Satanists Everywhere!

Delusional people would be a lot more fun if they weren’t getting elected to school boards and other public offices.

Texas has a shining example of greater wingnuttia. Observe:

To show you just how ridiculous Texas Board of Education chairman Don McLeroy is, take a look at this report from the Texas Freedom Network on a book he recently endorsed.


Dr. McLeroy – noting his position as board chair – recently wrote a glowing recommendation of Sowing Atheism: The National Academy of Sciences’ Sinister Scheme to Teach Our Children They’re Descended from Reptiles by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. (The new book is self-published.)

I’m sure it is. After all, most Christian publishing houses want to retain at least one small scrap of credibility. John Pieret was kind enough to skim the screed so we don’t have to. Here’s what Don McLeroy is so very excited about:

You can download Sowing Atheism here. As the blurb at the download site says:

Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr., who holds a general science degree from West Point, wrote SOWING ATHEISM in response to the book published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in January of this year, Science, Evolution, and Creationism. The NAS sent its book to educators, school boards, and science teachers throughout the United States, falsely affirming that molecules-to-man evolution is a “fact” when in reality it does not even meet the minimum conditions for a valid theory.

Science, Evolution, and Creationism was the NAS’s attempt to address the relationship between science and religion that has been criticized by some atheists for being too conciliatory to the latter. Be that as it may, if this “report” (more of a marketing ploy, I suspect) is true, it says much about the nature of McLeroy’s position on the Texas science standards and his claim that he isn’t seeking to have religion taught in the state’s public schools. If he has recommended the book, it may well bear on any court challenge later on. Some quotes from Johnson’s book:

[T]he NAS hierarchy, in order to bolster and “prove” its atheism, has constructed a closed, sacrosanct, counterfeit philosophy of science which completely eliminates the valid God hypothesis, along with any possibility of bringing it up again. (p. 12)

Science, Evolution, and Creationism is anything but an appeal to open-minded readers to use their powers of discernment to carefully consider the evidence. It is a cleverly disguised all-out, direct attack on the authority of the Word of God, and on all other challenges to their philosophical and religious dogma of evo-atheism (evolutionist atheism). (p. 13)

It continues, as far as a very quick skim reveals, in the same vein for another hundred pages or more. Included are the usual creationist talking points: the elitism of scientists, argumentums ad populum, and presuppositionalism.

Now, people with a tenuous grip on reality would realize that recommending such a book might be somewhat akin to wearing a billboard, complete with glowing neon lettering and a blaring loudspeaker, proclaiming “Frothing Fundie Freak! Too stupid to even be an IDiot!” But McLeroy isn’t one of those people:

You can see McLeroy’s glowing recommendation here.

In the current culture war over science education and the teaching of evolution, Bob Johnson’s Sowing Atheism provides a unique and insightful perspective. In critiquing the National Academy of Science’s (NAS) missionary evolution tract–Science, Evolution and Creationism, 2008, he identifies their theft of true science by their intentional neglect of other valid scientific possibilities. Then, using NAS’s own statements, he demonstrates that the great “process” of evolution–natural selection–is nothing more than a figure of speech. These chapters alone are worth the reading of this book.

Next he shows how the NAS attempts to seduce the unwitting reader by providing scanty empirical evidence but presented with great intellectual bullying–both secular and religious. He actually embarrasses the NAS with a long list of their quotes where they make the obvious claim that evolutionists believe in evolution. He then shines light on the Clergy Letter Project, again showing the obvious–theistic evolutionists believe in evolution.

I’m not even sure what that last bit is supposed to mean. It’s somehow a bad thing that advocates for evolution believe in evolution? It is, of course, precious how he defines as “scanty” the massive edifice of evidence which has convinced the overwhelming majority of scientists that evolution is a fact. By his standards, of course, the evidence is scanty – as it is bound to be when you rely solely upon the scribblings of ancient goat herders.

All of this, however, is merely a sampling of the stupid supreme McLeroy’s serving up. This is the intellectual caliber of the man whose book he so enthusiastically endorses:

The Texas Freedom Network blog has more on the guy whose book Don McLeroy endorsed. He appears to be a real wingnut’s wingnut. This is from a press release the guy sent out last fall:

In a series of essays published at, author Robert Bowie Johnson Jr. presents evidence that Barack Obama is directly linked to Satanic teachings through his close association with Oprah Winfrey, who parrots and relentlessly promotes, worldwide, the anti-Christian doctrine of her guru, Eckhart Tolle.

