(Tier 1) Adventures in ACE XXVII: Stormy With a 0% Chance of Science

We start a brand new ACE PACE today, kids! 1089 is all about meteorology. Since the ACE writers firmly believe God is completely in control of the weather, this should be pretty much like a non-stop train wreck. We are also going “To learn to do right and show a sense of what is proper before the Lord and others – to be honest.” Because apparently we 8th grade level learners haven’t been taught those things yet. I begin anew to suspect that the ACE writers think their audience consists entirely of children below the age of accountability, and that they probably repeat the same set of lessons through every single series of PACEs. I’ll have to get my hands on a complete set of K-12 PACEs and test that hypothesis someday. It’ll be more science than we ever actually get inside of these things, anyway.

Our verse to memorize for this PACE is II Corinthians 8:21. Of course it has nothing to do with the weather. Don’t be silly.

The full-page cartoon begins with a stereotypical old lady, complete with gray bun, cane, and shawl, looking out the windows and talking gleefully about how she just knew a storm was coming, and gosh, look at that red sky this morning! She then goes out on her porch so she can be all cranky at Ace and Miss Mary for wanting to hang a plant when it’s obviously going to storm. Miss Mary shuts that shit right down: Continue reading “(Tier 1) Adventures in ACE XXVII: Stormy With a 0% Chance of Science”

(Tier 1) Adventures in ACE XXVII: Stormy With a 0% Chance of Science

(Repost) Adventures in ACE IX: More Senseless about Sedimentary

We left our merry band of Creationists, so ignorant even other YECs can’t stand ’em, breezily ignoring all the sedimentary rock in previously-frozen wastes. Now we shall continue on while they butcher the rest. I hope you have hair. You’re gonna need some to pull out. If nature has blessed you with a pate that requires no shampoo, you may wish to glue some locks to your noggin. Don’t worry about having to acquire appropriate hair-care products: they won’t be there for long.

Now just imagine having to read this tripe repeatedly…

Image is a polar bear standing against a rock wall with its front paws over its face. Caption says, "Ahhh, the horror! Make it stop."

Continue reading “(Repost) Adventures in ACE IX: More Senseless about Sedimentary”

(Repost) Adventures in ACE IX: More Senseless about Sedimentary

(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVIII: Wherein We Are Deluged with Nonsense

Having made a complete hash of telling us the old-earth geologist’s story, the Earth Science Fourth Edition authors now proceed to tell us what the young-earth story is. It’s a very good thing I’m not in a classroom reading this book right now, because I’d be falling out of my chair laughing. Watching adults somberly relate the details of an ancient myth as Totally Tru Science Facts™ is too hilarious.

I mean, they even have this timeline of these old Bible men. They have actually printed this thing in all seriousness in a science textbook. I am dying.

Timeline has an X and Y axis. From the bottom left to the bottom right, Years After Creation are marked in increments of 200 starting from 0. The ages and dates of Noah's ancestors start from the top left, with black bars marking their lifespans. They are: Adam - 930 years. Seth - 912 years. Enos - 905 years. Mahalaleel - 895 years. Jared - 962 years. Enoch - 365 years. Methuselah - 969 years. Lamech - 777 years. Noah - 950 years.
Timeline from page 106

They talk about how “The Bible documents” God creating the earth and then it was so good, but then humans sinned, and God got so mad that he fucked everyone and everything’s shit up, including animals and “also the physical earth.” Then all the good times were gone, and it was “a struggle to simply survive in a world of weeds, thorns, and probably increasingly dangerous animals.” Continue reading “(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVIII: Wherein We Are Deluged with Nonsense”

(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVIII: Wherein We Are Deluged with Nonsense

New at Rosetta Stones: Should You Be Freaking Out Over the Recent California Earthquake Forecasts?

Remember the rule of headlines with a question in them. Answer’s actually probably not, actually. Head on over to Rosetta Stones to find out what the experts on my Facebook feed have to say about matters, and how to prepare just in case.

