Holy War

So, I’m assuming most of you have seen that delicious GQ article that takes Rummy apart from tip to toe. If not, go read. It’s definitely an education.

One of Rummy’s favorite tricks was putting Bible verses on fancy war pictures to whet Monkey Boy George’s appetite for playing Holy War President. Here’s one of those cover sheets, which disgraced the President’s daily intelligence briefing:

Tristero puts this together with a few choice Bush quotes and comes to the logical conclusion:

Genuinely sickening. It makes you realize that this remark from September ’01 was no idle slip of the tongue:

On Sunday, Bush warned Americans that “this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take awhile.”

And also:

In the programmeElusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, which starts on Monday, the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: “I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ‘George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.’ And I did, and then God would tell me, ‘George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,’ and I did.”

We must never, ever forget: for eight long years, this country was run by delusional, paranoid idiots. Whenever they took a break from the hard work of lining the plush coffers of their already-wealthy pals, they thought they were on a mission from God.

He’s right. We must remember. And we must remind our fellow voters that this is the kind of shit that happens when you let a hyper-religious fucktard with an entitlement complex and delusions of world domination take the reins of the world’s biggest spender on military toys.

Let’s not make that mistake again.

Holy War

Don't Know Much About History: Influences on Founding Documents Edition

Ed Brayton takes the ignorant schmucks who wrote House Resolution 121 to school:

Rep. Thad McCotter is co-sponsoring House Resolution 121, which calls on President Obama to declare 2010 “The National Year of the Bible.” Unfortunately, the resolution contains historical inaccuracies that undermine its credibility. For instance, the resolution states:

Whereas shared Biblical beliefs unified the colonists and gave our early leaders the wisdom to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States…

Ed, of course, explains that those “unified” colonists couldn’t stand each other’s faiths. But that’s just an appetizer. His main course leaves the idea that our founding documents were in any way Bible-based weeping in the corner:

Perhaps even more inaccurate is the claim that those “shared Biblical beliefs…gave our early leaders the wisdom to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.” The Declaration of Independence was written primarily by three people: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. Jefferson wrote the first draft and Adams and Franklin edited it before it was presented to the full Continental Congress.

While all three men shared a strong belief in God, the only shared belief those three held about the Bible was a rejection of much of its content. All three rejected the notion that Jesus was divine, with Jefferson arguing that he had never claimed to be anything but a man, that the men who wrote the New Testament had corrupted his purely human message and turned him into a god.

The conception of God in the Old Testamant, Jefferson said, was “a Being of terrific character, cruel, vindictive, capricious, and unjust.” The men who wrote the gospels were “ignorant, unlettered men,” a “band of dupes and imposters” who turned the words of Jesus into “a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstitions, fanaticisms, and fabrications.” Paul, who wrote the epistles that make up the bulk of the New Testament, was to Jefferson “the great Corypheaues, and first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus.”

John Adams likewise wrote, in his many letters to Jefferson and others on the subject, that he thought the Bible contained many inaccuracies and errors. Like Jefferson, Adams was a unitarian (not to be confused with Unitarian, as that actual church did not exist at the time), rejecting and even openly mocking the notion that Jesus was divine.

We also know the sources from whom Jefferson derived the ideas found in the Declaration of Independence because he stated them specifically in a letter to Henry Lee in 1825. “All its authority,” Jefferson wrote, “rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c. The historical documents which you mention as in your possession, ought all to be found, and I am persuaded you will find, to be corroborative of the facts and principles advanced in that Declaration.”

We also know from what sources the ideas found in the Constitution are derived because they are spelled out in great detail in the Federalist Papers, written by James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. In those 85 essays, written to explain and defend the new Constitution to the people of America, the Bible is nowhere mentioned at all. Nor was the Bible ever mentioned as justification for anything during the debates at the constitutional convention in 1787. The intellectual sources for the provisions of that Constitution were found in the same places Jefferson looked to for the ideas in the Declaration, particularly Locke, Sidney and Montesquieu.

Sometimes, I wish I could bring the Founders forward in time just to watch the fucktards who blather endlessly about this Christian nation crap suffer apoplexy. After all, the vast majority of our Founding Fathers wouldn’t be considered Christian in the least by the idiots spouting these inanities.

I now have a new goal: seek one of these dumbshits and read the Jefferson Bible to them. I’d time how long it takes before their heads explode, but I’m afraid I don’t own a stopwatch that can measure fractions of time that small.

