Their Version

The EvolveFISH version of my sigil.

Nice. Better than nice–that’s beautiful–gorgeous. I love it. (Yes, as of this writing, the attribution is still wrong–the original is by Mike McRae, modified by me–Kris Ryan had nothing to do with it.) Now, as the cephalopod who holds the copyright, all I want to know is… Do I get a discount?

Hey! When you get yours and put it on your car/bike/computer/office door/refrigerator/pet/congressperson/olympic gold medal/Tour de France Yellow Jersey/post-it-note, send it here, and I’ll (unless you don’t want me to–please let me know) broadcast it to the world!

A Search Term Puzzle…

Today, I found a strange combination of search terms. I often do, to tell the truth. But this time, “Cuttlefish tattoo” made perfect sense. “Freethought blogs” as well, and of course “digital cuttlefish”. A bit less obvious, but still fine, were “let’s have a moment of silence” and “pun of the day“.

I won’t get into “do mermaids eat cheese?”. Frankly, it frightens me.


Two different searches (maybe the same person, but by the time I looked it was too late to trace), one for “dance naked at my funeral” (which I can understand), and the other “dance naked at my funeral author”… which is another thing entirely. Is my funerary verse out there somewhere? (duh–of course I looked, but found nothing). If you are the searcher… what gives?

Seriously… who is looking for “dance naked at my funeral”?

Wanted: Strong Demand

Update: Here’s the link to the product page. (currently they have the image mis-attributed; Mike McRae is, of course, the designer of the Cuttlefish With Quill, and I modified it for the emblem myself.)

Ok, so yesterday’s “Prototype” post included the facetious note to the EvolveFish people that this is what they were missing.

The one thing I was not expecting was that they would read it and comment:

I think we can have a vinyl cutout version of this on by Wednesday noon. If there is strong demand, we can have an injection molded version in 5 weeks.

Shit just got real.

I know *I* want this to happen. If it does, of course, I expect my original (the Lassiter version) to be added to the Smithsonian collections… or something.

What all well-dressed cars will be wearing this season...

Headline Muse, 7/8

The range of his roles was far-flung
And he saw his accomplishments sung
Earnest Borgnine is dead,
And again, it is said,
Ninety-five’s altogether too young.

Headline: Oscar-winning actor Ernest Borgnine dead at 95

It’s strange–for me, he’s indelibly defined by McHale’s Navy, but his Oscar came a decade earlier. I heard an interview of his, on NPR a while ago, and was astonished at his career. Thinking back, of course, I had seen him in so many little roles–Gattaca, for instance–that I never really thought of him as a serious leading man. More the wrong am I. Time to watch some movies and educate myself.