Morals Come From Plenty of Places Other Than God

In Summerian mythology, the gods sent a flood to wipe out humanity because humans were too noisy. Enlil didn’t appreciate being kept up at night. Seems it never occurred to him to just ask the silly buggers to keep it down.

I can sympathize. My neighbors threw a party tonight, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to understand that some folks around here don’t appreciate noise after midnight. They got it on the third try. Note to Enlil: you don’t always need a flood.

Now, a Christian might ask me, without God to point the way, what kept this atheist from trooping down there with a shotgun and playing Enlil? Morals, you see, can only come from God, in their worldview. An atheist, having no god, has nothing to keep them moral, or so the muddled thinking goes.

I’ve been reading Hitch’s The Portable Atheist, and there’s some deep philosophical musings in there trying to demonstrate that one can have a solid foundation for morals without God. They all overshoot the mark. They get all hard-core logical and miss the simple truths: empathy and rationality are all you need.

Atheists, you see, have no trouble thinking things through, and seeing it from the other bloke’s perspective.

So here’s what stopped me from ending the noise pollution in the most final way possible:

First, I know the poor buggers were just unwinding after a long week, probably had a few in them, and weren’t really aware of just how much they were irritating the poor bugger above them who was trying to relax after a long, hard day of watching the House sell the Fourth Amendment down the river.

Second, I would greatly appreciate it if my neighbors registered their displeasure at any noise I created with something other than a weapon. A simple “knock it the hell off” will do.

Thirdly, even if it were somehow permissible to end someone’s life over something as petty as excessive noise, there’s the family and friends to think about. I may not love these noisy buggers right now, but someone does, and it would make me feel a right bastard to cause them no end of pain and grief simply because I can’t put up with temporary discomfort.

There are of course ten dozen other reasons I can think of for not offing my neighbors, but I don’t think I need to belabor them. In a civilized society, you don’t go all amoral and start the indiscriminate killing just because you don’t have a god to tell you not to. You leave the other bugger alive because you have empathy, and because you know that society would soon cease to function if everybody had a license to kill.

I’d even go so far as to say that it’s easier to be moral without God. Let’s play a hypothetical game. Let’s say it’s perfectly legal to off your neighbor for disturbing you. Let’s say there’s no law against it. What’s to keep me from trooping downstairs with murderous intent, then?

A Christian might say, “Nothing, if you don’t believe in God.”

To which I say, “Bunk.”

And let me further state this: absent any law forbidding me to murder my neighbor, I’d still have a hard time killing him over a temporary irritation, and indeed a harder time than a Christian might have. You see, I don’t believe there’s life after death. I wouldn’t be able to tell myself, “I’m sending him to a better place anyway.” I’d have nothing to salve my conscience with. What’s the loss of a few hours’ worth of peace and quiet for me, set against the loss of everything for him, forever?

There’s that empathy, again. Because what comes to mind when I think of this is the pain and fear of his last few seconds of life, followed by the pain and grief of his family and friends as they face the rest of their lives knowing there will never be another moment together. Not here, and not hereafter. How could I possibly bring myself to be the cause of that?

God doesn’t have to tell me, “Thou shalt not kill.” My humanity, which evolved as part of this extraordinary brain of ours, tells me that just fine.

I’ll go further: I think that morals arising from us rather than God have greater authority. If we achieve those morals based on common humanity rather than common belief, they’re far more inclusive. I can’t exempt anyone based on ethnicity or creed, you see, because we’re all human. I can’t deny a moral arising from common humanity the way I could deny one coming from the wrong god.

I could go on. There are morals, and then there are mores. Someday, possibly, I’ll discuss the difference between the big, sweeping moral pronouncements (don’t kill each other over petty bullshit) and the morals that are more guidelines than rules (don’t fuck in public). But I think this is enough to get us started. It’s enough to present a simple answer to an inane question: “How can you be moral without God?”

I have empathy and rationality. It’s really all I need.

Morals Come From Plenty of Places Other Than God

The Consolation of Faithlessness

PZ Myers recently posted an email on Pharyngula that reminded me of all I left behind:

I’m tormented.

I appreciate the struggle many creationists are having about evolutionary science. I find myself tormented as I observe the world around me.

Quite the cri de coeur, isn’t it? I recognize it well. Now mind you, I was never tormented over evolutionary biology – even in my very brief period of true belief, evolution didn’t bother me overmuch. Thought God was great, didn’t I? Clever enough bugger to have used evolution to create lil ol’ us. My problem with evolution was exactly the same as it is now – I don’t know half as much about it as I’d like.

But trust me when I say I was tormented.

Hard not to be, really, when you’re a thinking person. I observed the world around me, and found a lot of fuckery that tended to disprove the notion of a loving, personal God. Awful lot of killing, raping, stealing, and so forth going on. Too many Christian sects fighting each other tooth and nail over ridiculous bits of doctrine. Too many other religions out there that had good ideas and good people believing in them. Too many contradictions between the evidence of the Bible and the evidence of my eyes.

Those pat answers about things all being part of God’s plan, sometimes the answer to a prayer is “no,” bad things happening because of some kind of sin, none of that sat well with me. I couldn’t swallow it.

One of the reasons was that my paternal grandmother died in terrible pain. And the more religious I got, the more it didn’t make sense. Live a good life and you’ll be rewarded. God will take care of you if you only believe. Well, she lived a good life. Never smoked, never drank, never blasphemed. A kind, generous Christian woman got eaten alive by breast cancer. I remember one of her arms swelled up to grotesque proportions because her cancer had metasticized. I remember her pain and hot flashes. And yet she bore it all, and as far as I know never wavered in her faith. How to reconcile that with a God who can perform miracles? I know others manage to explain it away as part of a mysterious Plan, but when I thought about it, I couldn’t put my faith in a God who would allow a good woman to die hard.

It wasn’t just her.

I had Hindu friends. Fantastic people whom I loved very much. And according to my church, God would condemn them to everlasting torment for worshipping the wrong gods.

My life was suddenly constricted to a list of outmoded moral prohibitions that made about as much sense as putting child rapists in a position of authority over alter boys. Set a foot wrong, and I’d piss off God. And really, who knew what pissed God off? It seemed God was awfully fickle in what was allowed and what wasn’t.

We’re told to pray about things, and God will provide. Let go and let God. Put your trust in the Lord. Well, that works better if you’re getting unequivocal answers. Was it coincidence or God’s will that what I prayed for happened? Was it God’s will or just the way of things that what I prayed for didn’t happen? How the fuck was I supposed to know when the bastard didn’t have the decency to tell me outright? Why speak to some people, but not all of us?

I could go on, but any of you who’ve ever flirted with being a true believer knows exactly what happened. It was probably my writing that saved me from years of torment and cognitive dissonance. You see, I had to study up on science for the worldbuilding, and the more science I read, the more rational my thinking became. Answers I couldn’t find through prayer, I could find through science.

It wasn’t just science. I wasn’t writing a Christian series, and it wasn’t like aliens were likely to have heard the gospel of Christ anyway, so I had to study comparative religion to get an idea of what their faith might look like. And a lot of those religions made more sense to me than Christianity. Many didn’t claim an omnipotent Creator who liked to poke his nose in and occasionally cock the finger to smite. The Divine suddenly seemed a lot bigger than expected, a lot more remote, and a lot more comfortable.

So some of the torment vanished when I became agnostic. It still didn’t go completely away. All religions make claims that you can’t prove, many of which don’t make any sense. And the more science I read, the more I started seeing that every religion was a set of human ideas. Neurobiology explained a fuck of a lot about why we believe what we do. And that prepared me to finally let go of the need for the Divine.

It’s amazing what happened next.

When I lost my faith completely, when I stopped looking for something supernatural behind the curtain, I stopped feeling tormented. The faint worry that I’d earned myself a ticket to a place hotter than Phoenix went away. The conflict between a benevolent Divinity and a harsh world vanished. When there was nothing in my world that wasn’t natural, when there wasn’t a single thing people did that couldn’t be explained by how the brain functions (or doesn’t, depending on who you’re talking about), things were suddenly easier to take. The evil of the world isn’t down to an angry deity or some variety of sin, but is simply a result of humans being humans. And if it’s humans, not demons, not Satan, doing the evil, it’s humans that can stop it.

