Do Ya Think I'm Bluffing, Punk? Well, Do Ya?

Yup.  We finally made it to the actual geology of Discovery Park.  Be amazed.  Be very amazed.

I don’t remember seeing South Bluff the first time I esplored, way back in 2000.  I’d abandoned my best friend to the vicissitudes of the big city, because he’d decided after our stint at Ravenna Park that he’d had enough of nature, thankseversomuch, and desired the wilds of a two-story Barnes and Noble.  I handed him the keys to the rental car, hopped a bus, and headed off to do me research.  I’d set an important scene at Discovery Park, y’see, and spent my time there busily trying to find locations that matched what I needed.  I did make it down to the beach, but all I remember from that excursion was the lighthouse, the washed-up jellyfish, and the baby seal – my first! – that posed so prettily for me.  I didn’t make it much further than the point – had to get back up the hill and catch the bus back to the hotel.

So the first time I saw this:

– was May 2007, after I’d moved up here for good and all. 

Geologists in the audience may begin salivating… now. 

I spent quite a bit of time with that bluff that sunny afternoon, long enough for the sunlight reflecting from both water and cliff to burn me a nice bright red.  I remember patting it, delighted with its patterns, the stolid solidness of it.  I’d seen the signs up top saying it was unstable, but it was hard to believe them at the time.  Sure, people could (and unfortunately did) carve all sorts of nonsense into it, but then, they did the same thing to the lithified dunes around Page, so it didn’t occur to me I wasn’t looking at rock so much as a coulda-been-rock-someday.  I’m not used to what amounts to mud forming a vertical cliff, y’see.  First bluff I’d ever seen in my life. 

Click to embiggen that photo.  Take a closer look at it.  Note the trees around its shoulders.  See how they lean every-which-way?  See how young they are?  This is our first hint that the “unstable bluff” signs weren’t lying.  Those trees occasionally get to take the ride of their young lives as the slopes below them go merrily slip-sliding into the sea.  Then they add to the driftwood population in Puget Sound.

Hard to believe you’re looking at a glacial landform, innit?  Allow me to show you it:

Okay, part of it.  And this isn’t really the glacial bit.  I can ‘splain.  Or at least sum up.

So this one time, before the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, there was this floodplain.  Puget Sound wasn’t so much as a gleam in a glacier’s ice back then, although the ice was gathering itself up in British Columbia and getting ready to make a run for the border.  What I’m playing Vanna with up above was laid down in warm climes between 22,400 and 18,400 years ago during a time known as the Olympia non-glacial stage.  When Canada next goes under the ice sheet, it appears we’ll have a while longer to enjoy our pleasant marine climate before we, also, are covered under several thousand feet of ice.  Woot!  Suck it, Canada!

It’s really lovely stuff.  Look at the pretty patterns:

And a closer look:

You can see the plant debis weathering out of the middle layer.  If you listen closely, above the crash of the surf, you will hear it cry, “I coulda been a fossil contenda!”

This stuff is hard.  When you pat it (yes, I pat rocks, you gotta problem with that?), it gives you a nice solid sandstony feel.  It’s not rock yet, but it’s certainly headed that way – some bits more than others:

This gives you a good view of what you’re dealing with – some bits are more sandy, some more silty, even though it’s weathered to a nearly uniform color.  Some bits are harder than others, and resisting erosion a little more successfully.  But I’ve got bad news for it.  The waves that lap up against the bluff at high tide are cutting the ground right out from under it:

That mushroom-cap appearance does not bode well for the bits of bluff above.  Here’s a closeup of what those nefarious waves are up to:

Oh, yes, indeed: a nice, smooth curve carved into the wanna-be rocks, which is just an invitation to gravity.  The bluffs are eroding away at the rate of around 80 feet per century.  Eventually, the Visitors Center’s gonna have a nice Sound-front view.  Elsewhere, some homeowners have already seen their property values decline right into the sea.  You want long-term stability, don’t build on a bluff.

