved in to a friend’s dorm. It was inspired by the smiling sperm keychain another friend owned.

I don’t have to tell you where the keychain was placed, now, do I?

So. Right. Housekeeping news. I’m still cleaning up debris from Hurricane NaNo. There’s a few bits to add in before we have a really truly complete book for those of you who wanted to raze it to the foundations. What fun is demolition if you don’t get to demolish something complete? Those of you who requested a copy will have it by Saturday. Spend the intervening time getting in touch with your evil Inner Editors for me, por favor.

Those of you who pay attention to such things might notice a comment or two suddenly vanishing. Spammers have gotten clever – they’re either using people or someone’s created AI that has just as much brain function as the average Expelled fan. Which is to say, just enough to get past the spam filters and pretend to be saying something worthwhile. Comments left by spammers will die a hideous death, so if you’re a spammer, don’t waste your time.

Finally, don’t forget to check out Kaden’s find. How many of us here have the atheism? Mwah-ha-ha! I think we should run a betting pool on whether GodTube got Poe’d or not.

Housekeeping! You Want Towel (Origami)?

Georgia Demonstrates Piss-Poor Judgement

Saxby Chambliss will be returning to lower the Senate’s collective IQ by about 20 points and its gravitas and dignity by a factor of 1000. Charming.

I’m not quoting any of the news sources on this one because of one fact: they’re all going psychotic. Because the Dems won’t reach 60 seats, everybody’s suddenly believing they’ll never break a filibuster. Well, I’ve got news: that “filibuster-proof majority” was a total myth to begin with.

Steve Benen provided the voice of reason a few weeks ago:

Whether the caucus has 57 seats, 60, or somewhere in between, matters — every vote counts, and Republican obstructionist tactics are a given — but now’s probably a good time to reemphasize that 60 is not exactly a Holy Grail here.

Every vote on major initiatives brings it own challenges, and there’s never a guarantee that everyone in the Democratic caucus will vote together — Lieberman is, after all, part of the caucus. For that matter, there’s no reason to believe that every Republican is necessarily going to back their party on cloture votes.

In fact, the real fun of the next Congress will be how center-right Republicans from “blue” states — Snowe, Collins, Voinovich, and Specter, I’m looking in your direction — respond to popular policy proposals launched by a popular Democratic president.

A 60-seat majority would be a milestone for the party, but it’s hardly a green light to problem-free governing. Something to keep in mind.

So stop acting like Chambliss is “a firewall” who’s stopped Dems in their tracks. All he’s doing is reinforcing my belief that the Deep South is still light on sanity and heavy on buffoons.

Georgia Demonstrates Piss-Poor Judgement

Do you have.. The Atheism?

Seriously. Is this a parody? A joke? I can’t actually tell… I know that GodTube is real and really quite frightening. But this clip.. I’m not sure if I should laugh, or start walking across the street just to avoid these kinds of people..


Dana, feel free to respond to this formally. You’re better at the ranting and raving than I am; I just thought I’d contribute a little something.

Do you have.. The Atheism?

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

Geez… hyperbole much?

Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported that a “face-off is brewing between labor and employers” in regards to the Employee Free Choice Act, which would aid American workers in the path toward unionization. Indeed, despite the bill having widespread public support, the debate surrounding it is becoming increasingly vitriolic.

The Wonk Room previously highlighted Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus’ assertion that retailers who are not fighting the Free Choice Act “should be shot.” Now, the United States Chamber of Commerce has upped the ante, saying that the “coming fight in Congress over the issue” is a “firestorm bordering on Armageddon.”

Big bidness really has a pathological hatred for unions, don’t they? It’s just a wee bit off-balance. Someone needs to feed them some Prozac, methinks.

In other pathological Con news, the tilting at imaginary windmills is getting out of hand:

And speaking of the Fairness Doctrine, paranoia, and self-pity, it appears the Media Research Center has apparently begun an organized campaign to combat a policy initiative that doesn’t exist. My friend Alex Koppelman at Salon has the report:

Monday, the MRC announced the formation of the Free Speech Alliance, a group dedicated to fighting against the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, an old FCC regulation that mandated equal time for opposing viewpoints in opinion programming. The move was announced in a post on MRC’s blog, Newsbusters, that was titled “The Free Speech Alliance Declares War on the ‘Censorship Doctrine.'”