We don’t have to rely on a deity. We can rely on ourselves.

Some people find that terrifying. They can’t take responsibility. But I’m not one of them. I’m fine with it all being down to our own choices. I think we’ll do a hell of a lot better doing for ourselves rather than expecting God to do for us. It’s too easy to give up when you have a god to rely on. It’s too easy to act the child and expect your deity to take care of you when you should be taking care of yourself.

I got to grow up when I accepted the fact that not once scintilla of evidence proved that some sort of Divine Presence existed. I got to take responsibility. It doesn’t always work out, but at least I have only myself to blame. It’s far, far easier than trying not to blame God.

Not relying on magical thinking gets me to solutions a lot faster. I could do a ritual something to ensure the result I want, or I could take the concrete steps to make it possible. Concrete steps, it turns out, work a fuck of a lot better than magical thinking.

I’ve discovered a confidence I’ve never had before, being an atheist. I’m not constantly pestered by a niggling fear that God doesn’t want me to know, do or understand something. The limits are gone. Since I no longer believe anything’s possible as long as my faith is strong enough, I don’t end up doubting myself half as much. Some things aren’t possible. Some things are vaguely possible. And some things are probable, especially if I take steps to make them so. If something doesn’t turn out the way I wanted it to, I’m not doubting the strength of my faith: I’m

laughing at the ineptness of my planning, or the way that life throws up variables that you never even considered, but which turned out to be rather important. There’s no faith to be shaken, so I’m not asking “Why?” There’s no angry god behind the whys and wherefores, just the vagaries of life.

You can get irritated and angered by, but not at, vagaries of life. Makes it a lot less personal and a lot easier to let go of, that. “I’ll know better next time” has become something of a mantra. There’s a lot more laughter involved with that way of thinking. A lot more confidence that what fucked up my cunning scheme this time won’t happen the next.

There’s no more torment. I’m not locked in to a single path with no alternative routes if something goes wrong. That’s liberating, that is. And that’s why I laugh when people try to tell me I have to have faith.

What possible reason would I have to give up the consolation of my faithlessness? I haven’t found one yet. I doubt I ever will.

The Consolation of Faithlessness

Pathetic "Proofs" God Exists

PZ Myers gets some truly ridiculous email. He’s got one now from a woman with 50 “proofs” of God’s existence. A few hours on Talk Origins and other assorted sites would allow me to answer all 50 in great, exact and obliterating detail, but what with the potential FISA compromise bill, McCain’s constant fuckery, a new Carnival of the Elitist Bastards I’m trying to man the June helm for, and research to do on more than one book, I haven’t got time to answer such pathetic drivel. I’m just going to hit the highlights. If any of you are bored enough to take on the full list, by all means, have away.

And head on over to Pharyngula to see PZ’s short, sharp retort to this mountain of drivel.

Right. Let’s amuse ourselves a wee bit, shall we?

1. Whilst agreeing that random patterns occur naturally by chance, DNA however, consists of code, which requires a designer.

Here we go with another one confusing biology with computer science. That’s the problem with metaphors and analogies: there’s always someone who thinks that because a word like “code” is used, that means there’s a computer code in a cell. What else can we expect from Biblical literalists, though, eh?

3. Try praying. What good is it when a mind is set to coincidence & disbelief regarding the positive outcome?

None. All you’re talking about with prayer is pattern recognition, selective attention, and wishful thinking.

10. Why do many atheists shake their fists & spend so much time ranting & raving about something they don’t believe in? If they are no more than a fizzled out battery at the end of the day, then why don’t they spend their lives partying, or getting a hobby?! Why don’t they leave this ‘God nonsense’ alone?

Nothing would make us happier if people like you would just shut the fuck up and stop trying to impose your magic sky daddy on the real world. We spend so much time “ranting and raving” about this bullshit because of you God-botherers.

25. Where do our moral values held within our conscience come from? If the atheist is right, why then would we care about what we did?! If there is no God, then we’ve no-one to be accountable to.

Why are you so morally bankrupt that you have to have a god to hold you accountable?

29. Look at the date/year on our calender – 2000 years ago since what? Our historical records (other than the Bible) record evidence of Jesus’ existence.

The calendar is a social convention, you silly bitch. Ask the Jews or the Muslims what year it is, why don’t you? I’d say ask the Mayans, but the Christians murdered their civilization.

30. Many people have died for their faith. Would they be prepared to do this for a lie?!

Many have. Lessee, off the top of my head: Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate, Branch Davidians…

34. The evidence from liturature & historical studies claim that Biblical statements are reliable details of genuine events.

I suppose someone who can’t spell “literature” also hasn’t read many novels that base the story around real, verifiable places and events. If we went by your standards of proof, nearly every book I’ve read is literally true. Hooray, there really is a Lord Morpheus!

42. Albert Einstein said; “A legitimate conflict between science & religion cannot exist. Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind”.

And someone needs to go look up what Einstein meant by “religion.” Hint: it wasn’t anything that had a personal god in it.

50. Jesus Christ is either who he says he is, or he is the biggest con man history has ever known.

Or he didn’t exist except as an embellished figure. Or he was mentally ill. Or you’re absolutely right: he’s a con. Be careful with your either/or statements: there are people who happily believe the “or.”

The only thing this list convinced me of was it’s better to be an atheist. I’m too old for the mental gymnastics one has to engage in to make God work. What’s sad about this is, even the supposedly “sophisticated” arguments for God don’t rise much above the intellectual level of this tripe.

And people wonder why I don’t believe…

Update: Cousinavi has an eye-popping post up exploring yet more McCain fuckery. If this useless assclown gets elected, I am so leaving the United States.

Pathetic "Proofs" God Exists

"Letting Go of God" – A Ramble About An Excellent Film

I’ve only just come back from seeing Julia Sweeney’s film “Letting Go of God.” It’s one of those rare non-fiction films that’s going to make itself a happy home on my DVD rack. The woman is side-splittingly funny, and she’s a godsend to the godless. If it swings by your town, I highly recommend it – unless you’re a Christian who wants to hold on to your faith.

This is the film version of her monologue of the same title. It’s filmed as a stand-up, basically: she’s on stage with a set, there’s an audience, and aside from a few entertaining tricks with the lighting, it’s no different from what you’d see on Comedy Central – except for the subject matter. For those of you who, like myself, just crawled out from under a rock this morning and had no effing clue what this was all about, I’ll do my best to give you a decent recap.

Julia’s one of those rare few who invited the Mormon missionaries in when they came a-knocking. What they shared regarding their faith was so bizarre that it led her to question her own. And yes, hearing the Mormon church history boiled down into a few wickedly-funny lines by a comedienne certainly brings out the ridiculous nature of the whole thing. Angels lead a couple of Israelites to America? In 600 BC, no less. And said Israelites breed like bunnies, one side is good and the other evil, evil triumphs (and becomes the Native American tribes – xenophobic much?), the lone survivor of the good tribe buries golden tablets written in Egyptian hieroglyphics in a New York back yard, which are found thousands of years later by Joseph Smith, who gets high to read them… yeah. What the fuck ever. That mythology deserved the sound spanking it got at Julia’s hands.

At least now I have a weapon the next time the missionaries come calling: Sure, I’ll want to hear their message – if they watch the first ten minutes of Julia’s film with me.

(Heh. Yes, I am evil, why do you ask?)

Julia relates how this incident led her to question her Catholic faith, which led her to attempt to understand it better and answer the question, “Do I believe God loves me with all his heart?” This inspires her to read the Bible. Cover-to-cover. Which…. well, let’s just say the results aren’t pretty. Anyone who has two rational cells to rub together and actually thinks about what they read is going to have a hard time holding on to faith after reading that mess of genocide, rape, slavery, and smiting. Oh, and Jesus annihilating a menopausal fig tree.

Jesus really wanted a fig that day. Damned tree.