And if you think that’s some impressive wave-action, check out the cave carved round the other side:

So, dear Olympia non-glacial stage sediments, this is your fate:

One day, the waves are going to cut your feet from under you, and gravity shall make sure you have a nice day on the beach, where you shall be resurrected as sand, perhaps one day to rise as a bluff once more. 

By now, my darlings, you might have noticed the lovely wavy patterns in all these photos.  Movement on the Seattle Fault may have something to do with it; so could ancient landsliding and that bloody great 3,000-foot thick glacier sliding over it.  Things that start out all straight and neat in nature routinely end up crinkled, just like my laundry.

Speaking of faults, I think I found a small one, and it’s not merely my personal fault of not using a damned iron.  The experts can tell us if I’m right:

Could just be funky erosion, I suppose – there’s not much offset that I can see – but it could also be a baby fault saying, “Oh, hey, I’m not-quite-lithified sediment, and there’s a shit-ton of weight on me!  Ow!”

And what, you may ask, is weighing so heavily upon our lovely Olympia non-glacial stage sediments, other than more Olympia non-glacial stage sediments?  Why, that would be the Lawton Clay!  Here’s a shot stitched together by my intrepid companion, a slightly larger version of the sea-cave shot above, showing the Lawton Clay bearing down upon our poor, innocent Olympia non-glacial etc:

The Lawton Clay is that forboding dark-gray stuff, although bits of it seem to have weathered white up there.  The Lawton’s got calcerous concretions and vivianite in it, some of which might provide those chalky-looking patches (although from what I understand, vivianite’s only chalky white when it’s fresh).  What you’re looking at up there is the footsteps of doom.  You see, this stuff probably got laid down in a maclargehuge lake.  And the reason for a lake being there is, the Puget Lobe of the advancing Cordilleran Ice Sheet had blocked the northward-flowing rivers that drained out the Strait of Juan de Fuca at the time.  It came closer, and closer, and…. left us with a slippery slope, that’s what.  Because, you see, the Lawton Clay likes to fall down and go boom.  See, I can prove it to you:

We found chunks of it all over the place.  And ’tis indeed clay – you could practically make pots with it.  Should you find yourself on the beach there, go ahead and pick some up.  You can chunk off bits quite easily and moosh them in your fingers.  Look, some of it’s even pre-chunked for you:

You might notice this clay’s rather prone to fragmentation.  And anyone who’s dealt with clay knows how slippery it gets when wet.  Now consider that a good part of the bluff’s trying to balance on it, and, well, you know – stuff happens:

Big part of the cliff fell down and went boom.  For some inexplicable reason, probably having to do with playing with clay, then photographing clay, then realizing “Oh, fuck, the tide’s gonna eat me if I don’t move!” I didn’t get a full-length view of the slide, but the above is the nice scarp, and down below here you can also see a nice clean shoulder of (probably bloody annoyed) Olympia etc., and then the very top of the talus slope formed by the slide:

Here’s a nice close-up of the light-colored bits freshly broken:

Respectable little landslide, that.  Wasn’t there last time I visited, and might not be there when I go back.  That’s the nature of the bluff.  It’s like a Thanksgiving turkey that nature keeps carving more bits off of.

When you get to the very tip-top of the bluff, you’ll see that the glacial story didn’t end at a bloody great lake depositing clay all over the place.  No, indeed.  You’ll find the Esperance Sand, a nice thick bit of glacial outwash deposited by meltwater streams flowing merrily south as the Puget Lobe advanced on Seattle with the coldest of intent.  There aren’t hugely good exposures from this angle at South Bluff – at least, not with the incoming tide driving you right against the cliff – but I do believe this is a nice bit of it:

Isn’t that bedding pattern lovely?