This calls for a very special Dramatic Chipmunk moment:

That’s right. Oprah Winfrey is a big ol’ satanist!

It’s a very sad, paranoid, utterly pathetic life these people lead. They see Satan everywhere. Especially in mushy-gushy woo-woo sorts like Eckhart Tolle, who apparantly is in cahoots with Winfrey to satanize the whole wide world.

This is the sort of shit that keeps them awake at night. And they’re overheating their brains trying to figure out a way to get it into our classrooms. Methinks it is time to take more interest in schoolboard elections.

Brethren, let us parody:

Satanists Everywhere!

News I'm Enjoying Immensely

This just gives me the warm fuzzies:

It looks like the Religious Industrial Complex is swimming against a strong tide:

The percentage of Americans who call themselves Christians has dropped dramatically over the past two decades, and those who do are increasingly identifying themselves without traditional denomination labels, according to a major study of U.S. religion being released today.


The only group that grew in every U.S. state since the 2001 survey was people saying they had “no” religion; the survey says this group is now 15 percent of the population. Silk said this group is likely responsible for the shrinking percentage of Christians in the United States.

That’s right, Christians. It’s all our fault. Mwah-ha-ha!

Well, I’m sure plenty of it had to do with how obnoxious the religious frothers have become, too. I know quite a few people who threw religion on the scrap heap after getting disgusted with Christianity in this country. They usually first turn to other religions and discover that there’s no safe haven from fools. One of the many problems with religion is that the fools usually end up dominating the group.

I’ll be happy just as long as the non-believers grow to a nice, healthy size, and the majority of the remaining religious folk are the non-frothing kind. I’ll be thrilled if the far right frothers are reduced to impotent squeaking. And hopefully, we can get the Catholics to indulge less in excommunicating raped 9 year-olds and the people who helped them abort a life-threatening pregnancy, and instead indulge in more of this:

How bad has it gotten for the Discovery Institute? So bad that they have to spend their time whining about the fact that even the Catholic Church won’t let them play in any reindeer games.

A Vatican-backed conference on evolution is under attack from people who weren’t invited to participate: those espousing creationism and intelligent design…

Organizers of the five-day conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University said Thursday that they barred intelligent design proponents because they wanted an intellectually rigorous conference on science, theology and philosophy to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species.”

Ouch. You know you’re sucking hind tit when even the Catholic Church doesn’t think your ideas are intellectually rigorous.

I mean, that’s just absolutely delightful. More of this, please. I do so loves it when DIsco gets dissed by the big boyz.

Who wants to take a field trip to DIsco HQ to rub their noses in it?

News I'm Enjoying Immensely

Our Tax Dollars at Work – Funding Scientology

Count this high on the list of things we absolutely do not need to spend tax dollars on:

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an article about a program that funds tutors for underachieving students, including some tutors that use methods drawn from Scientology.

A tutoring agency in Cobb County with ties to the Church of Scientology has drawn critics along with federal dollars.

Applied Scholastics pledges to offer only secular lessons. But critics who lodged four complaints last year against the nonprofit — which uses Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings — wrote they feared it wouldn’t keep ideology out of the classroom.

State education officials began an annual inspection in February and will observe the group’s tutoring this month. The review will include making sure Applied Scholastics’ policies and teachings are geared toward secular instruction, officials said.

Here’s the bind that Scientology is in. They want to be a religion because that means they don’t have to pay taxes, but when it comes to getting funding for things like this they’re better off not being a religion. My heart bleeds over this conflict.

I hope the conflict makes them esplode.

They can deny all they want, but facts is facts: they’re a cult and a con game. Some of the poor dupes running this tutoring program may genuinely want to help the kiddies learn better, but I can guarantee you the higher-ups are looking at it as a prime indoctrination opportunity. If they want to pay for such shit, they can milk their followers a little harder. Leave our tax dollars out of it.

Our Tax Dollars at Work – Funding Scientology

The Muslim Takeover of America Has Begun

So on the drive home tonight, the local Christian marquee has this message up:

There Is No Other God

I just about crashed the car laughing. Sounds like they’re taking a page from the Qu’ran, and they’re too clueless to realize it:

That would be the Shahada. It says, “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.” What does Allah mean? God. The self-same God as the Jews and Christians, in fact, although nobody seems to want to fess up to that. Until tonight, anyway.