She shares Bible stories I’d never even heard of: one in particular is a man who promises to make a burnt offering of the first person he sees upon returning home. That person is his daughter. He burns her alive, and God is pleased. Story after story is related that is like this, and she isn’t gentle with what Jesus said about abandoning family either. The question is raised, and it’s an important one: where do Christian morals come from, when the bulk of the Bible is filled with questionable morality or outright evil? She dug up old memories for me – I remember reading the New Testament many years ago, and realizing the same thing. All that emphasis on marriage and family is in complete opposition to what Christ taught. Seriously. There are verses where he urges people to abandon their families. If this sort of shit came out in an atheist’s book, it would be condemned. Somehow, because it’s in the Bible, it goes through a magic lens that turns it into something pure and good.

That lens stopped working for Julia.

When Christianity proved too contradictory and ridiculous, she launched a search for God in Eastern religions, nature, and various and sundry other places. Where she ended up was atheism. It’s a familiar journey to many who have deconverted – it’s hard to just let go of God without looking for the bastard in plenty of other places first. I found myself treading a familiar path, thinking, “Oh, hey – never realized that was you up ahead of me there, Julia! No wonder you look so familiar.” Only I didn’t have the money or the inclination to go as far as she did – all over Asia and on to the Galapagos, finding nothing but fuckwittery all the way.

Until she encountered Darwin. And those islands that led him to the theory of evolution.

I found that fascinating. You see, I hadn’t needed Darwin or evolution to become an atheist myself, and I don’t know of all that many people who can point to Darwin as the catalyst for their atheism. I’m sure there are plenty of folks out there in the world like Julia, for whom Darwin’s wonderful little book was the final nail in religion’s coffin. But I hadn’t met them. And she said something about it that I found utterly riveting.

It wasn’t just the fact of evolution. Is was that this book was so easy to read and understand, not at all like she’d expected science to be. It wasn’t an impenetrable mystery. She didn’t have to be an expert to get it. And she sure as fuck didn’t have to pull the mental contortionist routine with it – everything in Darwin’s Origin of Species follows a neat, logical path, without glaring contradictions. That, from how she described the reading of it, is what impacted her most. Science wasn’t something only a chosen few could access. Science didn’t deal in absolutes. Science, she said at one point, deals far better with uncertainty than Christianity does, and that was a revelation to her.

There is a hysterically funny moment when she’s talking about dating an Intelligent Design believer, who tells her the eye is far to complex for evolution to have created – it must have been designed. So she read up on the evolution of the eye, and discovered the truth: evolution can, too, create something that complex in increments.

She faces tough questions head-on, and admits that yes, in some places, the atheist’s worldview is less rosy. You have to face death without the comfort of an afterlife. You have to face awful happenings without the comfort of thinking they’re happening for a reason. Now, that last is true for her – not for me. I tend to look at the lousy goings-on in my life through the filter of “It’s happening to me because this shit happens to everyone, and I’m not that fucking special. I can let it kill me or make me stronger. Hmmm, no afterlife – I’ll take the “make me stronger” option, thankees.” But I suppose what she means is a sort of meta-reason, a Divine Purpose, and if that’s the case, then yes, that comfort isn’t there. But wasn’t it always a cold comfort anyway? I feel much better about the lousy bullshit in my life knowing it just happens rather than it happened because God has hisself a Plan for me.

And she makes a huge case for an atheist’s morality being stronger than a Christian’s.

There’s an evolutionary basis for cooperation, altruism, and prohibitions against murder. She lays the case out in a few simple sentences: we have moral rules about not doing bad things because we’re social animals who evolved that way, and codified what evolution had already proved. Social animals that deal well with each other reproduce more successfully. That simple. So morality isn’t something strictly limited to the religious. But beyond that, there’s the fact that we’re forced to act.

God isn’t going to save the world. We have to.

God isn’t going to comfort this distressed person. It’s up to us.

The absence of God forces us to take responsibility, to do something rather than nothing (and praying is nothing – there are few things more useless than prayer, although people like to believe it gets something accomplished). Letting go of God forces us to grow up.

She doesn’t ever state this directly, but the end of the movie talks about her daughter reaching for magical explanatio
ns when Julia’s trying to explai
n things like death in rational, material terms. And that struck me: religion is never growing up. What her daughter invented to make herself feel better about things she didn’t understand sounded exactly like the answers most human religions invent.

We as a species have never seemed to mature past the age of four.

And that’s dangerous.

Much food for thought in this movie, to be sure. But it’s not heavy fare. It’s too damned funny to weigh on you. No blog post, especially not one written at three a.m. after a long day’s drinking, is going to do her justice. When you get the chance, see the film. Even if she causes you to let go of God, you’ll likely be very glad you did.

"Letting Go of God" – A Ramble About An Excellent Film

On the Importance of Keeping Religion In My Crosshairs

I want everyone who considers religion irrelevant to politics to consider a few things.

The Carpetbagger Report, one of the best political blogs in existence, regularly runs a Saturday feature called “This Week in God.” Steve Benen finds religion intersecting politics often enough to find abundant examples for his feature, and they’re usually chilling. Some past highlights: a lawsuit against the Wilson County school system in Tennessee for “allowing a group of parents to pray during instructional time and pass out fliers to students on campus;” Arizona’s voucher program coming into direct conflict with the state Constitution; and a religious right group encouraging churches to ignore federal tax law and act directly to help the Republicon party achieve success.

To find those items, I had to wade through over a dozen stand-alone posts exploring too many ways that religion is directly impacting politics. And this is all in just the last two months.

We’re at a point in this country when an American can’t be elected President without impeccable Christian credentials (despite the Constitution’s implacable statement that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States”). We barely managed to elect a Muslim to the House, and I’m sure you all remember the uproar from the Christian right over that one. “Academic Freedom” bills are springing up like wood mushrooms in Seattle (trust me, they spring. A lot). Crazed white evangelical pastors are feted at the White House (whereas crazed black evangelical pastors are pilloried by our crazed media talking heads). I could go on, but I think you have the idea.

But if you still think that fighting religious idiocy and advocating for more reason and critical thought are sideshows to the main political battle, consider this terrifying tidbit from the New York Times:

What happens in Texas does not stay in Texas: the state is one of the country’s biggest buyers of textbooks, and publishers are loath to produce different versions of the same material. The ideas that work their way into education here will surface in classrooms throughout the

It should terrify you that eight people have the ability to influence education throughout the United States.

The Texas story wraps politics, religion and science in a tidy package. School boards are political bodies. The state board of education in Texas is packed full of creationists right now – they hold a near-majority, and they’re perilously close to approving science standards that slip in another creationist Trojan horse: “Strengths and weaknesses.” This would erode the quality of science education throughout the country, thus putting us ever further behind the rest of the world. Religion has gone virulently political, and it’s infecting us all.

If you read the article, you’ll hear from plenty of Christians who are no more happy about this than I am. It’s going to take a united front of atheists, agnostics, and people of all religious persuasions who believe that church and state should remain resolutely separate to ensure that a fundamentalist Christian worldview isn’t forced on us all.

That means speaking out. That means stamping out the fires of fundamentalism whenever they flare up. And that means that there’s going to be plenty of talk about religion around here for the foreseeable future. The Smack-o-Matic 3000 shall know no rest as long as rabidly religious fuckers continue their efforts to make their religion a matter of our politics.

On the Importance of Keeping Religion In My Crosshairs

I Think Maybe We Could Use a Handbook

The more I see Christians and atheists mix it up, the more I’m starting to think someone needs to write a little handbook for Christians. There are a lot of kind-hearted but clueless believers out there who tend to get blindsided by the way we think. I notice a lot of misconceptions and so forth. So I threw together an outline, and I’m going to write something we can place in the hands of our Christian mates.

They give us enough of their literature. They ask us to read their book. It’s only fair, right?

So here’s the outline I scribbled, with some explanatory notes. Suggestions, critiques and commentary in the comments, if you please. Keep in mind that when it comes to writing, I have a very thick skin indeed.

How to Talk to an Atheist

I. Introduction: The Scarlet A

Statistics – growing fast. Brief overview of this book’s purpose. Not a handbook for conversion. What this book is not about.

