How Dare He Be Tolerant

Doesn’t this guy know you can’t be a God-fearing Christian and a liberal at the same time?

The Rev. Richard Cizik, as a spokesperson and lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals, has ruffled a few feathers on more than one occasion. A couple of years ago, for example, Cizik began an effort to convince evangelical Christians to take global warming seriously. He even labeled climate change an “offense against God” and bought a Prius. Other leading evangelicals were not impressed.

His position with the NAE has been in doubt, as significant contingents of the evangelical community wanted to become more, not less, politically conservative. Cizik’s luck apparently ran out when he showed tolerance for gay people.

A prominent evangelical lobbyist resigned yesterday over his remarks in a National Public Radio interview, in which he said he supports permitting same-sex civil unions.

The Rev. Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), later apologized for the remark, said the Rev. Leith Anderson, president of the 30 million-member organization.

But, Anderson said, “he lost the leadership’s confidence as spokesman, and that’s hard to regain.”

Asked by Terry Gross in a Dec. 2 interview on NPR’s Fresh Air whether he had changed his position on same-sex marriage, Cizik responded: “I’m shifting, I have to admit. In other words, I would willingly say that I believe in civil unions…. We have become so absorbed in the question of gay rights and the rest that we fail to understand the challenges and threats to marriage itself — heterosexual marriage. Maybe we need to reevaluate this and look at it a little differently.”

This did not go over well.

Not so much, no.

There’s something very wrong with an organization that forces its members to resign over messages of tepid tolerance. There’s something sick about spiritual “leaders” hating gays so much that merely advocating for civil fucking unions is enough to get you thrown out on your ear. Forcing someone to apologize for a lukewarm endorsement on civil fucking unions is just outrageous. This should tell you exactly how twisted their minds are.

And don’t even get me started on the global-warming denial bullshit. (Tell you what. If they really think global warming’s a myth, we should invite them to go live in Micronesia.)

These holier-than-thou bullshit artists make me sick.

And they truly do believe you can’t be a Democrat and a Christian at the same time. Ask my best friend, who got treated to that little lecture by one of the “good Christian women” at his church and walked away appalled by the ignorance. Christians like these are doing a great job at one thing: making it appear that you can’t be a good human being and a Christian at the same time.

I hope Cizik renounces his apology and takes tolerance on the road. He’s still got that Prius, right? Preach it.

How Dare He Be Tolerant

Keep Your Filthy Fundie Hands Off My Government and My Library System

Okay, so it’s not completely mine – it’s Oklahoma’s – but still, this shit has a distressing tendency to spread to the less-insane parts of the country (h/t):

A special investigation has revealed Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett has his eyes on the state executive office and is working closely with religious extremists to fill the Metropolitan Library Commission of Oklahoma County with anti-gay members in order to court the fundamentalist vote.

Cornett and Steve Kern, pastor of the Olivet Baptist Church and husband to State Rep. Sally Kern, are being accused of teaming up to rid the library system of all gay and lesbian materials, as well as those their church-based philosophies find objectionable. A source close to Cornett alleges, “The Mayor is looking to become Oklahoma’s next governor in 2010. With the conservatism rampant in the state, he feels now is the time to fully side with fundamentalist Christians in order to get their backing. He believes one way of doing that is going on an all-out assault on gay citizens. Even if things are done that would later be overturned in court at a great cost to the City, he will walk away a hero to certain people.”

The insider also stated, “The Mayor is aware that Ernest Istook is returning to Oklahoma to join the governor’s race again. Istook has the conservative base locked in, so the Mayor must shake loose Istook supporters if he is to get past the Republican primary. Gays are easy targets for him. He tried to use them in 2006, but it backfired. This round he wants to make it clear he is without a doubt against gay rights.”

Charming little shit, eh? I wish I could say the electorate would wipe the floor with his ass, but this is of course Oklahoma, which seems to be having a bit of difficulty extracting itself from the smothering embrace of the fundies and joining us here in the 21st Century.