The MRC is also asking people to sign a petition against revival of the regulation. “In 1987, President Ronald Reagan rescinded the Fairness Doctrine and since then, talk radio has flourished. Conservatives dominate it, and liberals can’t stand it. By re-instating the Fairness Doctrine, liberals would effectively silence the conservative leaders of the day … and would essentially take control of all forms of media,” the group says in an introduction on the Web page that hosts the petition. On the same page, the MRC warns, “In recent months, the groundswell for reinstatement is intensifying. In fact, a growing number of liberal leaders in Washington, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, have openly stated their intent to do so.”

Actually, that’s not even close to true. Obama opposes the idea, Pelosi hasn’t “openly stated” anything about pursuing this, and Reid’s office told Salon that the Senate Majority Leader “is not contemplating anything like that.” The “groundswell for reinstatement” exists only in the overactive imaginations of paranoid right-wing activists.

And yet, here we are. The MRC is not only railing against a policy proposal that doesn’t exist, it’s created an organization committed to fighting a policy proposal that doesn’t exist. To help in the endeavor against the imaginary foe, the MRC has roped in Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, Concerned Women for America, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, among others, to help.

How pathetic is that? It’s starting to seem as though universal healthcare is a great idea not just to save families from going bankrupt on medical debt, but to ensure that our right wing gets the mental health treatment they so obviously need. We’re going to have to start spiking their water with Risperdol to take care of those paranoid delusions and allow them to live healthy, productive, reality-based lives.

While we’re medicating folks for their psychosis, we need to bump Rep. Hunter (no relation) up to the front of the line:

Freshman Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA), son of former GOP presidential candidate Duncan Hunter, recently was elected to Congress after campaigning on a staunch anti-immigration platform.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Luke Russert today, Hunter defended his campaign pledge to end citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants, arguing immigration increases domestic crime. As his evidence, Hunter made the outlandish and grossly inaccurate claim that Tijuana, Mexico has more crime than “Iraq and Afghanistan”:

HUNTER: In San Diego, we face a lot of crime. … There’s been more murders in Tijuana, Mexico than there have been in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s more dangerous to go to Mexico from San Diego than it is to fly over and stroll around a Baghdad market.


Hunter is unfortunately correct that violence in Mexico has ballooned in recent years, in part due to the ongoing drug wars. At least 4,000 have died this year in drug-related violence, according to the AP. Tijuana has also seen a surge in violence.

But to claim that there are more murders in the city of Tijuana than there are in “Iraq and Afghanistan” is absurd. In Tijuana, “at least 200 people have been killed in drug violence this year,” the Washington Post reported in June. But in the month of July 2008 alone, there were approximately 500 civilian fatalities in Iraq. There have been roughly 700 deaths this year in Afghanistan.

Something tells me Rep. Hunter has been watching too many movies, mainlining too many GOP talking points, and forgetting to take his anti-psychotics again. I say we send him on vacation: let him stroll a week in Tijuana, and a week in Baghdad. If he lives through the experience, he can tell us which one’s really more dangerous.

When trying to treat the mentally ill, it’s vitally important not to help them feed their delusions. The last thing you should do is play along. Someone needs to let the MSM know:

This really isn’t complicated. President Bush was not being “blunt” or showing “candor” when he told ABC News in an interview published yesterday that his biggest regret was the failure of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq War.

Rather, he was whitewashing away his own role in the fisaco by promoting the demonstrable falsehood that there was no available evidence or information that argued against war and that he was merely fooled into invading Iraq solely by the bad intel.

The big news orgs seem eager to help Bush do this. Not a single one of their reports on the interview that we can find bothered to tell readers that there was plenty of good intel — ignored by the Bush administration — saying that Saddam wasn’t the threat Bush was claiming he was. Nor did any of them bother mentioning that the weapons inspectors in Iraq were saying the same thing — something that also went ignored.