I just want to set things up here with the stats that show we’re a growing part of the population. I’ll probably throw in some stats from other countries for shits and giggles, just to show how far behind Western Europe America is. Here, I’ll set up the premise for this book: that if you’re going to talk to an atheist, here’s what to keep in mind. Obviously, I’m not instructing Christians on how to convert us – the point is to have fruitful conversations without trying to convert either side. So the book’s not about giving Christians pointers on how to defeat an atheist’s resistance to religion – it’s to help Christians understand who and what we are.

II. Right – What’s an Atheist?

Someone from Athies (joke, you see). Common Christian misconceptions. The quick and dirty definition. A more detailed look at the cat herd. Some famous atheists.

In this section, I’m throwing in that wonderful quip from a coworker. Q. What’s an atheist? A. Someone from Athies. Look, it was funny at the time. And it’s really not that far off the mark: a lot of Christians seem to think we’re aliens. Then we’ll move on to a few mistaken Christian definitions, such as “an atheist is someone who hates God” – Christians in the audience, I’m sure you have plenty to tell me about how your co-believers view atheists. I’ll do the quick definition, which is basically that an atheist is someone who doesn’t believe in any god, and then segue into a more detailed look at different types of atheists. I call us the cat herd for obvious reasons – we’re not a unified mass of people with a common ideology, and it’s important for Christians to understand that atheists are as varied as the Christian churches are. Then we’ll close with a few famous atheists NOT limited to Dawkins, Hitch et al.

III. Why Talk to an Atheist?

No conversion rule. What we have to offer – and argue. Not talking gets us nowhere. The world could use more critical thinking. Good mental exercise. The things we have in common.

I want to reiterate here that the “talking to an atheist” part doesn’t mean trying to convert them, but holding conversations on the things that matter to us all, such as our environment, our communities, common problems we all struggle with. Atheists have plenty to bring to the table on those issues, but prepare for a robust argument on everything. Not talking to each other is just ridiculous – we all have to share this planet, we might as well figure out ways to get along. The world needs people who are willing to think critically and challenge ideas that don’t work, and besides, a discussion with us is an excellent mental workout – we make people sweat. Then I want to end the chapter by pointing out that we have plenty in common: we love our kids, love our friends, want to do good things, etc., along with the more mundane interests like hobbies and so forth. We’re not that different!

IV. How Atheists Think

Logic and reason vs. faith and belief. Arguments from authority and why they don’t work. The skeptical mind. Gleeful argument.

This one’s going to be tough, because explaining that we don’t believe to a believer never seems to get through. But I’ll attempt in this chapter to explain that where other people use faith, belief and intuition to guide their decisions, we rely a hell of a lot more on logic and reason. We don’t accept arguments from authority… that should be pretty self-explanatory to you guys, will have to explain to Christians why “X said so” is so odious to us. I’ll give an overview of the skeptical mind, which is skeptical of nearly everything. Then explain the pleasure we get from argument – we’re not being mean when we rip each other’s ideas apart, we’re just doing what comes natural. I think a lot of Christians get the idea we’re cruel bastards from the way we challenge ideas and assertations, and I want to make clear that an atheist still loves you even when he or she has left your ideas bleeding in the street. I want to bring across some sense of how much fun we have.

V. What You Can Expect if You Bring Up God

Don’t do it. You had to go there, didn’t you? We murder our own darlings – yours aren’t sacred. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Smackdowns.

This, I think, is going to be the most fun to write. For one thing, if Christians don’t want to have their sacred ideas battered and bruised, they shouldn’t bring it up in the first place. A bunch of critical thinkers aren’t going to shut down their critical faculties just because God’s now in the mix – much the opposite. If we tear each other’s ideas down, what the fuck do you expect us to do to something we don’t even believe? I want to bring across the fact that in our world, the more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the evidence needs to be for it, and that means religion doesn’t fare too well in our discussions. And I think I’m going to throw in some famous smackdowns from various threads and public debates – if you know of any good ones, I wants ’em!

VI. How to Survive the Scrum

Believers can gain our respect. No special pleading. No evasion. It’s nothing personal – unless you make it so.

Too many Christians seem to think that an argument against their ideas means we can’t respect them. I want to debunk that myth here, and show how they can earn our respect. Most Christians who’ve faced the tough questions head-on, been candid and honest in their beliefs, and haven’t resorted to special pleading, goal-post moving, evading the question, and other typical tricks fare fairly well in the respect department. And one of the major problems has been folks making things personal that really aren’t – we aren’t going to attack the person (much) unless the person attacks us. Criticism of an idea isn’t a criticism of a person – that needs to be reiterated, because there are far too many people who take things way too personally.

VII. Why Do Atheists Hate God/Christians/Religion in General?

We don’t. How an atheist views religion. The dangers of unthinking faith. The crap we take from believers. Why we kill Kenny (the creationist who always gets his ass kicked in Pharyngula threads). The dangers of woo.

We get accused a lot of hating God, don’t we? I want to try to bring out our views on religion, why we think certain varieties of it are dangerous, the fact that uncritical acceptance of extraordinary claims are anathema to us. Then there’s the amount of shit we take from people that gets really annoying – atheists are one of the most despised groups out there, and if there were more of us, we’d be taking a lot more crap. There’s also a severe lack of understanding when it comes to our bashing of dogged dogmatists like Kenny – so I want
to explain what happens to f
olks who repeat the same ridiculous arguments and never give up trying to impose views we’re never going to buy, so yes, we do sometimes get cruel because we get fed up. And there’s another element – where others think faith and belief are good things, we see too much of the harm that comes from uncritical thought, so we tend to kick back rather hard against woo.

VIII. Why Can’t I Convert an Atheist?

Many have tried. The de-conversion experience. We’ve already explored those ideas. Proving God – and why you can’t. The sillyness of asking the faithless to take something on faith.

It seems like a lot of Christians believe they’re the only ones who have ever talked to us about God, and that if we only heard the Good News, we’d convert. I want to debunk that right here. For one thing, most of us have endured far too many people trying to convert us. People never get that we can live without faith, so they keep trying to impose it. Then, too, many of us used to be true believers. I’m going to do a generic overview of the typical de-conversion experience, showing that it’s not something sudden (in most cases), but a process. Being a process, it’s nearly impossible to reverse. Christians also seem to believe that we just haven’t thought about faith, so I want to make it clear that many of us have explored faith deeply. We probably know more about religion than many theologians. So we already know about it, and we’re still not impressed. Then there’s the little problem of being able to prove the supernatural – you really can’t. Until you can offer really real proof that God exists, an atheist probably won’t be persuaded. And besides all that, it’s really kind of ridiculous to ask someone who by definition doesn’t believe to take something on faith, innit?

IX. Common Fallicies

No morality. Nihilism. Atheism is religion. Theology = philosophy. Impoverished world.

I want to take down the most common myths here. Christians claim we can’t have morality without faith (false), atheism is nihilistic (false), atheism is just another religion (sooo false), theology is somehow equal to philosophy (they’re different beasts, and I shall explain why), and that our lives must necessarily be impoverished by not having God in them (they most certainly aren’t).

X. We Can Coexist

Agree to disagree. The things we all want.

I’ll be showing how we coexist – by agreeing to disagree, by finding points of commonality, by respecting each other’s differences, and so forth. There are plenty of things we have in common: we want to live good lives, we want a better world, we want to be good people. We have different ways of getting what we need out of life, but there’s no reason my unbelief and your belief shouldn’t find a way to accomodate each other. Remember, this handbook is for moderates and more rational Christians, so this will be true. We’ve all got Christian friends who have learned to accept us for who we are, and I hope we return the favor. Neither group is going away any time soon, so we’d best learn how to get along. And together, we can accomplish the things that matter.


The Rules
A heavily revised version of the Rules I posted here a while back.

Resources and Links
A bibliography and some links to sites where Christians can learn more about atheists.

So. There it is. My idea for a handbook. The outline will change – I can already see some places where a different order might be better, and your input will of course impact matters. What think ye? Would such a thing be of use?