The Esperance Sand is, indeed, lots of sand and silt.  It got draped all over the landscape right around 18,000 and 15,500 years ago, before the glacier caught up to it and buried everything under a nice coating of thick, heavy Vashon Till.  A lot of that till has eroded away near the Sound here in Discovery Park, but there are still places where you can see it.  You’ll know it when you encounter it: it’s hard, weighty, dark-gray stuff filled with rocks.  In places, it’ll be overlain by yet more fluvial deposits left by yet more meltwater streams as the 3,000 foot ice sheet saw Olympia, said “I came, I saw, I’ve bloody well conquered enough of America, thankyooverymuch,” and headed back for Canada.

One thing I’m pretty sure most people don’t realize as they explore the nice, sandy, somewhat duney meadows atop South Bluff is that all this nice sand has nothing to do with the sea.  The sea wasn’t even there for a very long time, and when it was, didn’t hit the top of the bluffs.  No, that’s all stream work.

Amazing, innit?  So take a good, long look at ye olde bluff, because while it has a long and busy past, it’s got a short present and a non-existent future:

Tip o’ the shot glass to the Hiking Guide to Washington Geology and Landslides and Engineering Geology of the Seattle, Washington Area, without whom this post would’ve been impossible. 

Do Ya Think I'm Bluffing, Punk? Well, Do Ya?

Best Friday Dose of Woo Ever – or Should That Be Worst?

Orac occasionally reposts some of his classic Insolence, which is a good thing – especially when he reposts something so mind-meltingly five-alarm Woo that I wonder where it’s been all my life.  This bit of classic Insolence alternatively made me laugh, cry and howl.  I ended up starting silently at my computer screen in numb disbelief.

A taste:

Regular readers of this blog are probably aware of my general opinion about Reiki and other “energy healing” modalities. In short, they’re woo, pure and simple. Consequently, one might reasonably ask why I’ve never featured the woo that is Reiki in Your Friday Dose of Woo. There’s a simple reason for that.
Basic Reiki is boring.
Really, I mean it. In and of itself, it just doesn’t reach the level of sheer ecstatic nuttiness that I like to feature every week. Oh, sure, there’s lots of handwaving about “channeling the universal energy” through the healer to augment the life force of the person being healed. Certainly there’s lots of serious woo about being able to heal people at a distance or through laying on of hands. (And you thought Jesus was main guy known for this.) But, in its basic form, Reiki lacks something to put it truly over the top. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I found out.
It’s missing laser beams. No, really. We’re talking about Laser Reiki, which provides this promise:

If you loved the movie The Matrix, then you will love healing your life and changing your reality with Laser Reiki.

Now we’re talking! Personally, I did like The Matrix. I even liked The Matrix Reloaded. The Matrix Revolutions kind of sucked, though. Is Laser Reiki like The Matrix, or is it like The Matrix Revolutions? You be the judge!

It gets better (worse?) from there.  The shit some people come up with to ‘splain why their chosen Woo is ever-so-scientific is truly remarkable.

Quantum physicists in the audience, be warned: your heads might explode.  This cantina is not responsible for traumatic brain injury, damage to furniture, walls, or electronics, or cleaning costs for removing bits of brain matter and skull shards from any nearby surfaces, up to and including carpet, chair, pets and loved ones.

Best Friday Dose of Woo Ever – or Should That Be Worst?

Photos to Delight and Entertain You

Just because it’s Saturday, and we could all use something light and cheerful.

Neil Gaiman has finally been spotted on ROFLRAZZI:

And Brian Switek found the cutest baby Apatosaurus in the entire universe:

Hee. It looks like it’s trying to say its first word!

And, in wonderful news, our own Suzanne was on teevee with this gorgeous photo:

How many people can say they got their pitchoor on teevee for their birfdai?  Woot!

Photos to Delight and Entertain You

Some Things of Especial Note

Whilst you’re waiting for me to get my arse in gear on the whole Discovery Park geo thing, here’s some lively links to keep you busy.

Callan Bentley’s moving!  He’ll be joining the new American Geophysical Union’s new blog consortium by the end of the month, so watch his space for directions to the new digs.  Congratulations, Callan!

(Ye gods – will we all be assimilated into networks?!)

Our own George W. has a fascinating post up on the powers of 10.  My mind, it is blown!

