The Digital Cuttlefish in Print!

Gah, I missed this!

That’s right; with heart in throat, I am announcing the dead-trees version of
The Digital Cuttlefish, Vol. 1, available for purchase at Over a hundred verses, representing (more or less) the first year of… whatever it is that I do. Just in time for Cephalopodmas, Squidmas, Christma-Hanu-Rama-Ka-Dona-Kwaanza, or maybe somebody’s birthday.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Too awesome! And with a cover designed by Blake Stacey, too!

I wish I’d caught this when it was first released – I know what I’d be reading this fine snowy evening. Ah, well. Winter ain’t hardly over yet – still plenty of time to pick up a copy, make a mug of cocoa (with marshmallows – there’s no other kind), and cuddle up with a volume of Cuttlefish and a cat.

Ah, contentment.

The Digital Cuttlefish in Print!