I Think Maybe We Could Use a Handbook

Why I've Become a Portable Atheist-carrying Atheist

Up until now, I’ve not been the sort of atheist to buy books on atheism. Haven’t read a single one, in fact. Not Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian. Nothing by Hitch. Nothing by Dawkins. Don’t even spend much time on atheist blogs, unless they’ve got something else going on and the atheism’s just incidental. I just didn’t feel a need. I don’t believe in God, gods, goddesses, demons, spirits, fairys, the Divine, or anything else. Don’t need validation for that, it’s just who I am. Don’t need a philosophy to fill any empty holes in my life – friends, science and Zen do the trick nicely. Why the fuck should I need a book on atheism?

I think I’m buying them now as a protest against what’s happened to my beloved Sci-Fi section.

Garrett and I went to Barnes and Noble in the U-District. I wandered over to the Religion section to see if I could get a chuckle – I wouldn’t have been surprised if some stupid fucker in the corporate office had decided that atheism belonged next to Judaica and Christianity. They’ve bunged the atheist tomes in with philosophy, alas, where it almost makes sense. They didn’t have The God Delusion anywhere I could see, but Hitch’s bright yellow (why, WHY yellow?) covers were bulging from the shelves, and there were several others whose names escape me at the moment. I had my quiet chuckle – we’re growing in volume and quantity, take that, religion junkies! – and headed up the escalator to Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Crap, crap, pure crap, and more crap, with a few shimmering diamonds thrown in.

Science fiction is a misnomer for that section. It should be “vampire bullshit, paranormal detective bullshit, and really vapid fantasy bullshit.” What the fuck has happened? It used to be you’d go there and see maybe a few silly books written by utter fucking wankers. Now, they’re everywhere. They’ve grown like kudzu.

And don’t even talk to me about the bargain book section. It’s overflowing with woo. Fortune telling, new age crap, fluffy bunny spirituality crap, and more crap.

If this truly reflects the tastes of the current reading public, then I understand why that public elected Bush not once but twice. (We won’t get into semantic arguments over stolen elections. If the margins had been big enough, Republicons wouldn’t have been able to steal a peanut, much less foist Monkey Boy on us for eight years of assclownery).

I snatched up a couple of Neal Stephenson novels and fled into the loving arms of Hitch’s the Portable Atheist. And I found Dawkins’s The Ancestor’s Tale behind the counter, along with a Pharyngula fan.

When my finances have recovered from this best-friend-visiting extravaganza, I’m going to have an orgy on Amazon. The God Delusion. That one that Neil Gaiman contributed to. Russell. More Hitch. All of the science books PZ mentioned in his talk. Louis Black’s new one whose name also escapes me at the moment. Look, I’ll have the titles for you once I order.

I’m going to fill my house with godless goodness. I shall fondly recall the days when fantasy and science fiction shelves were chock full of actual fantasy (as in the brilliantly-written, epic, magic totally rational in that milleu type of fantasy) and science fiction (science fiction that included science, not just a rocket or an android or other gimmick). Eventually, I’ll comb Amazon for SF authors who really know their shit and who wouldn’t touch a vampire with a ten foot garlic-encrusted stake. And then I’m going to finish writing this damned novel, the one that doesn’t have magic per se, and doesn’t have a single fucking paranormal investigator who’s also a vampire who’s investigating the murder of a fucking fairy. It’s going to be unique, which means it probably won’t have a legless, senile octagenarian’s chance in a triathlon of getting published – but I’m sure as fuck gonna try.

And if you ever see a single fucking vampire trying to creep into my books, I want you to take me out back and shoot me with a grenade launcher. Ditto for paranormal investigators looking into the death of another fucking fairy. Or any of the other fluff that’s currently standing in for the genuine article.

I’m going to read every single fucking worthwhile book on atheism, just so I can marshall the philosophical arguments of far greater thinkers than I the next time some stupid fucker tells me atheists are nihilists. But the most devastating blow will come when I extract the information that they’re the tasteless fuckers who’re lapping up regurgitated dead-fairy murder mystery with vampire investigator thrown in bullshit that’s infesting my genre, and ask them what fucking philosophical need that can possibly fulfill in a person’s life.

And as for those who buy those ridiculous fortune telling books, I’ll just have one question: why didn’t their predictive powers warn them they were about to get beaten over the head by an angry atheist wielding a bright yellow copy of the Portable Atheist?

Anything to make the woo go away.

Why I've Become a Portable Atheist-carrying Atheist

Fun With Proselytizers, Part the Second

In our previous installment of “Fun With Proselytizers,” I promised to tell you a story involving an arrest. I shan’t keep you waiting:

Our neighborhood in Page had a rather strict “No Soliciters” law, which always amused me to no end, considering that if we were going by British definitions, that would mean a whole subset of lawyers wouldn’t be able to set foot in the place. My dad took the definition even beyond that.

One day, he was summoned to the door by two Mormon missionaries, who always come in pairs and never seem to give up. My dad was in one of his Moods. “You know we have a law against solicitation,” he informed them.

“We’re not solicitors,” the missionaries said, displaying the sin of Pride. They proceeded to lecture my father on their rights.

When Dad’s in a Mood, you don’t push the issue. He went to the phone, called the police, and said, “I have a couple of solicitors here who won’t leave, and I want them arrested.”

Sergeant R. promptly showed up and bunged the severely surprised missionaries into the back of his patrol car. He then asked my dad if he’d like to press charges. Dad would. Sergeant R went back to his car for the proper paperwork, and in the course of digging that out and informing the poor young men that they faced charges, discovered what exactly it was he had in the car.

He came back to the door sheet white and shaking. “Brent, I can’t arrest them! They’re missionaries.”

My dad replied with perfect, unruffled calm, “Yep. And they were selling religion. I want them arrested.”

Sergeant R spent a frantic half-hour on the phone with his superiors, looking for a loophole, visions of impending annihilation from the very powerful Mormon church dancing in his head, while the missionaries got a rest in the back of the patrol car. No loopholes were found. The situation would have been very black indeed if Dad hadn’t relented after he figured the lesson had sunk in.

His house, strangely enough, was never visited again. He became something of a neighborhood celebrity, though. Even our devout Mormon neighbors thought it was funny, if scandulous.

I don’t think they were quite as offended as Christchurch George was the day he met Jesus.

The story comes to me by way of my friend John from New Zealand. John used to live in Christchurch, Australia, with an interesting bloke named Toby. Every Sunday morning, regular as clockwork, George would come over after church in the valliant but vain attempt to convert these two heathen college students to the Lord. They’d always invite him in for coffee and have a spirited discussion about the salvation of souls, but George always left disappointed.

One day, after a hard Saturday night, John was lying abed when he heard the bell go. It’s only George, he thought, and rolled over to go back to sleep, in too delicate a state for God talk. He’d let Toby entertain alone today.

Until he heard Toby’s hearty voice announce, “George, I have great news for ya! Jesus is in our home!”

“Halleluja!” George shouted.

What the fuck? John thought. Memories of the night before weren’t so fuzzy that he would’ve forgotten something like converting to Christianity. And yet here was Toby, proclaiming Jesus was in their home, and George beside himself with glee. John decided further investigation was warranted, and scrambled for a pair of pants.

He reached the living room just as Toby was saying, “Yeah, he’s in the kitchen. I’ll go get him.”

George registered confusion, but he was too happy to question that odd statement. Toby vanished. George pressed John for more details. “I don’t have any idea,” John said, mystified.

Toby emerged from the kitchen carrying a kitten they’d acquired the night before and hadn’t yet named. “George,” he said proudly, “meet Jesus.”

George glared at the kitten, glared at Toby, and glared at John, who was falling down the wall laughing. “Blasphemers!” he spat, and huffed out, never to return.

Enough to bring tears to your eyes, isn’t it? I’ll never be able to top it. Although it is fun to whip out an argument no Christian has ever been able to refute: God told me to become an atheist.

A while back, when I was living in Flagstaff, a Jehovah’s Witness came to the door. I usually give them pretty short shrift – I figure neither of us needs to waste our time – but this was an Asian gentleman, and I have to admit I was fascinated. I’d never met an Asian Jehovah’s Witness before. I advised up front in kindly terms that I’m an atheist.