They also have a fuck of a hard time understanding little things like the First Amendment, separation of church and state, and the fact that public libraries aren’t their personal pulpit:

In 2005 Rep. Kern sponsored House Resolution 1039, which was passed 81 – 3, in an effort to keep gay-themed books out of the hands of children. The resolution, which specifically targeted gay books, ordered libraries to “confine homosexually themed books and other age-inappropriate material to areas exclusively for adult access and distribution.”

Kern and other legislators threatened state libraries with massive cuts in funding, if they did not remove material like the popular children’s books King & King and Heather Has Two Mommies. Both the books deal with gay marriage and are considered age appropriate for children. This led to a 2006 policy by the Metro Library system to create special sections for such books.

On November 20, 2008, new restrictions were passed at the Metropolitan Library Commission meeting in Edmond, which requires librarians to place material in the ‘Family Talk’ section at least 60 inches off the ground. That section includes materials dealing with gay and lesbian subjects.

The library commission is composed of political appointees, who are often at odds with the system’s employees, who strive to follow standard library policies regarding countering censorship and public access to materials.

Sounds exactly like what Sarah Palin hoped to do to Wasilla. And this is their vision for America, my darlings, which means that if we want a free, secular, and above all non-homophobic country, we need to work hard to keep these fucktards at bay.

Have some motivation:

[Gossip Boy, undercover as a frothing fundie supporter]: Well good for him. He’s a real man of God and his service to everyone has not gone unnoticed. We need all the help we can get to make sure the perverts keep their nasty lifestyle out of our city libraries and away from our children. The sickness is spreading into everything.

[Steve Kern, fucktard extraordinaire]: We have to get rid of that and start curing those sinners. It’s past time that this nation stopped placating sin and start putting them in education programs. Courts can force drug offenders into treatment centers and violent people into anger management. There’s no reason our courts can’t do that with homos.

I’m invoking Godwin’s Law here. These people really are fascists. And I for one do not want to live in a country where they’re in power. This is why I shall be keeping a rather sharp eye on the dominionist fucknuggets who attempt to inject their poison into my nation’s political bloodstream, and will be liberally applying disinfectant at the ballot box.

Keep Your Filthy Fundie Hands Off My Government and My Library System

A "Holy Fuck" on the MRFF Scale

I know PZ’s highlighted this, so the vast majority of you are probably already aware of the insanity masquerading as a “mental health program” in our military. But the Smack-o-Matic’s begging me for action. Must bash.

I’ll let the Military Religious Freedom Foundation start us off:

Here at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), we get countless complaints about religiously based mental health and counseling programs, which, over the past few years, have been systematically replacing proven psychological and medical approaches to a multitude of issues faced by military personnel. I’ve seen so many truly insane, not to mention blatantly unconstitutional, ways that the military is playing with the mental well being of our troops since I began working for MRFF that I really didn’t think it was possible for me to be surprised by anything anymore. Then I was sent a PowerPoint presentation by an airman at RAF Lakenheath, the largest U.S. Air Force base in England. On the MRFF scale of classifying by various expletives the egregiousness level of things that are reported to us — “holy crap,” “holy shit,” and “holy f…” — this one, promoting creationism as a means of preventing suicide among our military personnel, was definitely a “holy f…”

In March 2008, this presentation, titled “A New Approach To Suicide Prevention: Developing Purpose-Driven Airmen,” was shown at a commander’s call that was mandatory for an estimated 1,000 of Lakenheath’s Air Force personnel, and sent out by email to the entire base of over 5,000 the following day. As the use of the phrase “Purpose-Driven” in its title implies, also incorporated into this presentation is the wisdom of presidential candidate inquisitor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, a book that, second only to the Bible itself, is the most heavily promoted religious book in the military.

This is fucking insane. Not only are they substituting religious propaganda for mental health counseling, they’re making it mandatory. Jews, Muslims, pagans, agnostics, atheists, and all other religious and non-religious soldiers have no choice but to be subjected to evangelical Christian bullshit and lies that sound like they were lifted right from Expelled: The Never-Ending Fuckwittery. Check this out:

There’s that evolution-is-random-chaos chestnut again, this time conflated with the idea that man is the center of the universe. Since the fuck when has science ever claimed that? Evolution knocked us out of the center – that’s why these God-blind babblers hate it so much. We’re not that fucking special. But we also aren’t a bunch of helpless ninnies who have to run whining to a magic sky daddy every time life gets a little tough. Unless, of course, we decide to live a “purpose-driven life,” which apparently means our purpose is to remain as infantile as possible.