These facts are absolutely central to understanding Bush’s efforts to falsify history in yesterday’s interview.

They apparently will need therapy as well, as they seem to have a ginormous co-dependency problem.

Somehow, someday, we’ll have a healthy body politic again. Possibly after we’ve stuck the entire right wing in nice padded rooms.

Happy Hour Discurso

Hearty Congratulations to My Canadian Friends

It’s good to see your wanna-be Bush is about to get his bottom soundly thrashed:

OTTAWA (Reuters) – The leaders of Canada’s three opposition parties on Monday signed a historic deal to bring down the minority Conservative government and then form a coalition government of their own.

The Liberals, New Democrats and separatist Bloc Quebecois say the Conservatives of Prime Minister Stephen Harper — who won a strengthened minority in an Oct 14 election — are not doing enough to help Canadians cope with the worsening financial crisis.


A confidence vote has been set for next Monday. The proposed coalition government would be the first of its kind in modern Canadian history.

“We’re seeing a sad spectacle from Stephen Harper’s government. … (It) has shown it has no plan, no competence and no will to face up to the crisis,” Liberal leader Stephane Dion said at a news conference after the signing.

“The opposition parties have decided it is time to take action. … We’re ready to form a new government.”

And how, when the man won a “strengthened majority” just over a month ago, did it come to this? The power surge apparently shorted out his political prudence circuits:

While Americans are enjoying their tryptophan comas, up in the Great White North, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper has presented the opposition parties with a choice: castration or being in charge during the worst recession since World War II.

The Conservatives have presented a budget which:

1) has no fiscal stimulus to help the economy;
2) gets rid of public financing for political parties, since Conservatives don’t need it and the other parties do; and,
3) which forbids public sector unions to strike for 3 years while they “reform”, (read, get rid of) pay equity.

Harper figures this is a no lose bet for him. If the other parties bring him down, well, they get to be in charge during the upcoming recession, which will do nothing for their popularity. If they don’t bring him down, he institutionalizes the Conservative fund raising advantage and gets to break the public sector unions. Rich people and corporations love giving money to folks like Harper who keep cutting their taxes, gutting regulations and letting foreigners make them rich by buying out their firms then moving the jobs and headquarters to other countries.

Can we say miscalculation, boys and girls? If the Coalition government can turn the recession around, Stephen’s no-lose bet becomes a fool’s gamble.

Stephen Harper is a noxious bastard who deserves the worst that can be dished out. If you want to know just what a fucktard he is, I urge you to visit Canadian Cynic and have a trot through the archives. The Cynics have been documenting the never-ending fuckery for quite some time. It’s just pathetic that it took Harper’s hubris in threatening public funding for political parties to finally rouse the opposition into actually opposing the sorry son of a bitch.

But the important thing is, Harper’s about to get his teeth handed to him in a hat. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving con.

Canadians drink free tonight. Salud!

Hearty Congratulations to My Canadian Friends

Rick Warren is a Psychotic Freak

What other conclusion can I come to in the face of this?

Mike Allen reported this morning, “Pastor Rick Warren will present President George W. Bush with the first International Medal of PEACE from the Global PEACE Coalition in recognition of his contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases.”

I thought, “That can’t be right.” And in a way, the name of the award is a little misleading. Here’s a press release from Rick Warren’s office.

“No U.S. president or political leader has done more for global health than this Administration, which has raised the bar on America’s role and responsibility for providing critical humanitarian assistance around the world,” Warren said. “Over the past eight years, the President and Mrs. Bush have traveled the globe as they and their staffs have worked tirelessly to bring awareness and solutions to pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, and we are privileged to honor their efforts on World AIDS Day.”

The “International Medal of PEACE” is given on behalf of the Global PEACE Coalition for outstanding contribution toward alleviating the five global giants recognized by the Coalition, including pandemic diseases, extreme poverty, illiteracy, self-centered leadership and spiritual emptiness. The Coalition is a network of churches, businesses and individuals cooperating together to solve humanitarian issues through the PEACE Plan, an effort to mobilize 1 billion Christians to Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation.