“I can understand that,” he said. “I’m a physicist.”

What the fuck is a physicist doing doorknocking for the Witnesses? I wondered, but immediately on the heels of this was the thought: Dana, this is an opportunity. So I invited him in. Look – the bugger showed up at my house wanting to convert, the least he could do was answer some tough physics questions I had for my worldbuilding.

Alas, either I wasn’t able to explain what I needed, or he was a piss-poor physicist. In light of the evidence, I plump for the latter: he was useless, and of course had an annoying way of turning every bit of physics conversation back to God, which drove me nuts. I decided to bludgeon him with Zen Master Seung Sahn’s cup-and-rainbow argument, but that only works for Zen Masters faced with Christian missionaries – the only answer I could get to “who made the cup? Who made the rainbow?” was “God.” That was his stock answer for everything, and as for philosophical judo, it was like trying to wrestle a limbless man.

After a couple of visits, I finally decided we were done. He brought up the need for me to turn to God once again, and I said, “Why would I do that when it was God who wanted me to become an atheist?”

I always get spectacular results with that one. He got the hit-by-a-hockey-puck look. His mouth opened. It closed. He finally said, “What do you mean?”

“When I made the decision to walk away from religion, I prayed about it,” I told him. “I told God that I felt He was nudging me to do this, and that I was going to do it, but if it was the wrong thing to do, all I needed was a sign from Him letting me know. Since that day, my life has done nothing but improve. If God exists, it seems I’m doing what He wanted me to do, so how can I defy Him? If He doesn’t exist, why would I come back to a religion that made me miserable?”

The poor JW couldn’t think of a single thing to say. He made a brief, lame and quickly aborted attempt to come back with the “could it be Satan?” counter-argument, but he’d lost, and he knew it. He left me to my happy godlessness.

Those are just some of my many stories about encounters with evangelists. I hope they’ve kept you entertained. I’m sure you’ve got plenty more. Please do feel free to share them!

Fun With Proselytizers, Part the Second

Fuck the Courtiers and Their Admirers

I’m tired, I’m behind in my work, and I’m getting cranky, so this is going to be a quickie.

I am godsdamned motherfucking sick and bloody tired of this ridiculous idea that religious ideas are somehow beyond critical thought and criticism.

The moment an advocate of a religious idea tells me I should live by that idea, I start to question it. Why? What’s the evidence that this is better than the 2,684,879,413 other religious ideas I’m told I should live by?

The very instant I’m told “because [insert deity/deities here] said so,” that idea gets flushed. I’ve had it.

I’m out of patience with special pleading. Religion is no better an idea than any other. Just because someone says a god is behind it doesn’t mean it’s automatically more valid than the non-god endorsed good ideas that humans have had.

Frauds tell you not to question. Liars tell you to believe. Folks who are telling the truth welcome inquiry. Good ideas withstand skepticism.

I’ll tell you the #1 reason I can’t have faith in God. It’s because God, according to the Christian Bible, doesn’t welcome doubt. God can’t stand to be questioned. And that tells me either God is an illusion created by people who are now desperate to keep that illusion from being revealed as such, or God is a psychopathic liar who isn’t telling me the truth.

I don’t believe because there’s no evidence, but that’s a diatribe for another day. What I’m dealing with here isn’t belief, but faith. The requirement that we live by certain principles because they are religious. The demand for respect for something simply because it’s religious.

As PZ said,

When someone advances remarkable claims of remarkable phenomena, like N rays or cold fusion or polywater (or natural selection or chemiosmosis or endosymbiosis), we demand evidence and skeptical evaluation…but not for religion. God always gets a pass from the people who already believe. They claim the existence of the most powerful, all-pervasive force in the universe, yet will provide not a single shred of support. And worse, this bozo calls the demand for evidence “hooliganism”.

If that’s the case, I’m proud to be a hooligan.

Too fucking right. Maybe I’m more tolerant of other people’s faith than PZ is, maybe I’m more willing to let them that likes it have it, but their beliefs don’t get my automatic respect because they’re religious beliefs. “It’s what I believe” isn’t enough. Give me a fucking good reason. Especially if you’re demanding more than my mere toleration.

The bastard who called PZ a hooligan likes to drop the names of a lot of religious luminaries, such as Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti, etc., and then crow, “What, are you gonna call them liars, PZ?”

Why the fuck not?

Just because the courtiers had good ideas on how to be decent human beings doesn’t mean they were right about the Emperor’s clothes.

Being religious people doesn’t give their ideas greater weight than the great ideas of non-religious thinkers.

It doesn’t put them beyond reproach.

And anyone who claims it does is showing me they’re too afraid to let those ideas and the actions that spring from them stand on their merits. Fuck you if you think I’ll respect that.

Fuck the Courtiers and Their Admirers

Woozle vs. Pastor Dean: FIGHT!

Rule #1 for a Christian dealing with atheists: do not get into a philosophical pissing match unless you really like wet trouser legs.

Yesterday, I posted the outrageous gauntlet Pastor Dean threw down in an attempt to prove that his special version of Christianity was the only valid worldview. I asked Woozle to be my champion.

He more than rose to the challenge. Grab your beverage of choice, get comfortable, and enjoy the joust if you haven’t already.

In response to 2008-05-26 Open the Door to Conversational Evangelism by Paul Dean, by Special Request from Dana

There’s a
type of argument I’ve frequently run into which is really quite pathological, when you get down to it. I call it “mirror arguing”.

The technique is basically to accuse your opponent of being guilty of your own sins, regardless of whether you have any reason to believe this is true.

Despite its outrageousness from a rational perspective, it seems to be quite effective — especially in a situation where you’re mainly playing to an audience (the less sophisticated the better) rather than trying to convince the other person of the correctness of your point. Your opponent then looks quite pathetic if he (rightly) points out that it is in fact you who is the wife-beater; it reduces what should have been a totally devastating point to something about as convincing as “well… double dumb-ass on you!”

Seems pretty clear to me that we’re looking at that kind of argument here. Let’s go on a little magical mystery tour through the lovely distortions of reality which are the result of too much religion on the brain, shall we? Okay!

Pastor Dean says: “One of the basic dynamics that attends any worldview that is contrary to the Christian worldview is a lack of philosophical justification for it.” (Jeez, Dana, I was looking for some nice meaty arguments to tear apart, and you’re passing along this shit? ;-) But okay, doody calls…)

First: What do you mean by “philosophical justification”? If this means something other than “justification based on reason”, then you’ll need to be clearer. I’m going to assume that’s what you mean.

Next: Christians believe what they believe based on a circular argument. God exists because the Bible tells me so. The Bible is the word of God, because the Bible says so. I can believe the Bible when it says this because the voice in my head, which is God, because the voice tells me it’s God, says that the Bible is true! If that’s justification, then there is no logic in the universe, and we might as well give up and go back to the middle ages.

And finally: “Atheism” is the refusal to believe without convincing evidence — or, in other words, without philosophical justification.

So basically no; Christians have no philosophical justification for anything, and “unbelievers” (nice term, that) generally won’t do anything without justification. Your claim is backward. (Qualification: I’m speaking about principles here; many Christians manage to get past their doctrine and allow bits of reality in around the edges. Some of them seem almost sane as long as they stay away from stuff where they’ve been trained give an answer from doctrine. Also, admittedly not all atheists are as nit-picky about consistency as I am, but the principle is that belief requires evidence.)

The fact that you are sophisticated enough to be able to pull this 180-degree switcheroo so smoothly in your writing makes me think that either you must know exactly what you are doing (which means you are knowingly being dishonest) or else you have been carefully schooled in this twisted mode of thought. Which is it?

Pastor Dean says: “the unbeliever has no basis for knowing anything.” And you do? Backwards again.

Pastor Dean says: “When an unbeliever makes a statement concerning God, the world, man, morality, ethics, or any other subject, he asserts it as an absolute certainty.” No, dude, that’s you (again!). Do I need to point out that this is also an unsupported straw man attack? If you really believe this is representative of atheistic discourse, show me some examples — but I don’t think you will, because I’m not convinced that you care about truth.