Not in Cali? That doesn’t mean you don’t need to do some earthquake prep! Check out the USGS seismic hazard map, and see where you fit in: Continue reading “New at Rosetta Stones: Should You Be Freaking Out Over the Recent California Earthquake Forecasts?”

New at Rosetta Stones: Should You Be Freaking Out Over the Recent California Earthquake Forecasts?

(Repost) Adventures in ACE VIII: Senseless About Sedimentary

Please tell me you’ve set up a padded room so you can read these posts in safety. I’d be inconsolable if you did yourself an injury because of these explorations in the whacky world of ACE.

I’m telling you right now: don’t keep reading until you’ve rage-proofed your room.

You know enough Flood “geology” bullshit by now to know that nothing good can come of creationist ignoramuses talking about sedimentary rocks. So let’s ease in by noting some good news: turns out you can be a dentist if you’re a brown person in ACE world, as long as you’ve got the proper equipment. No, not that equipment – I mean the biological stuff. Y’know, the ol’ meat-n-taters. You cis women are supposed to be too busy squeezing out babies to drill teeth. You trans folk are either miserably in the closet or you’ve gotten the heck out of that toxic Dodge. Regardless, the only dentists in ACE world are the cis men.

Image shows a two-panel comic. First panel shows a dentist's office with the chair and dental equipment. A South Asian or African American dentist is poking in a blond white boy's mouth, asking, "Well now, Happy, what kind of filling would you like in your tooth?" Second panel is a close-up of the boy and the dentist. Happy is saying, "Strawberry! Ha-ha." The dentist says, "Ha-ha!"
Cartoon from ACE PACE 1086.

And what a horrible dental joke has to do with sedimentary rock, I’ll never know. I suppose it’s what happens when you’ve rotted your brain with too much Bible.

Anyway. The spectacularly ignorant Mr. Wheeler will now proceed to explain about sedimentary rocks. He tells us that the ocean floor’s lots like the continents. It’s got “mountains, hills, valleys, and plains as features of [its] surfaces.” He then says that “the ocean floor is covered mainly with sedimentary rock.” Which is a little deceptive. Yeah, the floor’s covered in lots of places with sediments, but those sediments aren’t all lithified, and the floor itself, along with most of the mountains and islands, is overwhelmingly basalt. Continue reading “(Repost) Adventures in ACE VIII: Senseless About Sedimentary”

(Repost) Adventures in ACE VIII: Senseless About Sedimentary

(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVII: Wherein It’s All Relativity

The Science of the Physical Creation folks, having given us a rainbow of God nonsense, now buckle down to tackle relativity. Are you excited? I’m excited.

They do just fine explaining the basics. It’s not easy to unpack the oddness of relativity in a few short pages, but they do their best, including a helpful (and rather cute) cartoon:

Image is a cartoon strip showing a cute drawing of a blond astronaut boy floating above the moon with the Earth peeking over the horizon. In the top panel, he's drifting off to the left with one foot kicked out, looking very surprised. He's holding a stopwatch that says 00:01. Another stopwatch at the bottom right reads 00:10. There is an arrow below him pointing left, with 99.5%c written in digital-style letters beside it. The caption says Time dilation. In the second panel, the same astronaut boy has been squished into a narrower version of himself, and he is holding a ruler that has been squished with him. There is another ruler at the bottom right that is regular size. The speed is the same. The caption reads Lorentz contraction. The bottom panel shows the boy straddling a rocket that's flying to the left at 99.5%c. He's holding a sign that says 10 m/s squared, 100 kg. There is a computer hooked to an antenna at the bottom, and its screen says 1 m/s squared, 1000 kg. The caption reads Mass increase.

I was really hoping they’d tackle the speed of light in a young universe problem. See, in a young universe, we shouldn’t be seeing objects beyond around 10,000 light years (give or take a few millennia because God couldn’t be arsed to write down the actual date of creation). But we can spot galaxies and quasars and such that are billions of years old. Some of them we’ve even seen out to thirteen billion years and beyond. Everything we’ve found in the cosmos points to a very old universe indeed.