What do you know? Christians do agree that America is a Muslim country.

The Muslim Takeover of America Has Begun

Crazier Than Worldnut Daily?

Compare and contrast time, my darlings.

First, batshit insane:

There’s been a little mini-tempest in Michigan lately over WOOD-TV 8 in Grand Rapids refusing to show an anti-gay film put out by the American Family Association. Naturally the Worldnutdaily has picked up on it. And their most recent story is rather amusing because they’ve now discovered that – gasp! – WOOD-TV once had a gay employee.

The American Family Association of Michigan, however, has now learned that Trevor Thomas, the deputy communications director for the HRC in Washington, D.C., once worked in WOOD-TV’s newsroom.

Gary Glenn, president of AFA-Michigan, said in a statement to WOOD-TV General Manager Diane Kniowski that he originally suspected the cancellation was merely a matter of political correctness, but now wonders how deeply the connection runs between Thomas and the station.

“Now,” Glenn wrote to Kniowski, “we learn that a public spokesman for the so-called Human Rights Campaign – the national homosexual activist group that claimed credit for pressuring your station to censor and breach its agreement to air AFA’s paid documentary – is a former long-time WOOD-TV newsroom executive who while holding that position was allowed by the station to actively and publicly campaign against the Marriage Protection Amendment approved by Michigan voters in 2004.


Congratulations, Gary Glenn. You’ve discovered that a TV station once had a gay employee and solved the mystery. Scooby Doo would be so proud of you.

I love it when Ed gets sarcastic. I love it even more when he invokes one of my all-time favorite cartoons to bash the Worldnut Daily.

You remember them. They’ve entertained us with such nuggets o’ wisdom as “We know for certain Obama’s not a Christian because he admitted worshiping at Trinity United Church of Christ.” They’ve awed us with their astronomical prowess. And they’ve blinded us with their insight into the “radiant energy” that presidents shine directly on the people (explaining, o’ course, why electing a Democrat is unthinkable). Those are just some of the highlights, and they shine like a supernova in the firmament of frothing fundie fucknuggetry.

But if you know anything about astronomy, you know that a supernova, while super, is not the brightest object in the universe. Oh, it gets attention, and it can even be seen by the naked eye if it happens in the right spot, but as far as brilliance goes, quasars are it.

And Ed believes he has found the fundie equivalent of a quasar:

Every once in a while I take a peek at Covenant News, which is a news site so far out on the lunatic fringe that they make the Worldnutdaily look sane and rational by comparison. These people are the religious right’s religious right, the people who think that James Dobson is a liberal pussy. Seriously. Here they look at Utah Sen. Chris Buttars getting stripped of his committee chairmanships and provide their response, an article declaring that gays should be put to death.

Where does it say in the Bible, “If a man lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, you shall pass a Marriage Protection Amendment”?

Such legislative efforts make the commandments of God of no effect, and Christian men involved in these efforts should be ashamed of themselves for engaging in pharisaical deceit against the ordinance of God in front of His people (Matt.5:17-20, 15:7-9; Rom.13:2).

Back in 2003, when the Supreme Court issued an opinion against Texas sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas, Republicans started pushing the idea of a “Marriage Protection Amendment” as a solution to the “gay problem.” As we now know the amendment idea is not a solution but a red herring used by crafty politicians to distract Christians away from obedience to the commandments of God concerning homosexuality. It is a political trick used to lure the Church into a humiliating situation of begging the State to “defend marriage” while allowing civil officials to circumvent their God ordained duty to administer Justice upon sodomites!

They can spell, string together a grammatically correct sentence, resist the use of ALL CAPS, dramatic font and color changes, and understand that multiple exclamation points make you look crazy!!!!!!!!! But, deep down, they’re right in the same league as the cretinists who email PZ. I mean, damn.

The Worldnut Daily puts up some stiff competition, but if the above quoted post is any indication, Covenant News wipes the floor with them. What say you all?

Crazier Than Worldnut Daily?

Can We Dig to the Bottom of Human Stupidity?

In reference to a neocon doofus whose idea of “civil disobedience” is to refuse to engage in what she calls “the crypto-fascist hand jive” (known to sane people as a simple dap or fist jab) and carefully turning magazine covers so they don’t show Obama’s face, Ed Brayton writes this:

Some day I hope to find a bottom to human stupidity. It appears that will require more digging.