(And don’t come back by saying “Hey look, you just claimed my argument was backwards as if you were 100% certain of that!” If I were 100% certain, would I be asking you for counterexamples? Would I even be bothering to try and engage with you on a rational level? I may be pretty near certain of the assertions I’m making there, but I leave that small wedge of uncertainty open. Without uncertainty, you may find that you are certain of the wrong thing. This is why religion is so screwed-up; someone decided what truth was, many centuries ago, and now you’re not allowed to correct it in the face of new evidence.)

Pastor Dean says: “For example, an atheist who believes in evolution may say that God does not exist.” First of all, you can leave out the “evolution” bit; it’s redundant, and lots of theists are able to follow a line of reasoning from evidence to conclusion and hence “believe” in it too (remember what I said about some of them seeming almost sane?).

So that boils your statement down to “an atheist may say that God does not exist.” This certainly might happen. Yep. Can’t argue with that. Nope. You’ve certainly hit the nail on the head with that particular observation of yours. Yessirree.

Ever tried reading back what you just wrote? Doing that helps me catch all kinds of howlers like this before they go out into public and make me look bad; it might do the same for you. Or were you just trying to casually associate “atheism” and “evolution” in the minds of your gullible audience?

Pastor Dean says: “However, on his worldview, he has no basis to make such a statement. On his worldview, knowledge is obtained through observation (or the scientific method). His problem is that he has limited knowledge and ability to obtain that knowledge. He does not have the ability to search every square inch of the cosmos to determine whether or not there is a God. On his worldview, he cannot know that there is no God. His statement of certainty is rendered completely uncertain.”

Funny you should bring this up; I was just addressing this issue the other day.

I’ll summarize.

The argument over whether or not God exists is a red herring, a bait-and-switch tactic. The God-nobody-can-disprove is totally harmless, a God of no consequences. Saying that this god exists is logically equivalent to saying “This sentence is true!”.

Any consequences you claim from God’s existence, however, are testable.

It looks like you claim some consequences near the end of your article, so I’ll discuss them there. The God you believe in apparently does have consequences, and evidence for or against its existence can therefore meaningfully be collected.

Pastor Dean then goes pacing in circles some more about how you can’t prove the non-existence of God. Since I’ve already brought up the red herring / bait-and-switch aspect of this — i.e. it’s not the existence of “God” per se that anyone really gives a flying spaghetti monster about, it’s whether or not this same being hates gays, has a particular opinions about our laws, etc. — I’ll just add a mention of the well-known objection often referred to as Russell’s Teapot. The argument is basically that if you claim something exists and I say it doesn’t, the burden is on you to show me why you think it exists — not on me. In the absence of evidence, the default position is to not believe that any particular thing exists. Otherwise why stop with God? Boiled eggs floating in the atmosphere of Jupiter! A giant stone octopus living in the earth’s core! You get the idea (I hope).

People who are religious seem to think that God gets some kind of special exemption because they say so. Nope, sorry, I don’t at all see why I (or anyone!) should buy into that.

But really, I think the “red herring” point is far more powerful. I could go around saying “Yes! YES! I utterly and completely believe in God and accept that he is the blessed creator of all things! However, he told me personally that the Bible was written by a bunch of power-mad priests back in the early Middle Ages and is mostly screwed-up shit which nobody should listen to, except for a few good bits here and there. He also says Jesus never existed as an individual, although the ideas attributed to him are generally pretty nifty and it would be nice if more so-called Christians would pay attention to them. Except the stuff written by that jerk apostle Paul, of course.”

If I said that, though, I don’t think it would make you very happy, because just the pure idea of “God” isn’t what you really want me to believe in; the key elements of “belief in God” would seem to be a particular set of THOU SHALTs and THOU SHALT NOTs, apparently derived from a somewhat arbitrarily-assembled set of writings whose true meaning is open to a wide variety of interpretations — of which you choose one as being “the truth”, excluding all others.

Ok, enough about God. I hope I don’t have to come back to that again; I’m getting tired of it. Can we agree now that it’s IRRELEVANT? That the real issue is what you claim God wants us to do? Good.

Pastor Dean says: “We have an explanation as to why we don’t know everything.” The phrase “willful ignorance” springs to mind. If your answer to every question is “because God did it”, you’re not going to get very far in your investigations. (“Because God did it” is what’s known as a “curiosity stopper” or fake explanation; it is clearly designed and intended to stop inquisitive folk from asking too many questions and thereby spotting the glaring inconsistencies and errors in Biblical doctrine.)

Pastor Dean continues: “In addition to the fact that God’s general revelation takes time to investigate, God has not revealed everything to us…” Look, it’s fine not to know everything. Science doesn’t know everything. Mathematics has proven that it’s literally impossible to know everything (for some reason, God neglected to mention
Gödel’s incompleteness theorems in the Bible, even though it would have been considerable evidence for non-human origins of the Bible and could have shut up a lot of uppity scientists). But your religion puts up deliberate roadblocks to acquiring new information, especially if that information contradicts the Absolute Truth which you believe you have. Give me a break.

And anyway. I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make here, so I’ll move on.

Pastor Dean says: “We must pray for courage to ask a simple question of those with whom we dialogue: why?” Don’t be afraid, we don’t bite. …Well… okay, not physically… we probably are a deadly threat to the underpinnings of your current worldview, yes, and intend to continue being one, but we do not threaten you or your families (despite anti-gay rhetoric), nor do we seek to dissolve the social organizations represented by your families and churches. We seek only to clean out the ideological bullshit you’ve allowed to accumulate, since you don’t seem to be doing it yourself — and it has now grown into such a fetid pile that it threatens civilization.

We are (as you seem to believe you are) seekers of truth; in that regard, opening dialogue with us certainly will not harm your cause — but the truth may sometimes hurt. We welcome challenges to our worldviews, but apparently yours sets you up to be helplessly dependent on its essential inerrancy, or at least to believe that you are dependent. People have actually survived “losing faith”, however, and they tend to be much happier afterwards. The pattern seems to have a lot in common with any other addiction.

We completely welcome that question, “Why?”, and we wish you would ask it more often. A lot of the time when we try to ask it, we are rebuffed with claims that we shouldn’t question faith, or that reason and faith are separate magesteria, or some such rot.

But you’re not saying that, so let’s start with this one: Why do you believe in God? Why do you believe that anyone who doesn’t believe in God is going to be in trouble somehow? What is this God that you believe in, anyway? (Oops, that was a “what” question; is that off-bounds?)

Pastor Dean says: “When it comes to questions concerning God, morality, ethics, religion, origins, and the
like, the answer will have no basis on a non-Christian worldview.” I think I’ve already creamed that one. If you define God, we might have something to discuss. If you can’t define God, then why are you bothering to discuss it? What do you hope to gain? (On the other subjects, though, I think the evidence is plain that we have quite a lot to say, thanks very much.