That’s just the thing to be teaching a bunch of people with guns.

This Rick Warren-inspired creationist schlock also fails to mention what any of this creationist bullshit has to do with hope. You don’t have to know exactly how things came to be as they are to have hope, but to religious ninnies sucking their thumbs and crying for God to come change their diaper, the answer is apparently clear. I guess that’s what happens when you throw over science and self-reliance for fairy tales.

When they were developing this schlock, I swear they had fucking Mark Mathis reading from the Expelled script:

Darwin’s totally Marxist ZOMG!!1!!1!1! And note something: these fucking idiots are so insanely stupid that they put forth as exemplars of their great Christian country two presidents who weren’t exactly the most devout buggers to ever walk the earth.

Washington wouldn’t have passed muster with these fucktards:

After the revolution, Washington frequently accompanied his wife to Christian church services; however, there is no record of his ever taking communion, and he would regularly leave services before communion—with the other non-communicants (as was the custom of the day), until, after being admonished by a rector, he ceased attending at all on communion Sundays.[65][66] Prior to communion, believers are admonished to take stock of their spiritual lives and not to participate in the ceremony unless he finds himself in the will of God.[67][68] Historians and biographers continue to debate the degree to which he can be counted as a Christian, and the degree to which he was a deist.

He was an early supporter of religious toleration and freedom of religion. In 1775, he ordered that his troops not show anti-Catholic sentiments by burning the pope in effigy on Guy Fawkes Night. When hiring workmen for Mount Vernon, he wrote to his agent, “If they be good workmen, they may be from Asia, Africa, or Europe; they may be Mohammedans, Jews, or Christians of any sect, or they may be Atheists.”[67][69] In 1790, he wrote a response to a letter from the Touro Synagogue, in which he said that as long as people remain good citizens, their faith does not matter. This was a relief to the Jewish community of the United States, since the Jews had been either expelled or discriminated against in many European countries.

  • …the Government of the United States … gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. … May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.
  • Something tells me he would’ve been a little upset by the naked religious propaganda driving “The Purpose-Driven Airman.”

    And as for Lincoln… I don’t know why they lionize the man when they would’ve torn him apa
    rt for being an IslamofascistDarwinistatheist today:

    On one of these occasions Mr. Lincoln took up a book containing a careful canvass of the city of Springfield, in which he lived, showing the candidate for whom each citizen had declared it his intention to vote in the approaching election. Mr. Lincoln’s friends had, doubtless at his own request, placed the result of the canvass in his hands. This was toward the close of October, and only a few days before the election. Calling Mr. Bateman to a seat by his side, having previously locked all the doors, he said: ‘Let us look over this book. I wish particularly to see how the ministers of Springfield are going to vote.’ The leaves were turned, one by one, and as the names were examined Mr. Lincoln frequently asked if this one or that one were not a minister, or an elder, or the member of such and such a Church, and received an affirmative answer. In that manner they went through the book, and then he closed it and sat silently and for some minutes regarding a memorandum in pencil which lay before him. At length he turned to Mr. Bateman with a face full of sadness, and said: ‘Here are 23 ministers, of different denominations, and all of them are against me but three; and here are a great many prominent members of the Churches, a very large majority of whom are against me. Mr. Bateman, I am not a Christian — God knows I would be one but I have carefully read the Bible, and I do not understand this book’; and he drew from his bosom a pocket New Testament. ‘These men well know,’ he continued, ‘that I am for freedom in the territories, freedom everywhere as far as the Constitution and the laws will permit, and that my opponents are for slavery. They know this, and yet, with this book in their hands, in the light of which human bondage cannot live a moment, they are going to vote against me. I do not understand it at all.’

    Lincoln’s deeply-held sense that God guided all things would’ve carried no water for these fucktards at all. They venerate him, and yet they would have voted him down. And here I was wondering why the phrase “hypocritical lying sacks of shit” kept running through my mind whilst viewing their slideshow.

