Headline Muse, 10/21

It’s not that they think she’s a ditz
And their hearts are not soon to be Mitt’s
But to have her ignore
Her professional corps?
Bachmann’s Granite State team calls it quits!

Headline: Bachmann staff in New Hampshire quits

When a ship is sinking, the rats are the first to leave.

Don’t worry, Michele; Fox News loves telegenic losers! Don’t think of today as the harbinger of doom; that’s not a death knell, that’s a very slow “ka-ching!”.

Back Of The Bus Again, Rosa

When she boarded the One-Ten in Brooklyn
And sat in her seat at the front
The men who were seated around her
Had a message, unwelcome and blunt:

Don’t ask, just move to the rear now
The answer is “God made the rule”
You have to respect our religion
You ignorant, secular fool

It’s Orthodox rules that apply here
So move to the back of the bus
If you think that it’s just segregation
Then it’s clear that you’re not one of us

So it’s “back of the bus, again, Rosa”
Though it’s not cos we’re white and you’re black
It’s not racism, no—it’s religion
But you still gotta sit in the back.

Context and rant, after the jump:
Women are required to ride in the back of the Boropark-Williamsburg bus.

The B110 bus travels between Williamsburg and Borough Park in Brooklyn. It is open to the public, and has a route number and tall blue bus stop signs like any other city bus. But the B110 operates according to its own distinct rules. The bus line is run by a private company and serves the Hasidic communities of the two neighborhoods. To avoid physical contact between members of opposite sexes that is prohibited by Hasidic tradition, men sit in the front of the bus and women sit in the back.

It is entirely possible that goyim will prefer not to ride that bus, and the passengers can voluntarily follow what rules they wish. But in New York City, God doesn’t make the laws.

Ross Sandler, a professor at New York Law School and editor of the CityLaw newsletter, said that anti-discrimination laws apply to bus franchises, but that religious groups are sometimes granted exceptions. “Do all these laws apply? Yes, they apply to buses that are franchises,” Sandler said. “The question is whether there is an exception for this particular bus line.”

The Transportation Department said that the B110 had not been granted any exceptions to anti-discrimination laws.

Respect goes both ways. I can expect respect for my positions to the extent that I respect the positions of others, and within the confines of the law. I won’t demand that Orthodox women sit in front, nor that Orthodox men sit in back. But their rules are not mine; their god is not mine.

The Comments at this story are particularly interesting–from remarkably thoughtful to incredibly prejudiced. Sounds like New York City.

Fred Karger For President

Technically, Ron Paul was the first candidate to file for New Hampshire’s “first in the nation” primary (date, to be decided, after everybody else jostles for an early time. It might be next week.). But in the Granite State, Real Candidates file in person. And the first candidate to file in person was… *drum roll* …Fred Karger.

That’s right, Fred Karger. That Fred Karger. The one 99.99% of NH voters have never heard of. That’s one reason he’s getting the much sought-after Cuttlefish recommendation.

Lemme ‘splain. After the jump: [Read more…]

You’re A Grand Old Pin

You’re a grand old pin
You’re a star-spangled pin
And forever you’ve graced my lapel
You’re against the rules
But that’s for fools
My bosses can all go to hell
Call the Fox News Crew
For the Red, White, and Blue
Let the thumping of chests begin!
Should equal treatment be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old pin

You’re a grand old pin
You’re a patriot’s pin
And I wear you for others to see
Though the rule applies
To other guys
They’ll make an exception for me!
Sing it loud and true
It’s the Red White, and Blue!
Where majority view should win
Should equal treatment be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old pin

Context and rant, after the jump:

[Read more…]

Are Evangelicals Dangerous? A Response

Evangelicals can’t be a threat to science,
But merely to evolution
And they’re only a danger to secular views
Like the ones in the Constitution
Their values are different; I’ll give you that,
Like a focus on unborn life
And a view that the state has a right to define
Who may marry (a man and his wife)
They know the importance of spreading The Word
Which is why they want prayer kept in schools
Without it, the hallways are godless and ill
With just atheist, secular rules.

Are we dangerous? No, we’re as gentle as lambs!
All we want is the bible’s authority
It’s the least we can ask, though it’s always denied
We’re a picked-on and bullied majority

rant, after the jump:

[Read more…]

The Song Of The ‘Gelicals

Headline: Cain: I’ll challenge Perry for evangelical votes

‘Gelical votes come out to-night
‘Gelical votes from one and all:
The ‘Gelical polls closing tight—
‘Gelicals come to the Primary Ball.

‘Gelical votes are black and white,
‘Gelical votes are rather small
‘Gelical votes are not too bright,
And not very nice when they caterwaul.
‘Gelical votes have pious faces
‘Gelical votes have angry eyes;
They like to practise their airs and graces
And wait for the ‘Gelical Right to rise.

‘Gelical votes consider slowly
‘Gelical votes are not so big
‘Gelical votes are oh so holy
They think it’s a sin to gavotte or jig.
Until the ‘Gelical hope appears
They hear their sermons and take their notes
‘Gelicals watch and mind their fears
‘Gelicals pray between their votes

‘Gelical votes are white and black
‘Gelical votes think they’re moderate guys
‘Gelicals jump like they’re high on crack
‘Gelical votes have moonbat eyes
They’re quiet enough when they pose and smile
They’re quiet enough in a media search
Reserving their hatred, scorn, and bile
For sermons heard in the ‘Gelical church

‘Gelical votes are black and white,
‘Gelical votes (as I said) are small;
If by chance it’s a town hall meeting night
They will practise a caper or two in the hall.
If it happens the candidate’s not so bright
You would say they had nothing to do at all
They are resting, and moving the goals to the right
For the ‘Gelical hope, in the Primary Ball.

With sincere apologies to T. S. Eliot.

Headline Muse, 10/15

Herman Cain has a brilliant design
He’s condensed to a simple one line:
Will the GOP grow
From the party of “no!”
To the party of “Nein! Nein! Nein!”?

Headline: Once a long shot, Cain’s surge continues

Front-runners in this year’s GOP race have demonstrated a half-life measured in mere days. Will Cain be anything more than the current flavor of the week? It won’t be long before we know.

Wouldn’t it be a cool thing to live in the alternate universe where the more we knew about a candidate, the better we liked her/him?

Fox News Commenters Hate America

This isn’t religious, it’s merely tradition
I’m certain our case will be met with approval
A secular prayer—just a trivial thing—
So we’ll fight tooth and nail to prevent its removal

The prayer was a gift from a class in the sixties
Its place in tradition just can’t be denied
This isn’t religious! It’s all about freedom!
And we’ll fight, with our secular god on our side

For decades, the mural’s been there in the hallway
And no one—not one—had complained it’s religious
The taunting and threats that this Jessica’s getting?
It’s her fault alone, cos she’s so damned litigious

She’s out for attention! That’s all that this is!
The god-hating liberal, atheist slut!
We good Christian people should teach her a lesson
How sometimes it’s safer to keep your mouth shut.

How dare she insult us? How dare she mock God?
How dare she belittle the prayer in the hall?
How dare she believe that the law’s on her side—
Remember… this isn’t religious at all!

Angry rant, after the jump:
[Read more…]