No kidding. One needs a backhoe for this work, especially when the leader of the Virginia GOP disses Darwin:

Steve Benen partially transcribes if you prefer your pain at one remove:

First, paying tribute to Lincoln, Frederick explained, “Abraham Lincoln is best know [sic], as you all well know, for freeing the slaves by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation affirming in his Gettyburg [sic] Address in 19, I’m sorry, 1863….”

From there, the state party chairman and state delegate, told the legislature, “Darwin, however, is best known for the theory of evolution, arguing that men are not only, quote, are only, not, not created, but they are not equal, as some are more evolved.”

That, I admit, is some pretty high-grade dumbshittery. But personally, my favorite bit of this sea of idiocy was when he said, “Whereas Darwin’s theory was used by atheists to explain away the belief in god, the last Act of Congress signed by Abraham Lincoln, before he was shot, was to place the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ on our national coin.”

You know what a driving force Lincoln was behind that effort? He signed the Act. He had about as much to do with our inane national motto as Darwin did with what uses other people chose to put his theory to. From this, as well as his sneering at evolution, we can conclude that Del. Frederick is an ignorant nutbag.

No bottom to human stupidity yet. Let us keep digging:

Now that the Democratic press conference is over, it’s Amateur Hour!

Boehner derides the bill as costing a billion dollars a page.
Compared to Paulson’s billion dollars a word ransom note that is pretty damn good.
But somehow more is less with these guys.

He claims the bill won’t work.
He claims their solution would have been better.
He is adamantly opposed to it.

He also claims that no one has read the bill.

Anyone notice the non sequitor?

They just prove that Mark Twain was right when he said:

People who don’t read have no advantage over people who can’t.

Lawmakers deriding a bill they haven’t read. They haven’t read it, but they absolutely know it won’t work. How the fuck do they know? They’re so ignorant about it that they’ve been busy bleating about mouse money that doesn’t exist, which they’d know didn’t exist – if they’d read the damned bill.

Certainly no bottom to human stupidity there, although I’m not surprised – our Cons have always seemed bottomless fonts of dumbassery to me. I do believe Rep. Louise Slaughter sees them the same way, considering how exasperated she sounds debunking their little but-nobody-was-bipartisan-with-us! tantrums:

They are being disingenuous, or worse. These are the facts:

The bill, as it came to the Rules Committee, the last stop before the floor vote, already incorporated 12 Republican amendments. The Rules Committee then added the 11 amendments: 6 Democratic and 5 Republican, in addition to a complete Republican substitute, and a motion to recommit. They were unable to muster the votes necessary and lost on bipartisan votes. House Republicans may have come together to vote against the final bill, but they split on their own amendments with 40 to 60 Republicans voting with Democrats. Some Republicans even voted against their party’s alternative bill, and it failed on the floor.

The Republican alternative didn’t have a final price tag, consisted entirely of tax cuts, and would actually raise taxes for 26 million American families. In two years, the Democratic bill would create 3.6 million jobs. The Republican substitute: 1.2 million – a third as many as the Democratic bill that passed the House.

President Obama even met with House Republicans more times in two weeks to discuss this legislation than President Bush did with House Democrats in two terms.

The Republicans were certainly allowed in the process, but they wanted to obstruct.

Yup. Bottomless. Let’s dig elsewhere, then:

Prominent fundamentalist Christian leaders with deep ties to the Republican Party have, over the years, generally rejected the notion of being “politically correct.” It’s ironic, then, that they’ve decided “religious right” doesn’t sound good, and they’d prefer we stop using it.

Gary Bauer said this week, “There is an ongoing battle for the vocabulary of our debate. It amazes me how often in public discourse really pejorative phrases are used, like the ‘American Taliban,’ ‘fundamentalists,’ ‘Christian fascists,’ and ‘extreme Religious Right.'”

A Focus on the Family official added that the “religious right” label might generate negative impressions: “Terms like ‘Religious Right’ have been traditionally used in a pejorative way to suggest extremism. The phrase ‘socially conservative evangelicals’ is not very exciting, but that’s certainly the way to do it.”

This is pretty silly. The religious right is an established political m
ovement, and the phrase has been common for decades. I can appreciate the fact that people like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and their followers would blanch at labels like “American Taliban,” but “religious right” is clearly (and deliberately) bland.

If the movement’s leaders believe “religious right” has become synonymous with extremism and hatred, perhaps the movement should be less extreme and hateful.