    Their hypocrisy knows no bounds:

    Another segment of Capt. Biscotti’s presentation, titled “FAITH is Foremost,” contains three stories — his own personal story, the story of the woman who made the news a few years back by talking her way out of a hostage situation by reading to her captor from The Purpose Driven Life, and, incredibly inappropriately for a presentation promoting religion, the story of Pat Tillman. I’m sure everyone remembers Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich’s outrageous remarks that Tillman’s parents’ dissatisfaction with the investigation of their son’s death was caused by their religious beliefs, or lack thereof, saying in an interview, “When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don’t believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing, and now he is no more — that is pretty hard to get your head around that. So I don’t know how an atheist thinks. I can only imagine that that would be pretty tough.” I’m fairly certain that the Tillmans would not be very happy to find out that their son is now being used as an example in a presentation promoting religion to the military.

    That little segment left me shaking with rage. They call him “a non-religious saint” and pretend to respect him, when all they’re doing is using him as whitewash for their sectarian agenda. They think they can point to Pat’s presence and say, “See? We’ve got someone non-religious in there, so it’s totally tolerant and inclusive!” Never mind that the entire slideshow nakedly conveys the idea that if you don’t believe in God, you’re a self-serving, worthless asshole with no meaning and no purpose who might as well just go ahead and shoot yourself right now. They spent the entire few slides with Pat downplaying the fact he wasn’t a believer, pretending that he was the man he was in spite of not believing in God.

    If you’re in any doubt as to whether Pat’s family will be happy, here’s a hint.

    Our military under Bush has become a festering sore of religious dominionists and fundie evangelicals who believe their religious agenda is the only answer to all the world’s ills. That shit is dangerous. It’s already threatened the mission in Iraq (never mind it was Bush’s crusading that got us there in the first place), it’s caused a plethora of problems in the ranks, and now it’s threatening the mental health of our soldiers.

    This shit needs to come to a swift end. The religious frothers need kicking out. Let’s grab a copy of the Constitution. Bush may have shredded it, but there’s still enough left to tape together, roll up, and belabor some fundies with.

    Freedom of religion extends to our troops, too. It’s time they learned that.

    A "Holy Fuck" on the MRFF Scale

    Support Our Troops. Bush Doesn't.

    I hope you’ve had your blood-pressure meds today:

    From the LATimes, another story about the Bush administration deciding to nickel-and-dime wounded veterans:

    “Marine Cpl. James Dixon was wounded twice in Iraq — by a roadside bomb and a land mine. He suffered a traumatic brain injury, a concussion, a dislocated hip and hearing loss. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Army Sgt. Lori Meshell shattered a hip and crushed her back and knees while diving for cover during a mortar attack in Iraq. She has undergone a hip replacement and knee reconstruction and needs at least three more surgeries.

    In each case, the Pentagon ruled that their disabilities were not combat-related.


    Because, of course, someone who fractures her hip while diving for cover in a mortar attack has not been disabled while “participating in the risk of combat”. Obviously. According to the new policy, “her wounds would be considered combat-related only if she had been struck by shrapnel.”

    If you wondered what sort of damage Bush’s new regulations were doing, there’s your answer. I’m too infuriated to think of an appropriate response. I just wish the fucktards who put these policies in place were forced to sustain injuries in combat that would then be ruled non-combat-related.

    Maybe then we’d see people actually supporting our troops rather than claiming they do while fucking them over.

    Support Our Troops. Bush Doesn't.

    Upping the Ante in the Prop 8 Battle

    Have I ever mentioned that I think that electing judges is a bad idea? Cases should be decided on law rather than political survival, but that’s what the legal challenges to Prop 8 may come down to:

    Six months ago, California’s highest court discarded its reputation for caution and ended the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

    Now the moderately conservative state Supreme Court is being asked to take an even riskier step — to overturn the November voter initiative that reinstated the gay-marriage ban and possibly provoke a voter revolt that could eject one or more of the justices from the bench.