Young earth creationists have to explain that science away. Some of them claim the speed of light is slowing (c-decay). Unfortunately for them, the length of the year hasn’t changed since ancient times, as it would have if the speed of light was slowing. Even worse, if the speed of light was really that much faster in the past, “the earth would have melted during the creation week as a result of the extremely rapid radioactive decay.”

Oops. Continue reading “(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVII: Wherein It’s All Relativity”

(Tier 1) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education XXXVII: Wherein It’s All Relativity

New at Rosetta Stones: Ice Age Adventures at the Burke!

We had a lot on the agenda this month, but don’t think I forgot about our virtual tour of the Burke Museum! In Part 4, we visit Washington’s Ice Age, make friends with a very huge mastodon, and see the beautiful, functional art created by the first human residents. Enjoy!

Image shows a mastodon skeleton's leg. It's standing on rocky ground, beside a tan boulder almost its own color. There is a bit of blue-white glacial ice in the background.

New at Rosetta Stones: Ice Age Adventures at the Burke!

(Repost) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education IVc: Wherein the Climate Heats Up

Onward, Christianist weather! We’re warming up with some global warming talk today. While SPC was content to devote a mere text box to climate change, basically blowing raspberries at anyone who gives a shit about it and waving off dramatic increases in greenhouse gas emissions by proclaiming hey, plants love carbon dioxide!, BJU’s Earth Science 4th Edition isn’t satisfied with blurting a few facts and moving on. No, there’s a whole chapter on the subject. And, people, they are the totes reasonable ones. They’re right in the middle. Look: they sneer at both sides!

They begin with a very telling couplet of sentences: Continue reading “(Repost) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education IVc: Wherein the Climate Heats Up”

(Repost) Adventures in Christianist Earth Science Education IVc: Wherein the Climate Heats Up

Adventures in ACE XXVI: God Piles on the Pressure

We’ve survived a lot of atmospheric nonsense and learned that you should never allow anyone associated with ACE to water your lawn. Now things are about to heat up. Yes, they are on about temperature. And in looking it over, I don’t think this section has been updated since the Cold War.

Seriously. All their talk of thermometers and thermographs and such like make no mention of digital thermometers or computers. None of the equipment mentioned for monitoring temperature over time records observations electronically. The photographs look like they’re straight out of the 70s.

Image shows a double set of maximum and minimum mercury thermometers nailed to a wooden plank inside of a white slatted enclosure. There's a hand reaching toward the first set of thermometers. It all looks tres last century.
Photo from page 22 of ACE Science PACE 1088

It’s pretty sad.

There’s some mildly-interesting history of the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales, but delivered in that pompous and pedantic ACE tone that sucks any joy out of it. Continue reading “Adventures in ACE XXVI: God Piles on the Pressure”

Adventures in ACE XXVI: God Piles on the Pressure

New at Rosetta Stones: July/August Best Geo! Plus Fracking n Earthquakes

Clear your calendars, my darlings, because I have a linkfest of epic proportions for you. If you’ve been yearning for lots of delicious geology, you’re going to get it. Plus, you’ll get all the answers you ever wanted about fracking and earthquakes!

Here’s the Best of the Geoblogosphere for July and August. Prepare to scream – a lot of the images in this edition are top notch! Be sure to click the links!

And here is everything about fracking and induced earthquakes you need to know. Well, at least, here’s an appreciable chunk of it.

After reading about all that fracking and stuff, do you want to see where in the US water’s used for fracking? Of course you do. Here you are!

Image is a line drawing map of the US. The fracking wells are indicated in various shades of blue. Most of them are concentrated from the Dakotas to Texas, and on the back of America's turkey neck.
2011-2014 Hydraulic Fracturing Water Use (square meters/well). Image and caption courtesy USGS.
New at Rosetta Stones: July/August Best Geo! Plus Fracking n Earthquakes