We’re not talking about a branding problem here. These clowns have become publicly reviled because they embrace a radical worldview, starkly at odd with American traditions, laws, and culture.

What the fuck is it with people thinking a name change will solve everything this week? First it’s Blackwater, now the raving right. This is right up there with our own local buffoon Dino Rossi thinking he was oh-so-clever by saying he “prefers GOP party” rather than calling himself the Con he is. They think they’re oh-so-sneaky, but while it’s impossible to dig to the bottom of human stupidity, just enough Americans are wise to name-games.

Sod this for a game of larks. Digging for the bottom of human stupidity is a fool’s errand. Myself, I shall do the smart thing: sit back, pour me a drink, point and laugh.

Can We Dig to the Bottom of Human Stupidity?

Irony. It's Dead, Jim

There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to start:

The biggest democracy in the world, India, could sure use a lesson on the necessity of fair criticism in all aspects of life, including religion.

The editor and publisher of a top English-language Indian daily have been arrested on charges of “hurting the religious feelings” of Muslims.

What could have possibly infuriated India’s Muslim community enough to warrant their arrests?


Muslims said they were upset with the Statesman for reproducing an article from the UK’s Independent daily in its 5 February edition.

The article was entitled: “Why should I respect these oppressive religions?”

It concerns the erosion of the right to criticise religions.


This insane concern for the feelings of religious groups is completely out of control. They’re putting people in jail for hurting the feelings of teh poor widdle Muslimz, with no sense of irony or shame whatsoever. I mean, the assault of freedom of speech and conscience is bad enough. To do this to people who ran an article about the threat religions are posing to critics just shows an appalling lack of appreciation for irony. Way to prove the authors’ point, you fucktards!

But a free society cannot be structured to soothe the hardcore faithful. It is based on a deal. You have an absolute right to voice your beliefs – but the price is that I too have a right to respond as I wish. Neither of us can set aside the rules and demand to be protected from offence.

That’s right. So suck it up. Take it like men, you snivelling little cowards. You’d think a religion that’s survived over 1,000 years of crusades and missionaries would be able to handle it when a few journalists give it the finger. If it’s too weak to withstand even a mild critique, it sure as shit doesn’t deserve to be propped up by popping publishers in jail.

Irony. It's Dead, Jim

Westboro Baptist Church PWND by High School Students and Other Tales

This photo diary at Daily Kos is sure to warm the hearts of all those who love to see Fred Phelps’ Band of Frothing Fuckwits get their due:

Fred Phelps, known for his protests at the funerals of AIDS victims, and now extremely popular for his bizarre protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers, decided to grace Prairie Village, Kansas with the presence of his minions. The target for the picketers was Shawnee Mission East High School, a large suburban school in the Kansas City Metro area.

Westboro Church is located in Topeka, Kansas, which is why Kansas City often gets blessed with their ministries. Shawnee Mission East’s crime is an active gay/straight alliance group, and the nominating of an openly gay classmate for Homecoming King in 2007. I don’t know why they waited until now to tell the students that God hates them and they are burning in hell, but they did. An impressive 12 of them. Wow. And at least two children, which is sweet.

But they were met with at least 300 counter-protesters, a large number of them Shawnee Mission East students. The kids organized and with the support of the school administration were able to shout down the Westboro orcs with signs calling out love, compassion and tolerance.

This is what gives me hope that I’ll grow old in a slightly less dysfunctional country. The generation coming after us seems to have a fairly large proportion of people with their heads screwed on straight.

Perhaps we should take them on a field trip to explain law, civics, and basic reading comprehension to certain dunces:

Let’s briefly recap a story we’ve been following. Earlier this week, the American Center for Law and Justice, a right-wing legal group formed by TV preacher Pat Robertson, said the stimulus bill includes a provision that would prohibit “religious groups and organizations from using” buildings on college campuses. Soon after, religious right groups and right-wing blogs were up in arms, demanding that lawmakers fix the “anti-Christian” language of the bill. Fox News and the Christian Broadcasting Network helped get the word out to the far-right base about the nefarious measure.

But there was one small problem: there was no such measure. The ACLJ doesn’t know how to read legislation, and didn’t realize that the standard language in the bill simply blocks spending for on-campus buildings that are used primarily for religion (like a chapel, for example). This same language has been part of education spending bills for 46 years. It’s just the law, and it’s never been controversial.