Marcelo Gleiser explains why science matters.  If you missed it the first few times it made the rounds, don’t dare miss it now.

Carl Zimmer explores where e-Book publishing might take us.  Those who believe writing and reading are dead, take heart!

And (dum-DUM-dum!) Readers Beware!  Which says everything that needs to be said to arrogant asscrunches who think bloggers are unwashed, untrustworthy little pissants sullying the fine reputation of journalism.

Some Things of Especial Note

As For Being Shrill, Strident, Etc.

Once again, the “tone” argument’s making the rounds (does it ever cease?  It circles like a dog attempting to capture its own fugitive tail).  Ophelia Benson’s already pointed out a few of the more annoying examples.  And she led me to this delightful bit by Jason Rosenhouse, which comes just in time, because a dear (and horribly neglected) friend of mine posted rather more sensibly on the issue (hi, Paul!).  I’d meant to come up with something thoughtful and considered that would explain my position, but find I don’t have to.  All one has to do is read Jason’s post and imagine me standing there jumping up and down going, “Me, too!”

I’d quote from it, but I can’t find a single bit I want to excerpt because I want to excerpt it all.  But if you’ve ever wondered what we shrill, strident, unabashed defenders of evolution, atheism, and all things rational are thinking, this is pretty much it in a nutshell.

And remember, my dearest Paul, that we’re not trying to convert the unconvertable.  Nothing we do will reach the men and women who spend their days swearing Jesus rode a dinosaur.  Politeness won’t do it, any more than a good sharp smack will.  Think of the old psychologists-changing-a-lightbulb joke: the only way anything works is if they want to change.

No, we’re rallying the troops and aiming at the fence-sitters.  And as one of those who got knocked off the fence and had some good sense jolted in to me by those horrible shrill Gnu Atheists, as a person who disavowed woo for science because PZ, Orac et al didn’t have any trouble calling a spade a silly little shite, I can testify that being contentious sometimes does more than raise morale for the choir.  Sometimes, it awakens passion, wonder, and courage in people who might’ve sat it out.

It takes all kinds.  Changing the world isn’t a simple task!

(For those who haven’t had the pleasure, I can wholeheartedly recommend Paul’s lovely Cafe Philos blog.  After a long day in the trenches, it’s nice to sit with a cup of coffee and just enjoy some thought-provoking serenity.)

As For Being Shrill, Strident, Etc.

Adventurous Outtakes

I shall not bore you with the sordid details of my life, but just say: it’s chaos here.  So no geology just yet.  I’ll have something up by Saturday, after carving out some research time.

In the meantime, let us have some outtakes from Monday’s outing.  My intrepid companion and I had plans.  Oh, yes.  I’d pick him up, and we’d have some lunch, and then watch a fuck of a lot of Castle.  But the weather didn’t cooperate.  No, instead of peeing down rain, or being cloudy and cold, it decided to be all sunny and sweet.  We ended up attempting a visit to Dash Point State Park.

It was closed.

So we drove up the shoreline, and ended up at Discovery Park instead.  Been meaning to get there since getting the new camera, after all, and when you want a spot o’ hiking and a bit o’ beach with perhaps a lighthouse and a view of the Olympics, there’s no better place to go:

West Point Lighthouse and the Olympic Mountains, Discovery Park

Okay, yes, I know, there are clouds, and I said it was sunny.  It was sunny.  I mean, there were whole patches of sky that looked suspiciously blue, and there were frequent glimpses of the evil yellow hurty thing, and some of my pictures show actual sunlight.  Evidence below the fold.