Pastor Dean says: “Here are some sample questions: why do you believe spanking is wrong? Why do you believe homosexuality is not sin? Why do you think there are many paths to salvation? Why do you believe embryonic stem-cell research is a good thing? Why do you say there is no absolute truth? Why do you think pre-marital sex is okay in certain circumstances? Why do you believe in evolution? How do you know the sun will come up in the morning?”
Taking these one at a time — in order to demonstrate how this “reasoning” thing works, since you seem to be unfamiliar with it:

  • Spanking: Well, I don’t believe it is exactly wrong, at least in moderation; I’ve just never known it to be terribly helpful or effective. I’ll suggest that for some kids, it may be necessary under some circumstances, but if it becomes the default way of coping with disobedience, it may lead to moral stagnation as children fail to learn that there are better reasons to be good than fear of pain.
  • Paths to salvation: This question is meaningless to me; I don’t know what you mean by “salvation”, or why it is necessary/important. Whatever it is you think I believe about it is probably not what I believe.
  • Embryonic stem-cell research: Is this a trick question? Okay, there’s apparently a widespread belief in anti-abortion circles that this research encourages abortions. This is TOTAL B.S. The fetuses from which stem cells are drawn for research have already been aborted. Stem cell research does not cause a demand for aborted fetuses. (If you believe any of these claims to be false, please provide your evidence and I will go find mine.)
    • Also, as far as I’m concerned, those who act against stem cell research may have prevented the discovery of nerve-regeneration techniques which might have saved Christopher Reeve, among countless others. In other words, to phrase this as an emotional argument (which anti-abortionists seem to like): YOU KILLED SUPERMAN.
  • Absolute truth: I sure as hell never said that. Without getting into quantum physics, I’ll just say that there is an absolute reality which exists regardless of what you believe, and discovery of the nature of that reality requires experimentation to test your hypotheses. Religion has made countless absolute statements about the nature of reality (and continues to do so), and generally gotten it demonstrably very wrong over and over again. Cast out the beam in your own eye, dude.
  • Pre-marital sex: Why should I think it is wrong? Give me something to work with here.
  • Evolution: Only because of the vast mountains of mutually-reinforcing evidence from a wide variety of disciplines, and the fact that nothing in biology makes much sense without it, and the fact that creationism (including the repackaged version called Intelligent Design) ultimately make no sense at all. In fact, creationists keep bringing up the same “evidence against evolution” over and over, even though all of it has been shown to be fallacious and much of it is simply downright false (that’s LIES, to put it in
    nonscientific terms; isn’t there a commandment against that or something?), showing that they’re not interested in understanding the truth – or even in being moral – but merely in swaying the gullible.
  • If you really want to understand the details, I highly recommend Daniel Dennett‘s book Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. I can probably find you some good evolution books by Believers like Ken Miller, if you don’t want to be seen reading a book written by a godless atheist.
    • The sun: Well, first of all, there’s this thing called “inductive reasoning” which is basically “if something has always happened, it will probably continue happening”. Being a member of a scientific civilization, however, I have a bit of understanding of why the sun comes up each morning — i.e. it’s actually the earth’s rotation which causes the sun to appear to move across the sky; this in turn is due to inertia, which will slowly bleed off over the ages because of tidal effects, but this won’t cause any noticeable changes during my lifetime; the sun itself has a finite lifetime but is not expected to go out or pose a threat to Earthly life anytime in the next few billion years — and so can say with some degree of certainty (more than, say, the Romans or the early Christians could do) that this pattern will continue for quite some time and (more to the point) is not subject to the whims of any deities or other supernatural entities.

    Pastor Dean says: “The unbeliever will have no philosophical justification to believe or know anything.” Um, excuse me, what did I just say up there [points]?

    Pastor Dean continues: “He will attempt to justify his answer or knowledge apart from God, something he cannot do logically.” What other method is there of justifying anything? How can you justify something logically based solely on a circular argument? You’ve got it mirrored again.

    The rest of Pastor Dean’s paragraph assumes the rightness of his previous two sentences, which are factually backwards, so I’ll leave them alone. (They’re either false or meaningless taken by themselves.)

    Pastor Dean asserts: “It is at that point that we can point out that the Christian worldview is the only worldview that makes sense of our experience or knowledge in any one of these areas.” Backwards again. You can only make sense of experience or knowledge if you have experience (observations) or knowledge (tested hypotheses) to make sense of.

    Pastor Dean continues: “God is the one who tells us what to believe about spanking, homosexuality, how to be saved, embryonic stem-cell research, truth, pre-marital sex, our origin, and the laws of nature in effect until Christ comes.” This statement is so full of crap that it’s difficult to know where to begin. But I shall try:

    • “God is the one who tells us what to believe…” If I’m a Christian. If I’m a Buddhist or a Confucian or a Wiccan or a Godforsaken Devil-Worshipping Baby-Eating Atheist (hi!), then you’re already wrong without even finishing the sentence.
    • “…about spanking, homosexuality,…” you know, I thought Jesus said the Levitican laws didn’t apply to Christians. Did I somehow misinterpret the Bible? How could this possibly happen?? “…how to be saved,…” assuming one needs rescuing (from what?)… “…embryonic stem-cell research,…” O RLY? There’s mention of embryonic stem-cell research in the Bible? Which verse would that be in? And why didn’t God just give us all the knowledge of the stuff we’re trying to learn via such research, if he didn’t want us doing it? Or is it true that he hates amputees? “… truth, pre-marital sex, our origin, and the laws of nature in effect until Christ comes.” The Bible probably does say all kinds of things about those items, but the evidence is that it’s wrong about our origin, that it says things are morally wrong which shouldn’t be, and there’s also no evidence to support the idea that it was written by God. There is, however, lots of evidence that it was written by a lot of different people, none of them divinely guided (if that term even has meaning), and many of them with personal agendas. “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3).” So… when Christ comes back, we do an autopsy? Why is he keeping this stuff hidden?

    Also, this is the point where you have made some assertions a
    bout the nature of God. You haven’t actually come out and said these things, but reading between the lines it sounds like you’re saying (for instance) that:

    • God approves of or requires corporal punishment of children. What’s your evidence for this? If you want to use the Bible as evidence, you’ll have to explain how the Bible was written by the same entity or force which created the universe about 13 billion years ago, and why you believe this to be true. The burden of proof is on you, dude, because it is simply an absurd assertion on the face of it. I wouldn’t believe that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor either, or that light has a measurable speed, if there weren’t mountains of evidence — but neither of those is as absurd or arbitrary as your claim, which you expect me to swallow on your say-so.
    • God sees homosexuality as an abomination. Again, the burden is on you to explain why you are convinced that the force which created the universe as a lifeless ball of superhot fundamental particles, presumably watched (or not) as those particles condensed into atoms, molecules, gas clouds, planets (billions of years later), pre-biotic organic molecules, and single-celled life-forms which eventually discovered sex, and suddenly (within a time-span of mere millions of years) became more and more complicated until eventually we have the vast array of species we have today (minus the ones which have become extinct, of course) — including humans, marmosets, octopuses, asexual slime molds, creatures living in oceanic volcanic vents, creatures who reproduce using all kinds of different methods sexual and nonsexual — would just have this Thing against humans who are more attracted to others of their own reproductive configuration. WTF??

    Look, even if I was tempted to believe that the ruler of the universe had written this lame book containing very little of use to us today and much that is counterproductive, and even if I believed that Jesus Christ was a real person who was somehow the “son” (are we talking genetic offspring? Does that mean God was human? Did he have DNA? Why or why not? Don’t start spouting mystical doctrine at me or I’ll have to slap you; give me a straight, rational answer, please) of the creator of the universe those 13 billion years ago, I’d be feeling rather manipulated by them, and hence rather bloody peeved.

    If the god of the Bible, who damns people to eternal torment for going against his (poorly-expressed and often ambiguous) wishes even when they have the best of intentions, really exists — then I deny his authority over me. I answer to a more moral power than that being (i.e. my own conscience — which isn’t especially conceited; it doesn’t take much to be more moral than the Biblical god). I would choose that eternal torment rather than go against my own conscience — just as I would stand up to any bully or terrorist who tried to get me to commit a crime or hurt someone.

    All I can say in conclusion is this: I appreciate your attempt to reach out, but you don’t seem to understand the idea of rationality. Stop pedaling drivel as sense, and get your house in order if you want religion and non-religion to get along peacefully. Those of us outside religion have been watching with great anxiety and alarm as religious ideas, which are generally not subject to rational debate or negotiation, have spread across America and other parts of the world. It would be different if these ideas were the good ones, like “love your neighbor” and “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” and “turn the other cheek” and “let ye among you who is without sin cast the first stone”, but unfortunately it seems to be all the worst ones which are gaining popularity.

    If your idea of religion says that certain things are wrong, end of discussion, and won’t even admit to an alternate interpretation of the scripture which you bizarrely claim as ultimate truth let alone admitting reality as evidence, then we simply can’t let it stand. If your ideology won’t negotiate, then we have to work against it by other means.

    It’ll have to go. I’m sorry.

    Game over.


    Tomorrow, we’ll have the melee – all of you who wanted to pile on, get your comments or links in by midnight Pacific time today.

    Woozle vs. Pastor Dean: FIGHT!