And if it were just some random yahoos screaming about a non-existent threat, this would merely be annoying. But right-wing whining about the imaginary attack came to the attention of Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who actually tried to remove the legal language from the bill. Consider just how truly ridiculous his remarks were on the Senate floor yesterday:

This is a provision “that would make sure students could never talk openly and honestly about their faith … what this means is that students can’t meet together in their dorms if that dorm has been repaired with federal money and have a prayer group or a Bible study. They can’t get together in their student centers. They can’t have a commencement service where a speaker talks about their personal faith.” … Student groups would be banned and “classes on world religions and religious history, academic studies of religious texts could be banned … Someone is so hostile to religion that they are willing to stand in the schoolhouse door, like the infamous George Wallace, to deny people of faith from entering into any campus building renovated by this bill. This cannot stand!”

Please remember, every sentence — literally, every single sentence — in that paragraph is wrong. Indeed, everything DeMint said was the polar opposite of reality, driven entirely by a reading-comprehension mistake made by someone at Pat Robertson’s legal group.

Believe it or not, the situation only deteriorates from there. Click if you dare. Then click back to Reepicheep’s photo diary to help ease the pain.

Westboro Baptist Church PWND by High School Students and Other Tales

"Thank You, Lord, For Creating Eye-Devouring Worms"

PZ points out that Sir David Attenborough’s been getting hate mail from creationists. The whole thing is full of pwn, but I especially liked this bit:

Telling the magazine that he was also asked why he did not give “credit” to the Lord, Sir David continued: “They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds.

“I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in East Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.

“The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs.

“I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator.”

Have I mentioned lately how much I love the British tendency for devastating understatement?

John Pieret believes Sir David is referring to this:

Let me put it to you this way: giving praise to a deity who’s either this inept or this sadistic when it comes to creating all the beasts of the field etc. etc. seems really fucking dumb. And that’s setting aside the fact that there’s not one scintilla of evidence that even an inept, sadistic son of a bitch exists, much less an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent one.

"Thank You, Lord, For Creating Eye-Devouring Worms"

Pope Palpatine Extends the Hand of Peace to Rabid Anti-Semites

I’m sure plenty of people will blabber about healing, reconciliation, and all that rot, but all I’m seeing here is an attempt to return things to the good ol’ days before that bleeding-heart liberal John Paul II put a stop to all the bigoted fun:

A lot of people were concerned when an arch-conservative like Cardinal Ratzinger was named the pope, but I don’t think any of us imagined that he would be soon playing footsie with some of Catholicism’s most prominent anti-Semites — namely, the Society of St. Pius X.

From the Catholic Reporter:

Papal reconciliation move will stir controversy

In a gesture billed as an “act of peace,” but one destined both to fire intra-Catholic debate about the meaning of the Second Vatican Council and to open a new front in Jewish/Catholic tensions, the Vatican today formally lifted a twenty-year-old excommunication imposed on four bishops who broke with Rome in protest over the liberalizing reforms of Vatican II (1962-65).

Ironically, news of the move came just one day before the 50th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII of his intention to call Vatican II.


What none of these news accounts observe is that the problem with St. Pius X isn’t just that it has some kooky leaders, but that their rejection of Vatican II prominently includes their rejection of one of its most important reforms — namely, the longtime Catholic belief in the “blood libel” that Jews were guilty of deicide for having ostensibly killed Jesus. In fact, these Catholics openly trumpet their belief that the Jews are responsible for Christ’s crucifixion.


As the SPLC reported:

It is in The Angelus, published monthly by the SSPX press, and on SSPX’s website, that the radical anti-Semitism of the order is most evident today. One example now on the website is a 1997 Angelus article by SSPX priests Michael Crowdy and Kenneth Novak that calls for locking Jews into ghettos because “Jews are known to kill Christians.” It also blames Jews for the French Revolution, communism and capitalism; suggests a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy has destroyed the Catholic Church; and describes Judaism as “inimical to all nations.”

Another document reproduced on the SSPX’s current website is a 1959 letter from Lefebvre’s close friend, Bishop Gerald Sigaud, who also rejected the Vatican II reforms. “Money, the media, and international politics are for a large part in the hands of Jews,” Bishop Sigaud wrote. “Those who have revealed the atomic secrets of the USA were … all Jews. The founders of communism were Jews.”

Not one fucking word to me about morality, Rat-boy. Not. One. Word.

Pope Palpatine Extends the Hand of Peace to Rabid Anti-Semites