    Civil rights groups, churches and local governments have filed six lawsuits asking the court to declare the measure an illegal constitutional revision. Letters also have poured into the court pleading for urgent action, and anti-Proposition 8 rallies have attracted large crowds statewide.

    At the same time, opponents of gay marriage have warned that they will work to oust any justice who votes against Proposition 8, a threat particularly palpable in a year when voters in other states have booted six state high court justices after campaigns by special interest groups.

    These people will take their hate to any lengths. But they want you to think they’re all reasonable and respectful of the law and stuff:

    The official Proposition 8 campaign has discouraged supporters from threatening a recall while the court is considering lawsuits to overturn the measure.

    “We think the discussion of a recall at this point is premature and not helpful to the current situation,” said Andrew Pugno, a lawyer for the campaign. “The court should have a chance to do the right thing.”

    But if the court voted to overturn Proposition 8, “no one would be able to stop” a recall, he said.

    Translation: as long as the justices do what we want, we don’t have a problem. If the justices don’t do what we want, we’ll destroy them.

    Prop 8 antagonists need to let those justices know they’ll have their backs. Otherwise, we’re going to get a ruling tainted by political threats, rather than a dispassionate consideration of the law.

    Let’s just hope the Prop 8 crowd continues to spend themselves into mass lay-offs. It would be nice to see them take aim at civil rights and blow off their own legs.

    (Tip o’ the shot glass to TeddySanFran at Daily Kos)

    Upping the Ante in the Prop 8 Battle

    "Good" Christian People

    I didn’t mean to spend tonight bashing religion, but I cannot let this pass:

    An awful story from the Washington Post:

    “Rob Foster was 16 when his family unraveled.

    He had told his parents that he wanted to leave Calvary Temple, the Pentecostal church in Sterling the family had attended for decades. But church leaders were blunt with his parents: Throw your son out of the house, or you will be excommunicated. And so that December two years ago, Gary and Marsha Foster told Rob that he had to leave. They would not see him or talk to him.

    “I was devastated,” he said. (…)

    Under the leadership of longtime pastor Star R. Scott, Calvary opened a school, television and radio ministries, and satellite churches around the globe. The local congregation at one point numbered 2,000.

    Scott’s followers see him as an inspiring interpreter of God’s word. Members pack the church most nights, united in their desire to live as the Bible intended and reject what they view as society’s moral ambivalence. (…)

    In his sermons, Scott teaches that his church is scripturally superior to others and views keeping people in the fold as a matter of their salvation. “Anything that’s other than a member in harmony has to be identified and expelled,” Scott preached in May 2007.

    Don’t be afraid of “social services” if you throw rebellious children out of the house, he told the congregation in an earlier sermon, because “you obeyed God.” In an interview, he cited scriptures: “Deuteronomy says if your kid doesn’t follow your God, kill ’em. That’s what we do, but not physically. To us, you’re dead if you’re not serving our God,” he said.

    And he’s proud of it. Declaring a sixteen year-old dead, ripping families apart, is all part of being “scripturally superior” to other churches.

    If this was anything other than Christianity, it would be called a cult. But because these are “good Christian people” with nice buildings and a big congregation following the Bible to a T instead of a few paranoid jackasses holed up in shacks with automatic weapons waiting for Armageddon, they’re merely considered devout. How sick does our society have to be for that double-standard to apply?

    Hilzoy takes this fucktard apart by quoting Jesus against him, but it doesn’t matter. He can fire right back:

    “Jesus said, ‘I didn’t come to bring peace, I came to bring a sword,’ ” the elder Scott said about the divided families.”

    To which I might add, “You must not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son’s wife against her mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own roof. No man is worthy of me who cares more for father or mother than for me; no man is worthy of me who cares for son or daughter; no man is worthy of me who does not take up his cross and walk in my footsteps.” He says much the same thing in Luke.

    This is what fundamentalist religion does. This is what it cares about. Ideological purity is more important than people. What kind of morality says it’s all right to kick your own son out of your house because he lost his faith, since you can’t kill him for his thought crime? How is that a religion of peace, love and compassion?

    People get so bogged down in the details that they forget human heartedness. And they have the gall to tell us they’re morally superior. They call us evil.