Don't Know Much About History: Influences on Founding Documents Edition

Christian "Science"

I’m sorry. I know this is probably going to make you wince, or possibly land in the hospital with a severe overdose of stupidity, but this is just too funny to pass up.

The Association of Christian Schools International is trying to sue the snot out of the University of California because U of C doesn’t think the “science” classes taught by some Christian schools are quite up to snuff, and therefore refuse to award credit for those classes. Ed Brayton has the brief filed by attorneys made famous by the Kitzmiller trial, and highlights a possible reason U of C is being such a big meanie:

This brief deals primarily with the science classes that were rejected, classes that used one of two books: Biology for Christian Schools and Biology: God’s Living Creation. These books are both virulently anti-science, teaching that anything that contradicts a literal interpretation of the Bible must be false.

Beginning with the first page of its introduction, the third edition of Biology for Christian Schools makes absolutely clear that its perspective on the nature of science is irreconcilably at odds with that of the NAS and the scientific community in general. From the outset, the textbook instructs the student that everything in the Bible is literally true and that, therefore, any scientific observations or conclusions that conflict with the Bible are necessarily false “no matter how many scientific facts may appear to back them.”…Similar statements appear throughout the textbook, drumming home the message that, with respect to any “fact” contained in the Bible, empirical evidence is irrelevant. See, e.g., id. at 197 (“Because God is the source of all truth, all accurate scientific knowledge will fit into th[e Bible’s] outline. Anything that contradicts God’s Word is in error or has been misunderstood.”); id. at 201 (“God’s Word is the only true measuring stick of scientific accuracy.”); id. at 204 (“All scientific facts and the interpretation of those facts, therefore, must fit into the model prescribed by the Word of God. A scientific ‘fact’ that does not fit into the worldview outlined in the Bible either is in error (and therefore not really a fact) or is being misinterpreted.”); id. at 251 (“[T]he Bible is the source of all truth, and everything, not just science, must be evaluated based on Scripture. If a hypothesis or scientific model seems to make sense and all of the evidence points to an answer that is contrary to the Bible, then the evidence, not the Bible, must be reevaluated and the conclusions changed.”).

Easy extra credit to any commentors who can hazard a guess as to why these “science” classes might be considered unacceptable to a university system that takes science seriously.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go seek medical attention for the side I just split…

Christian "Science"

That Old Christian Compassion

I know that not all Christians use their faith as an excuse to be total fucking assholes. I know not all of them are homicidal fucktards. But there’s plenty who are, and it’s disgusting watching them use their religion to cloak their hate in righteousness:

Uber-wingnut Gordon Klingenschmitt is now praying — in Jesus’ name, of course — for God to strike down Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. You can listen to the prayer here. It’s what they call an “imprecatory prayer,” the same thing Southern Baptist Convention officer Wiley Drake did against Barry Lynn and others before. It’s basically a curse, praying to God to kill those you pray against. Here’s a transcript:

“One-Minute Prayer: Let us pray. Almighty God, today we pray imprecatory prayers from Psalm 109 against the enemies of religious liberty, including Barry Lynn and Mikey Weinstein, who issued press releases this week attacking me personally. God, do not remain silent, for wicked men surround us and tell lies about us. We bless them, but they curse us. Therefore find them guilty, not me. Let their days be few, and replace them with Godly people. Plunder their fields, and seize their assets. Cut off their descendants, and remember their sins, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Cute how he’s asking God to find him not guilty. Seems like he’s afraid someone might think he’s guilty. I wonder if he wonders if his magic sky-daddy might be a little bit upset at him for wishing ill on another human being, eh?

That Old Christian Compassion

The Necessity of Knowledge

It’s cliché time at the cantina, my darlings, because I want to talk about a simple truth: knowledge is power.

In observing politics and religion, you soon notice a distinct abundance of stupidity. And I call it stupidity, not ignorance, because refusing knowledge is stupid. Everyone at times refuses knowledge, but some people raise it to an art form. It’s a constant in their lives. They can’t be bothered to think.

I thought of it watching the teabaggers get manipulated by the corporate lobbyists. These people were tools, and they were too stupid to realize it. It’s not that they were ignorant of what was going on – the information was out there in abundance. They had it in their own hands.

There’s a tradition in religion and conservatism that says, “Don’t question authority. Trust received pronouncements.” Therefore, you get people who can be told that Obama’s leading the country into socialism. They know this not because they’ve seen evidence, not because they know what socialism is, but because they’ve been told Obama’s a socialist, socialism is bad, and therefore Obama is bad:

A little bit of knowledge would’ve gone a long way, there. Knowing what these social programs are, how they can work, and why being a selfish stupid git isn’t the best survival strategy would completely disarm GOP attacks.