“PEACE” is an acronym. The “P” stands for “promoting reconciliation.” Of course, Bush isn’t good at this either, but it’s at least slightly more plausible than giving him an award for promoting actual peace.

Even so… are you fucking kidding me?

And while Bush undoubtedly deserves credit for aggressively tackling the problem of AIDS, his ideological insistence on refusing to fund contraception and forbidding family planning organizations for using their own funds to provide contraception or abortion services has hampered AIDS workers’ efforts and cost lives.

Of course, this award is coming from the same fuckwit who inspired this total insanity.

It strikes me that awarding Bush recognition for his efforts on AIDS is somewhat akin to congratulating an arsonist for his tireless work in promoting fire safety awareness:

The U.S. has played an important role in bringing life- saving treatment to HIV patients who had been unable to get it, said Adel Mahmoud, a former head of Merck & Co. vaccines and professor in the department of molecular biology at Princeton University.

“But when the data says for every person we put on anti- retroviral therapy in Africa there are six new infections and we are doing nothing about it, it’s absolutely mind-boggling,” he said in a telephone interview. “Prevention is really the solution.”

Take a moment to absorb that one. We’re patting this fuckwit on the head for treating more people with AIDS, while his pathological hatred of condoms helps ensure more people get infected with AIDS. Tell me how that’s supposed to make sense.

Let’s not even talk about what he’s done to the CDC. It’s too depressing.

And yet Rick Warren thinks Bush deserves awards for his efforts. As one of my dear Christian friends would say, it appears too much prayer has rotted his brain.

People wonder why atheists have such a hard time seeing the good that frothing Christians do. Well, when you have a 1:6 ratio in the good vs. bad department, it tends to make us think that a little less blind faith and a fuck of a lot more rationality would be, on the whole, better for humanity.

Which is why I hope Obama stops encouraging this psychotic freak:

Barack Obama will also be addressing Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health in Washington, held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, via videotaped remarks.

There are people doing far more good in the world, without the religious agenda that makes Rick Warren and his best buddy Bush blind to certain aspects of human suffering, and they’re not playing the “look at me, I’m so saintly” game. Let’s reward and recognize them for a change.

Rick Warren is a Psychotic Freak

Happy Hour Discurso

Today’s opining on the public discourse.

Somebody needs to hit Bill O’Reilly with a really fucking big clue-by-four:

Today on the Radio Factor, a listener called in to tell Bill O’Reilly that she had “zero confidence” in Obama’s ability to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In the course of her call, the listener expressed mock concern for the detainees that were mistreated there. O’Reilly, apparently missing the caller’s sarcastic tone, interrupted her to falsely claim that “no proof” exists to back-up accusations of mistreatment and that his two tours of the prison facility confirm that:

OREILLY: [T]here are accusations of mistreatment at Guantanamo, but there’s certainly no proof that ever happened. I think they were rough in the beginning after 9/11, that some stuff happened that shouldn’t have, but I went there twice and we have good contacts there. And, I think that they basically got that under control pretty quickly.


Despite O’Reilly’s claims, “proof” of mistreatment and torture of detainees at Guantanamo Bay does exist. In 2004, the Red Cross documented “cruel, inhumane and degrading” treatment of detainees while inspecting the facility. Perhaps more disturbing, the Guardian reported last year:

Captives at Guantánamo Bay were chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor for 18 hours or more, urinating and defecating on themselves, an FBI report has revealed. … One witness said he saw a barefoot detainee shaking with cold because the air conditioning had bought the temperature close to freezing.

But, y’know, he has good contacts who don’t let him see this stuff, so it obviously doesn’t happen.

It’ll be interesting if the day ever comes when O’Reilly ever admits he’s a raving fucktard. Bush is edging closer to that moment, and it’s vastly entertaining:

We’ve heard Bush express some various regrets in recent years, but I think this one is a first.

Looking back on his eight years in the White House, President George W. Bush pinpointed incorrect intelligence that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction as “biggest regret of all the presidency.”

“I think I was unprepared for war,” Bush told ABC News’ Charlie Gibson in an interview airing today on “World News.”

