Cryptopod: Streamlined

Let’s take a break from books and other holiday booty, and have a cryptopod then, shall we? I’ve got a streamlined little lovely from back at the old place for ye.

Image shows the profile of a small, narrow moth with dark wings and an off-white cowl. It's very pointy in front. Three little feet are visible beneath it.
Cryptopod I

It visited us in early spring, although it looked a bit like it was dressed for winter. Doesn’t it look like it’s wearing a parka?

Image shows the back of th emoth. It's increasingly salt n pepper from its head, until it's hind wings are a dark brown with only a little cream color salted in.
Cryptopod II

What really fascinated me about it was how streamlined it is. From the side, it has an extremely narrow profile, and looks like it could rocket through the air.

Image shows the moth from the side in a close up. It's very pointy at the front and back.
Cryptopod III

Also, it was super-tiny. Here is my index fingernail for scale.

Image shows my finger next to the moth. It's about the size of my index fingernail, just over half an inch long.
Cryptopod IV

As you can see, it was also very accommodating about the whole being photographed thing. That moth actually lingered there for days. It didn’t matter how hard the cabinet door banged. It didn’t care in the least how close I got with the camera. It had found a spot it liked, and it was happy to remain there.

I’d love to know what our little buddy was. Hopefully it had a most excellent summer.

Cryptopod: Streamlined

5 thoughts on “Cryptopod: Streamlined

  1. 2

    Yup, that’s what I was going to say. I used think they were called “millers” because the “milled” about the porch light, but it’s actually because they’re dusty.

  2. 4

    It gets worse. I read naval historical fiction from the era of 200-250 years ago. Midshipmen in the Royal Navy were known for catching and eating “millers”. Which are rats, that have been into the flour supplies and are dusty.

  3. 5

    Cool. I’ve seen little moths like these often, but never really paid attention. They are beautiful in those closeup photos. Thanks for highlighting them.

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