Just check out this shot of the Sound if you doubt:

Big Blue

In fact, there was enough sunshine to shine through a shell:

Shining Through

So, yes, there were clouds piling up over the Olympics:

Olympics Demonstrating Physics of Wet Air Masses and Mountains

But overall, we had remarkably few clouds to contend with, considering it’s Seattle in October.  Mount Rainier even managed an appearance:

Mount Rainier

 The lighthouse has always been a highlight – it fills the point and provides something interesting and historical to look at.  They’re in the midst of a restoral project, the exterior’s had all the lead paint stripped from it, and it’s shining very prettily now:


The interior should be finished by January or so, and then we’ll be able to go in and esplore.  For now, we have to content ourselves with leaning over the fence and shooting photos through the window:

Sneak Peek of the Lighthouse Interior

But who needs the interior of a lighthouse when you’ve got riprap?  Quite a few interesting rocks piled up around the point, mostly the usual piles of basaltic andesite and other local volcanics, but every once in a while, you’ll run into a very nice boulder of gneiss:

Nice Gneiss

The obligatory closeup of the gneissy goodness:


Some people hoard animals.  If I wasn’t living in an apartment, I’d probably be hoarding rocks like this. 

Eventually turned my attention away from the pretty rocks and noticed the sun silhouetting the lighthouse a bit:

Backlit Lighthouse

And out in the bay, a fishing trawler came home for the night, complete with an entourage of hungry seagulls:

Fishing Trawler aka Buffet

Still haven’t figured out what this barge was all about, but the late sunlight hitting it looks awfully pretty:

Industry Inaction

Arachnophobes should look away now, because I’m about to show an absolutely brilliant orb spider just hangin’ out in his beachfront web:

Beach Bum

You may wonder why I seem to have this obsession with spiders.  The reasons are thus: They sit still, and their webs look awesome.  This makes them a pleasure to photograph.  They seem good with it – I’ve not yet had one get upset.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t linger.  The sun sank:

Sinking Sun

And we got one more good one of the lighthouse:

Sundown and Lighthouse

And then it was time to haul our asses up the bluff so we’d not be caught in the woods after dark.

That’s it.  Very probably the last adventure of the summer season.  But I’ve got more than enough photos left from the summer’s outings to hold us through the dark, cold gloom.  In the cantina, summer never really ends.  We’ll just crank up the heat and use our imaginations.

Adventurous Outtakes

Dumbfuckery du Jour

I know, I know, there’s plenty of Con dumbfuckery to bash.  But let’s face facts: we already know they’re a bunch of remarkable dumbfucks who shouldn’t be trusted with pointy scissors, much less public office.  And besides, Mary Landrieu’s probably headed for their ranks just as soon as she forgets that the Teabagging masses don’t elect former Dems.  She’s already getting her practice at pulling remarkably fucktarded Con stunts:

Last month, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) announced that she would be blocking “the nomination of Office of Management and Budget [OMB] director Jack Lew until the Obama administration lifts its deepwater drilling moratorium,” singlehandedly hobbling the OMB. 
Today, the Obama administration announced that it will be ending its deepwater drilling moratorium. “The policy position that we are articulating today is that we are open for business,” Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told reporters at a news conference. Yet Landrieu said in a statement today that she still refuses to lift her hold on Lew’s nomination, and will continue to “evaluate if today’s lifting of the moratorium is actually putting people back to work” and “whether or not drilling activity in both shallow and deep water is resuming” over the next month before making a decision…

Even your average hostage taker is more reasonable than these shit-for-brains wanna-be Cons.

So, my dear Louisiana voters, if you elect to send Landrieu into an early retirement, you have my blessing.  It’s just too bad she won’t end up on unemployment with no prospect of a job, her benefits set to expire because shit-for-brains supposed Senators can’t see their way clear to extending them, living in a box on an oil-slicked beach, watching as the oil companies collect their subsidies, fuck over our environment, and laugh all the way to the bank.  Seeing her kicked out of office shall have to suffice.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

New Geology Coming Soon

Just got done putting over 200 miles on the car and a few miles on the legs.  After I’ve had a good sleep, I shall tell thee all about it.  In the meantime, here’s a photo from today’s outing:

And, while we’re at it, and because the cat doesn’t believe it’s bedtime yet, here’s a sneak peek at what I’ve got planned for ye:

There.  Now aren’t you glad I abandoned you with a very silly pre-loaded post instead of staying home today?  ;-)

New Geology Coming Soon