If people bothered to gain a bit of knowledge, they wouldn’t be snookered by Newtie’s latest “green coal” blabbering. They wouldn’t elect ignorant fools like Michele Bachmann and John Boehner who don’t know the difference between necessary and toxic levels of carbon dioxide, and exactly which greenhouse gas it is that cows emit. Note to Boehner: it’s not CO2.

A little bit of knowledge combined with an ocean of ignorance is a dangerous thing. Michele Bachmann’s statement that carbon dioxide is a vital part of life on earth may sound persuasive if all you know is that CO2 is what plants eat. If you didn’t know other things, such as what happens when too much of a good thing gets into the atmosphere, then you’d think she had a good point. Alas, too many ignorant and willfully stupid people do. And so the planet boils.

Speaking of global warming, Sen. James Inhofe has “a list of 700 prominent scientists who oppose global warming.” Wow! With that many scientists saying global warming doesn’t exist, there must really be doubts, right? Here’s where knowledge gives us the power to resist fake science, though, because knowing who those “scientists” are changes everything:

Like the Discovery Institute’s similar list involving evolution, there are some real laughers on the list. Like this one:

One of the listed prominent scientists is Chris Allen, who holds no college degree, believes in creationism and belongs to a Southern Baptist church.

Allen is a weatherman at the FOX-affiliated TV station in Bowling Green, Ky.


The list also includes a retired professor with no training in climate science who says that the earth “couldn’t be more than 10,000 years old.” And these names were listed as “prominent scientists” in an actual Senate report.

Outrageous fucktards can get away with this shit only because people don’t know any better. They haven’t bothered to learn. They don’t know how to verify claims. They don’t know how to think critically. If all of us had knowledge and knew how to apply it, the Senate wouldn’t be disgraced by idiots like Inhofe, because they wouldn’t get voted in there in the first place.

Given enough knowledge, people wouldn’t fall prey to vitamin pushers. They wouldn’t get taken in by fake medicine. And they sure as shit wouldn’t get snookered by priests trying to use science to shore up their homophobia. No wonder the powerful religious, political and corporate interests hate knowledge so.

Knowledge is necessary to keep us from falling prey. Knowledge is our power. I suggest that as Elitist Bastards, we teach a lot more folks how to use it.

The Necessity of Knowledge

Surprising News on the Separation of Church and State Front

Our official Thinking Brain Dog, Cujo359, has achieved fame as a Blog Against Theology blogger, and in so doing, found an interesting statistic:

A question that occurred to me during the most recent Blog Against Theocracy was, I’m sad to admit, just how popular is the idea that church and state should be separated. There have been a few polls related to that subject in the last few years. The most recent and thorough one that I’m aware of is the Pew Foundation’s 2008 poll on the relationship between religion and politics in America. I haven’t encountered any other poll organization that does as thorough a job of examining this subject, so new results are always interesting. Here’s what the Wall Street Journal had to say:

For the first time in more than a decade, a narrow majority of Americans say churches should stay out of politics, according to a poll released today by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

PewThe results suggest a potentially significant shift among conservative voters in particular. In 2004, 30% of conservatives said the church should stay out of politics while today 50% of conservatives today express that view.

Conservatives are now more in line with moderates and liberals when it comes to their views on mixing religion and politics. “Similarly, the sharp divisions between Republicans and Democrats that previously existed on this issue have disappeared,” Pew reports.

Pew Survey: More Americans Want Religion Out of Politics

Well, that’s hopeful. Too bad the rest of his post kinda kills the notion that Americans are finally done being rabid religious morons. But even so, this to me is a hopeful sign: if even conservatives are starting to realize that they should keep church and state happily separated, we might be able to preserve our republic after all.

Cujo’s post is excellent overall. Go. Read.

Surprising News on the Separation of Church and State Front

The Catholics Are All Right

It’s their leadership (and Bill Donahue) who are the raging morons:

The Catholic Church seems to be having a difficult time getting their own followers to accept their vigorously held positions on abortion and stem cell research. A new Gallup poll shows that Catholics don’t find abortion or embryonic stem cell research to be a moral problem any more than non-Catholics do. In fact, that’s true on a whole range of issues where the Church takes a strong moral position and their followers don’t buy in to that position any more than non-Catholics do. Here’s a chart that shows the results of the new poll.