    Which of us would declare our children dead to us simply because they’re following their conscience?

    This is why I cringe when Christian friends tell me they and their churches try to live by the Bible. If they meant it literally, if they truly did try to follow it to the letter, this is what would happen. They’d have no other choice.

    We need less “living by the Bible.” Not more.

    "Good" Christian People

    Scorched Earth: Bush Attacks Women's Health

    Bush thinks he can govern women’s wombs from the grave of his presidency. Let’s disabuse him of the notion:

    Help stop health care providers from being able to redefine abortion to include birth control.

    The Bush administration promised not to issue any new regulations after November 1. But now, it is poised to implement a rule that could allow individual health care providers to redefine abortion to include the most common forms of birth control — and then refuse to provide these basic services. A woman’s ability to manage her own health care is at risk of being compromised by politics and ideology. We need you to speak out now, before the administration implements this rule.

    This summer, the Bush administration tried to keep the proposed rule a secret, but with your help, we forced Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt to make the plans public. More than 200,000 people — including more than 90,000 Planned Parenthood supporters like you, and more than 150 members of Congress — called on the Bush administration to withdraw this damaging proposal that could keep millions of people from receiving basic health information and necessary medical care.

    This new rule could allow almost 600,000 health care entities that receive federal funding to redefine abortion to include the most common forms of birth control — and then refuse to provide these basic services. For any health provider to intentionally withhold information about widely embraced treatment options from a patient — for any health condition — is absolutely unconscionable under any circumstances. It’s outrageous that President Bush is using his last days in office to implement a rule that would limit the rights of patients to receive complete and accurate reproductive health information.

    A woman’s ability to manage her own health care is at risk of being compromised by politics and ideology if this regulation goes into effect.

    The exam room is no place to play political games.

    Speak out now.

    We can’t rely on Obama’s ability to roll these rules back. Better for the country if they’re never implemented at all.

    Let me know if any more Bush scorched-earth policies hit your radar. He’s already left the government in shambles. No use letting him set a match to it on the way out.

    Scorched Earth: Bush Attacks Women's Health

    Partners in Bigotry

    Catholics and Mormons may not agree on many points of Christian dogma, but they’re in perfect accord when it comes to fighting same-sex marriage:

    The media in Salt Lake City have discovered the documents revealed prior to Election Day that show a long-time collaboration between the Mormons and the Catholics to destroy what they call “Homosexual Legal Marriage.”

    DailyKos Diarist thereisnospoon had these documents in a pre-Election Day diary, and summarized them:

    Yep, you got that right. They were thinking of this in California way back in 1997. They were saying, “referendum is expensive. We have the money, but we don’t have the public face. So let’s join with the Catholics, because they have a better reputation.”

    The Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco who renewed this relationship this summer when he asked for the LDS Church leadership’s assistance had most recently been the Archbishop of Salt Lake City. The SF Chronicle revealed earlier this week:

    Months before the first ads would run on Proposition 8, San Francisco Catholic Archbishop George Niederauer reached out to a group he knew well, Mormons.

    Niederauer had made critical inroads into improving Catholic-Mormon relations while he was Bishop of Salt Lake City for 11 years. And now he asked them for help on Prop. 8, the ballot measure that sought to ban same-sex marriages in California.

    The June letter from Niederauer drew in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and proved to be a critical move in building a multi-religious coalition – the backbone of the fundraising, organizing and voting support for the successful ballot measure. By bringing together Mormons and Catholics, Niederauer would align the two most powerful religious institutions in the Prop. 8 battle.

    They could use the power of their churches and their religious authority for a lot of good. They could have focused that money and will on fighting poverty. They could have united to stop our government from torturing people. They could have spoken out with one voice against domestic violence, which truly does destroy families. They could have combined their might to provide medical care for uninsured children. They could have brought their strength and resources to bear on so many things that would have saved lives and improved their communities.

    Instead, they decided to pour tens of millions of dollars into an effort to deny same-sex couples the simple right to marry. They declared war not on poverty, starvation, disease or violence, but on two consenting adults’ legal right to say, “I do.”

    So I don’t want to hear about the moral superiority of Christianity. Not one single word about all the good the churches do. I do not want to hear a syllable about God’s infinite love.