“In other words, I didn’t campaign and say, ‘Please vote for me, I’ll be able to handle an attack,'” he said. “In other words, I didn’t anticipate war. Presidents — one of the things about the modern presidency is that the unexpected will happen.”

Bush, who has been a stalwart defender of the war in Iraq and maintaining U.S. troop presence there, said, in retrospect, the war exceeded his expectations.

The president added, “I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess.” Asked if he would have gone to war if he knew Iraq did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, Bush said, “That is a do-over that I can’t do.”

He “wishes the intelligence had been different.” Well, I wish he’d listened to it in the first fucking place. As I recall, there was plenty of good intel pointing to the fact that his own intel was fabricated, made up, and nothing but a pack of neocon lies, but that’s not what he wanted to hear, so he discarded it.

But at least this twinge of regret is a start. Now, if we could just get him to admit that he should’ve been more interested in what bin Laden was doing rather than in his brush-clearing issues, that would be fantastic.

It might also be nice if he’d admit we’re in a recession of his own making:

It’s common now to hear Bush administration officials, asked about the financial crisis, insist that they had no idea this meltdown was coming. Unfortunately, they were warned, but ignored the concerns.

The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents. […]

Bowing to aggressive lobbying — along with assurances from banks that the troubled mortgages were OK — regulators delayed action for nearly one year. By the time new rules were released late in 2006, the toughest of the proposed provisions were gone and the meltdown was under way. […]

The administration’s blind eye to the impending crisis is emblematic of its governing philosophy, which trusted market forces and discounted the value of government intervention in the economy. Its belief ironically has ushered in the most massive government intervention since the 1930s.

Many of the banks that fought to undermine the proposals by some regulators are now either out of business or accepting billions in federal aid to recover from a mortgage crisis they insisted would never come. Many executives remain in high-paying jobs, even after their assurances were proved false.

More than three years ago, bank regulators “proposed new guidelines for banks writing risky loans,” and looking over the proposals — “banks would have been required to increase efforts to verify that buyers actually had jobs and could afford houses,” and “regulators proposed a cap on risky mortgages so a string of defaults wouldn’t be crippling” — it’s easy to see how regulations could have prevented the worst.

However, it seems like Bush and his merry band of ravening fuckwits are bound and determined not to use the “r” word:

Earlier today, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) announced that “the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007, making official what most Americans have already believed about the state of the economy.” The group, which the White House has previously pointed to as the determinative body for declaring a recession, said in a statement that the “decline in economic activity” after Dec.
‘07 “wa
s large enough to qualify as a recession.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto commented on the news “without ever actually using the word ‘recession.’” Instead, Fratto released a statement saying the White House was focused on what they “can do for the economy right now.”

Yup. Denying reality to the bitter end.

After all of that, we could probably use some entertainment, eh? Check out Sarah Palin’s stump speeches for Saxby Chambliss. If you suspected the woman hasn’t got an original thought in her head, you’d be right:

Today, Gov. Sarah Palin traveled to Georgia to campaign for Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R), who faces a tough runoff election tomorrow against Democratic challenger Jim Martin. In the first of four stops today, in Augusta, Palin told the crowd, “The eyes of the nation are on you,” adding, “The stakes are so high” and that “America is counting on you.”

Yet despite Palin’s insistence on the importance of the Chambliss race, she apparently couldn’t bring herself to write a new stump speech. Instead, she recycled many of her favorite lines from this fall, substituting Chambliss’ name for Sen. John McCain’s…

Enjoy the examples. And enjoy the thought that soon, most of these people are going to be as irrelevant as yesterday’s tea bag.

Happy Hour Discurso

Carnival of the Elitist Bastards VII: Storming the High Seas

Stormy weather delayed the launch, but the HMS Elitist Bastard has sailed from port at Cafe Philos. Captain Paul returns us to the core of our mission, and has the line that encapsulates it all:

Nothing spells elitist like changing the world for the better.


Go. Read. Get inspired, and change the world.

Carnival of the Elitist Bastards VII: Storming the High Seas