Interesting how they’re more liberal on some of these issues than non-Catholics. Then again, most Catholics I know who aren’t in the Church hierarchy have been pretty relaxed. It’s more important to them to be a good person and treat each other with loving kindness than follow arbitrary rules precisely.

Maybe they can have a little heart-to-heart with their leadership.

The Catholics Are All Right

The Ineffable Idiocy of Cardinals

No, I’m not talking about Arizona’s football team, although I’ve never been impressed by them, either. No, not the birds, either – they seem relatively intelligent, although I’m sure there’s a few dumbshit ones out there. This is a cardinal of the religious variety, playing the hypocrite for all he’s worth:

An American Cardinal, Daniel DiNardo of Houston/Galveston, has jumped on the K-Lo bandwagon and condemned Notre Dame for honoring a Democrat.

I find the invitation very disappointing. Though I can understand the desire by a university to have the prestige of a commencement address by the President of the United States, the fundamental moral issue of the inestimable worth of the human person from conception to natural death is a principle that soaks all our lives as Catholics, and all our efforts at formation, especially education at Catholic places of higher learning.

So where was DiNardo when in 2001, Notre Dame invited George W. Bush, who had honored the “inestimable worth of the human from conception to natural death” by executing more people than any other governor in US history?

There’s more examples where that came from.

Seriously, do these pious wankers ever pause for a wee bit o’ the old self-examination? Do they ever listen to their self-righteous slobberings and think, “Hey, whoops, double-standard, there”?

Yeah, I don’t think so, either.

The Ineffable Idiocy of Cardinals

Firebombing for the Lord

Aren’t these the same people who tell us that without Christianity, the country would descend into chaos, mayhem, and general bodily harm? Because it doesn’t look like their religion has kept them from engaging in all three:

A few weeks ago, I interview Joann Bell on my radio show about her experiences when she filed a lawsuit over school prayer in Oklahoma. She was assaulted by a school employee, had her own obituary sent to her in the mail and had her house firebombed. But she’s hardly alone. I’m gonna post some other stories, taken from a brief filed by Americans United in a court case asking that their client be allowed to remain anonymous in a church/state lawsuit.

In almost every church/state lawsuit I’m aware of, there is harassment and intimidation of the plaintiffs. In most of them there are also threats of violence. In many, there is outright violence and vandalism.

So much for superior morality, then, eh?

Firebombing for the Lord

Prescribing the Disease as the Cure

Leave it to the uber-religious fuckwits to come up with genius ideas like this:

I had to laugh at the absurd assumptions behind this headline from the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow:


STDs have gone up, therefore we need more abstinence-only sex ed. Never mind that study after study has shown that kids who get abstinence-only sex ed are less likely to use condoms when they have sex.

You know why I love Ed Brayton? Because he’s merciless with the statistics:

Let’s look just at the state of Texas, which leads the nation in abstinence-only sex ed. 94% of all Texas school districts teach abstinence-only sex ed, with only 3% teaching abstinence-plus (abstinence plus condoms and other forms of birth control).

The result? Texas teenagers also are among the nation’s leaders in unprotected sex.

Fifty-sex percent of high school students in Texas report having used condoms at last intercourse. Only three states have lower rates of condom use among students.

We already know that Texas has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the nation, despite 94% of them being taught abstinence-only. It’s certainly no surprise that they also have an extraordinarily high rate of STD infections:

Young people ages 15-24 comprised twenty percent of Texas’ new HIV cases in 2006.

Texas’ youth, especially young women, are at risk for STIs:

  • Youth ages 15-24 experienced 73 percent of the total number of Chlamydia cases in Texas in 2006.
  • Youth ages 15-24 experienced 61 percent of the total number of Gonorrhea cases in Texas in 2006.
  • For all youth in this age range, young women were most at risk for STIs, experiencing 83 percent of Chlamydia infections and 60 percent of gonorrhea infections.

So much for that argument.

I think it’s time we turn the tables. Anti-choicers like to shove pictures of discarded fetal tissue in people’s faces. Why not take a page from their book and start parading around outside their churches with blown-up photos of the effects of STDs? We can ask them why they’re ruining kids’ lives.

Here’s just a few pics to get us started:


Advanced Kaposi’s sarcoma with marked lymphostatic oedema in a patient’s face.

(© J.H. Frenkel, Univ. Frankfurt)



Courtesy of the Sexual Health Guide blog

Chlamydia –

A wicked case of crotch rot

This is what they sentence kids to when the only advice they give is “Don’t have sex.”

Prescribing the Disease as the Cure