    Not a sound.

    Partners in Bigotry

    Bush Administration Forged Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program; In Other Shocking News, Dog Bites Man

    You know what depresses me most? That this kind of fuckery isn’t shocking:

    Almost four years ago today, Colin Powell presented some dodgy intelligence suggesting Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons. Powell’s announcement had all the trappings of Bush propaganda: sketchy exiles, the pre-emption of IAEA counter-evidence, technical specs that make a known civilian application look like a nuclear weapon, and, of course, Powell himself.

    Does it surprise you to learn, via Juan Cole, that that intelligence may well have been forged?

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has obtained evidence suggesting that documents which have been described as technical studies for a secret Iranian nuclear weapons-related research program may have been fabricated.

    The documents in question were acquired by U.S. intelligence in 2004 from a still unknown source — most of them in the form of electronic files allegedly stolen from a laptop computer belonging to an Iranian researcher. The US has based much of its push for sanctions against Iran on these documents.

    Nope, it doesn’t surprise me either.

    The Bush Regime is a case study in what happens when fuckwits who think they’re living in a Robert Ludlum novel get their hands on the reins of power. They’re running around playing super secret agent, fabricating evidence because it fits a narrative and reality doesn’t. They turned the CIA and the Justice Department into an episode of 24, complete with torture, because they love to be part of a storyline wherein they’re the big, tough heroes breaking heads and breaking rules to “get the job done.” The damage they’ve done to this country so that they could live their little fantasies is apalling.

    And it’s not shocking anymore. The only time I’m shocked now is when Bush does something semi-decent. I can’t tell you how angry that makes me, and how glad I am that we voted for four years of competent leadership rather than four more years of neocon playacting.

    I can’t believe these fucktards get two more months to play their self-aggrandizing games with our government. They should have nothing to look forward to but life in a Supermax, getting their dinners shoved through a hole in the door. I’d say they should be sentenced to a life of cleaning up the bedpans on an Iraqi hospital ward so they’re forced to face what they’ve done in the most stark way possible, but that would be a terrible thing to do to people we’ve harmed enough. Maybe if we made them wear candystriper outfits, maybe the humiliation would be a balm to wounded Iraqis…

    There’s only two months left, but I imagine we’re going to see a lot more stories of Bush’s forged evidence, incompetence, and cronyism.

    In other news, dog bites man:

    Apparently, Bush’s contempt for the press corps has rubbed off on his dog.

    Bush Administration Forged Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program; In Other Shocking News, Dog Bites Man

    This Shit Has to Stop

    One of the first things Obama’s going to have to do as President is teach our public servants that this sort of behavior is no longer acceptable:

    Here’s a disturbing story:

    “The financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration’s request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry. In the midst of this late-September drama, the Treasury Department issued a five-sentence notice that attracted almost no public attention.

    But corporate tax lawyers quickly realized the enormous implications of the document: Administration officials had just given American banks a windfall of as much as $140 billion.

    The sweeping change to two decades of tax policy escaped the notice of lawmakers for several days, as they remained consumed with the controversial bailout bill. When they found out, some legislators were furious. Some congressional staff members have privately concluded that the notice was illegal. But they have worried that saying so publicly could unravel several recent bank mergers made possible by the change and send the economy into an even deeper tailspin.

    “Did the Treasury Department have the authority to do this? I think almost every tax expert would agree that the answer is no,” said George K. Yin, the former chief of staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the nonpartisan congressional authority on taxes. “They basically repealed a 22-year-old law that Congress passed as a backdoor way of providing aid to banks.” (…)


    Here’s the relevant section of the Internal Revenue Code. It provides that “The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section and section 383”. I am not a lawyer, still less a tax lawyer, but offhand, I would not have thought that rescinding a law counts as promulgating a regulation necessary or appropriate to carry out its purposes. And if it doesn’t, it’s not clear where Secretary Paulson gets the authority to give banks a twelve-figure tax break.

    We handed Congress and our President-Elect the paddle. They’re going to have a fuck of a lot of spanking to do.

    This Shit Has to Stop